Bizarre Terrors

Chapter 180: The scariest thing is... (1)


Everything... seems to be hidden in this mountain with overlapping peaks.

Run An and Ah Jing have been walking this difficult mountain road, looking for that place from the map drawn in Wen Zimei's notes.

The map was not drawn very clearly, but it was marked accurately.

This area is an undeveloped mountain area, completely far away from the city, and the trees seem to be very old, almost all of them are giant trees like the pillars of the sky.

The deeper you go, the more obvious the oppressive aura becomes.

"Really...can I find it? That person named Lu Xiaoming..." Run An also had a huge doubt in his heart.

However, she is currently the only hope.

The hope of avoiding the evil space curse.

At the same time, City G.


Ming Huarui pointed to Bo Shao who looked solemn in front of him, and said, "Mr. Sun, I respect that you are Mr. Yi's friend, so I came to see you... But you actually talked to me about the curse of the past and present, don't you think it's too much?" Is it absurd?"

"Oh?" Liuli on the side said very intriguingly: "Aren't you a reporter from a supernatural website? You don't believe in past lives?"

"That... that's two different things!"

After graduating from university, Ming Huarui started working on the Gate of Hades website. Although she has been exposed to many inexplicable and weird things, it is difficult for her to fully believe the ghosts and gods in her heart.

Contrary to her reaction, Li Hongming believed it completely.

"That is to say... in my previous life, I was a general who slaughtered countless cursed babies in that Luoying Pavilion? Then, that crown prince... will come to ask the seven of us for our lives?"

As a doctor, Fang Kai, after Bin Qiu's accident, always looked more mournful than heartbroken, and did not respond to everyone's discussion at all.

"The point now is..." Li Hongming suddenly asked Bo Shao a question: "Where is the reincarnation of Prince Huanzhen?"

Bo Shao shook his head and replied, "I don't know...but I can be sure that the six people here are the reincarnations of seven evil spirits..." Having said that, he looked around and sat on the sofa in the middle of the hall On, the pale chairman.

In the past, the reincarnation of the... tyrant who killed his own flesh and blood.

Chairman Sun Zhengyan finally understood why he was so afraid of Ren Senbo's purple pupils back then.

It was a symbol of his past sins.

He was scared... scared from the bottom of his soul.

Those are... the eyes of the prince, the eyes of every prince who was killed.

Here is a house that Sun Zhengyan temporarily bought in City G.

He knew that he might not be able to leave China alive.

The day before, he had made his will and his lawyer had returned abroad. The content of the will is that when he dies, all his property, including real estate, will be inherited by Run An and A Jing.

He originally thought that in this way, he could calmly face Lingxiu after death.

But it's not that simple after all.

After his death, can he still see Lingxiu

Lingxiu, will she really forgive herself

"Anyway... I don't believe it!" Ming Huarui shook his head violently, and said, "Don't come to me again from now on, I'll treat it as if I didn't come to see you!"

After finishing speaking, she rushed out the door. No one went to stop her.

"Life and death are ultimately up to others. Since she doesn't believe it, there's nothing she can do about it." Bo Shao shook his head with a sigh.

Liuli is the one who accepts her past life most naturally.

Even she herself was surprised.

In fact, she even suspected that she had revived some of her memories.

As a witch, Ying Feiyi's memory.

She is naturally also the object of the prince's hatred, there is no doubt about it. Although the self in the previous life was to follow the mother's will, it is an indisputable fact that he killed so many innocent babies.

At the same time, he was also an accomplice in killing the prince.

Prince, there is no reason to forgive yourself. Absolutely not.

"Then..." Finally, Sun Zhengyan raised his head and looked at the four people in front of him.

Bo Shao, Liu Li, Fang Kai and Li Hongming.

"You... can you all accept the crimes we committed in our previous lives?"

Except for Fang Kai, the other three nodded.

Sun Zhengyan looked at Fang Kai, who kept his head down and said nothing.

"Emperor Liang..."

For some reason, he originally planned to call him "Doctor Fang", but when the words came to his lips, he turned into "Doctor Liang"!

When Fang Kai heard these three words, Fang Kai suddenly jumped up, and immediately raised his head, and when he looked at Sun Zhengyan, he couldn't help but say: "Emperor... Your Majesty..."

Both Bo Shao and Liuli were shocked.

This scene is so similar to the previous situation of the two of them!

So... what does this mean

It took thousands of years for the innocent souls of the prince to find their reincarnation. Now, is it really hopeless

In the previous life, the blood eye scroll protected seven people from being killed by ghosts. Today, there is only one copy of this scroll.

However, now, there are five people.

At present, Bo Shao can only divide the scroll, and each of the five people will hold a copy. According to his memory of his previous life, it should be possible to do so.

However, after thousands of years, will the spirit of death be the same as before

No one is sure.

What's more, how can a person cursed by the ominous space escape from birth

Therefore, all hope is pinned on Run An and A Jing who went to find Lu Xiaoming.

The distribution of surrounding trees is no longer so tight.

In the center, a wide path began to emerge visibly.

There are no weeds on the path. It can be seen that it is a road that is often traveled by people.

Then, in front of Run An, a group of people began to walk past them.

Those people were all wearing white robes that completely wrapped their bodies tightly, and all of them wore masks on their faces.

That mask is too abnormal.

A big, blood-red eye was drawn on the mask.

There were about 20 or 30 people, all dressed in the exact same way, walking in front of Run An and Ah Jing.

Suddenly, among them, someone seemed to have discovered Run An and Ah Jing.

The leader stopped immediately, and the others also looked here.

"Are you a tourist?"

asked the leading masked man.

Run An simply took a step forward and said, "We... are here to see the leader of your church, Lu. My name is Yi Run An, and this lady... is the daughter of Mr. Ren Senbo, named Ren Jing. "

This remark immediately caused a great commotion.

These masked people immediately surrounded the two of them.

The leader slowly approached Run An.

Because of wearing a mask, Run An couldn't see the face of the other party. However, he could feel his hostility.

"Get out of here. Don't let us see you again!"

In Wen Zimei's notes, it was mentioned that if the other party didn't want them to meet Lu Xiaoming, they could propose Ren Senbo's name. However, the current situation is completely different from what was described in the notes.

Run An knew that it was impossible for him to go.

With the only hope of survival at hand, how could he leave? He will never leave without seeing Lu Xiaoming.

"Please help us inform Master Lu... We have something important to see her!" Run An knew that there was no other way but to bow his head.

The man in the mask said without emotion: "Leave! I don't want to say it again!"

"Get out of the way... moisten the darkness..."

Ah Jing suddenly walked up to Run An, looked at the masked person, and said, "Sure enough...the members of the Ghost Eye Sect are still the same as before, so rude..."

Then, she suddenly stretched out her right hand, and the masked man immediately became alert, but he froze immediately.

On the palm of Ah Jing's right hand, there was a small piece of green pill.

It looks like an ordinary cold medicine.

"Recognize it? This medicine... Of course, it is impossible for people from the Ghost Eye Sect to know about it. Let the leader come to see me."

Run An was also very surprised, what exactly was the pill Ah Jing took? Grass in the ominous space

"Sorry... Run An, this matter has been kept from you. All the medicines I make, whether it is chameleon potion or subspace potion...their materials are all plants grown under the influence of the evil space."

Run An's shock at the moment was even greater than that of the masked man.

"Ah Jing... you..."

"Father discovered it a long time ago. I have an inseparable connection with the fierce space. I have a deep relationship with that black door. However, it doesn't matter now. I just want to live with you... just For this!"

Speaking of this, Ah Jing's eyes were filled with crystal clear tears.

"Are you... willing to believe me?"

The masked man took the medicine and looked at it carefully, and finally he was sure.

"Not bad... you can't go wrong! You two... I'm sorry, please come with us, we will take you to see the leader!"

This mountain is where the main altar of Ghost Eye Sect is located.

This esoteric religion has been supported to this day because of the many celebrities as believers.

Ah Jing was about to follow the masked man when suddenly, Run An's hand held her tightly.

"Why do you ask such unnecessary questions... I have never doubted you. Ah Jing, as long as you are willing, I will listen to you tell me everything at the right time. "

Ah Jing couldn't help smiling.

"Sure enough... moisten the darkness, always moisten the darkness..."

Ming Huarui tapped the keyboard of the computer mechanically.

Bo Shao's words kept circling in her mind, unable to disappear for a long time.

She knew he was telling the truth.

He had no reason to know his dreams.

In her dream, she was indeed a concubine, and she did give birth to a healthy boy.

the most important is…

The imperial physician who was in charge of diagnosing her pulse was indeed very similar to Fang Kai.

There is no reason for so many coincidences.

Will she die? Will you die

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew in from outside the bed, and the documents on the table fell to the ground.

Ming Huarui looked around, but found...

There was no one in the office.

Where has everyone gone

She looked at the clock, and it was indeed lunch break time.

She put down her work and planned to go to dinner.

However, the door of the office was slammed shut by that weird wind!

Ming Huarui fell to the ground!

And... at the last moment the door closed...

Ming Huarui saw clearly...

A purple eye, watching her right from behind the door!