Bizarre Terrors

Chapter 182: The scariest thing is... (3)


"Go to... Ghost Water Island."

After Ming Huarui disappeared, Bo Shao made this decision immediately.

The Ghost Eye Curse... finally started to activate!

At this moment, in the villa that Sun Zhengyan bought temporarily, all the reincarnations of those who were regarded as "evil ghosts" by the prince in the past, sitting together, made the final decision in order to find a way to survive.

"Miss Ren Jing told me many things." Bo Shao took the trouble to explain to Fang Kai and Li Hongming over and over again: "You may not be able to understand it yet. However, how terrifying and terrifying is this chain of curses that started thousands of years ago. Desperate. As long as you are cursed, there is no way to escape and escape. In the end, you can only passively wait for death."

Li Hongming wanted to say something, but Bo Shao stopped him, saying: "Of course...we can't be too pessimistic. At least, now we know that the person named 'Lu Xiaoming' holds the secret of the fierce space. She She is the current leader of the Ghost Eye Sect. I don’t have much information about her, because this secret sect has too many unknown secrets... "

Then, he began to explain "Ghost Water Island".

"Ghost Water Island was bought by me three years ago. At that time, when I was investigating the matter related to Ms. Ren Jing, I learned that the island was the closest place to the evil space in the legend of the Ghost Eye Cult. It was avoided by the church. The island originally belonged to a certain real estate company and was located in the coastal waters of City A. The island was extremely barren, with no grass growing. Later, in order to be able to consider living there in the future, under the direction of the chairman, I was on that island. A villa has been built on the island. Now, we are going there... There should have been some changes in the ominous space... "

When he said these words, Bo Shao tightly held the slightly hot fragment of the blood-eye scroll in his hand...

Run An woke up.

He was lying on a soft and comfortable bed. From the surroundings, it looked like a room in an ordinary residential house. The furnishings were very simple, just some basic furniture, and there was not even a computer on the table.

"Ah Jing...Ah Jing!"

Run An quickly stood up, ran out of the room, and looked for Ah Jing everywhere.

It really seemed like a normal dwelling, it looked like a cheap rental in an apartment.

The house was cleaned relatively neatly, but there were too few furniture, and the door leading to the outside was locked. And nowhere was there a window in sight.

He only remembered that before he fell into a coma, he was pulled in by a hand stretched out from the gate of evil.

So... Could it be...

Is this the fierce space

He immediately took out his mobile phone and called Runli.

The phone was actually connected, which was very similar to the situation of the staircase curse in the past.

"Hey... hello... Runli? Tell me, what happened this week?"

"Brother?" As soon as Run Li heard Run An's voice, she immediately said excitedly: "You... how are you now? Have you found the leader Lu Xiaoming?"

"Listen well..." Run An squeezed his temples, and said, "Run Li, tell me first, how long has it been since Ah Jing and I left that day?"

"It's been... four days."

four days...

"Did someone... die?"

"Hmm..." Runli informed Ming Huarui of his disappearance.

Run An nodded, he recalled that Ah Jing's body had changed into the door of the fierce space, Run An was still heartbroken.

Must... save her, save Ah Jing!

"Run Li, listen carefully to what I'm going to say next, and tell Bo Shao everything. I guess he hasn't found out the relationship between Ah Jing and the Ghost Eye Sect...A Jing, she is actually..."

When Run Li listened to Run An's description of what happened, she was terrified and could hardly believe it. And when she heard Run An say that he is now in the fierce space, she immediately screamed: "Brother! now..."

"That's all I want to say... don't worry about me. I have a lot of potions made by Ah Jing on me, don't be afraid... I, I won't be afraid anymore... Follow Bo Shao and the others, I, will definitely come back! I love you, Runli! Goodbye!"

After finishing speaking, Run An hung up the phone.

He knew that Ah Jing's intention of sending him here was to let him find out the truth about the evil space curse.

In any case, her wish is to "live with Run An".

At this time, the door to the outside suddenly opened.

Run An nervously looked out the door.

There is also a room connected to the outside.

When I walked in, I saw that it was still a simple and elegant room with few furnishings.

Again, no windows, no light. But the strange thing is that Run An can see all this clearly.

In this unknown space, there are still many mysteries waiting for him to explore.

Here... there must be the source of all curses!

Then, there must be a way to lift the curse! Run An swore in his heart that he would see Ah Jing again, no matter how much hardship and danger it would take, and how much terror he would face.

If human fear creates a sinister space, then only human courage can end it, right

Run An firmly believed.

Thinking of this, he resolutely took steps towards the unknown front...

Xiao Xia knew that today was the day of his death.

Even though that sounds absurd, it is true.

At this moment, he was still staring at the mirror in front of him.

In the mirror, his face was the same as before, but even thinner.

My mother was busy with work and didn't notice much of his changes. However, Xiaoya has been watching her all the time.

The Necromancer has announced his prophecy.

He bowed his head deeply.

"I'm sorry... Brother Emperor... it's my fault..."

He has completely recovered the memory of his previous life.

However, life cannot be repeated, let alone a previous life.

How much sorrow can be relieved by such a confession? Xiao Xia didn't want to die, but there was no other way.

After dinner, mother settled accounts in front of the computer, while Xiaoya was doing homework. As for him, stare in the mirror all the time.

Xiao Xia raised her head again.

Just then...

In the mirror, a change finally appeared...

The mirror was facing the door of his bedroom, reflecting a terrifying scene.

A pair of festering hands grabbed Xiaoxia's mother's feet and slowly dragged her out of the bedroom. As for Xiaoxia's mother, Fan Yin, her body fell on the ground, and her face was covered with bloodstains at the mercy of her hands. But the owner of those hands was completely hidden outside the door.

Xiao Xia quickly turned her head.


At the door of the bedroom, everything is as usual.

And when he turned his head back to the mirror again...

In the mirror, a face full of red abscesses and an abnormally protruding left eye was firmly pressed against the other side of the mirror.

In front of him, the dark purple pupils stared straight at Xiao Xia, and then, in the mirror, he opened his mouth with no lips but white teeth!

A sharp scream that seemed to come from hell made Runli who lived next door frightened.

what's going on

I can't remember how many rooms I walked through.

Dozens... no, hundreds...

Inside the fierce space, there are only infinite rooms. Those rooms are all connected together. Every door is…

And Run An also began to notice something.

Every room has a clock.

A clock whose hands are completely stopped and does not move at all.

What exactly does Ah Jing want to let herself find

Run An was staying in a certain room at the moment, staring at the clock in front of him.

Stare, stare.


He began to feel that the light in front of him began to weaken.

What is the significance of these rooms? And what is that stagnant clock...

Run An recalled Ah Jing's mother's words.

"Your curse can be escaped, and it cannot be escaped..."

What exactly does that mean

The clock in front of him always gave him a strange feeling.

As if in this space, there is no flow of time at all.

Just then...


Behind him, there was a clear sound of something being torn apart!

Run An bit her lips tightly, clenched her fists tightly, and said repeatedly in her heart: "Don't be afraid... don't be afraid..."

As if a large sheet of paper was torn, the sound echoed repeatedly.

Run An turned her head.


Runli came to the next door and rang the doorbell, and shouted: "What happened? Can I help? I live next door..."

Then, there was a piercing scream in the room.

"No... Xiao Xia! Xiao Xia!"

Then, the door opened.

Xiaoya immediately grabbed Runli's hand and cried, "Miss Yi, please come help... something happened to my brother, something happened to him!"

Runli turned pale with shock, and then, Xiaoya hurriedly dragged her into the house.

In Xiaoxia's bedroom.

what is that

Most of Xiao Xia's body has been swallowed by the mirror. Less than a third of the face remains outside the mirror. His mother, Fan Yinzheng, held his body firmly, trying to stop the mirror from sucking her son in.

In the mirror, only Xiao Xia's body outside the mirror is reflected, nothing else is abnormal.

After being stunned for a few seconds, Run Li immediately came to her senses, stepped forward to help hold Xiao Xia's feet together, and said, "Come on... you'll be fine!"

However, the power behind the mirror is too terrifying. Even Run Li, Fan Yin, and Xiao Ya's power can't pull him back.

"Break... break the mirror!" Runli suddenly had this idea, and looked around for tools that could be used to break the mirror.

"No... no!" Fan Yin cried and said, "Then, what will happen to Xiao Xia's head in the mirror..."

At this moment, Xiao Xia's right hand suddenly lifted slightly.

Then... His right index finger pointed to his sister, Xiaoya.

Then, his lips fluttered, and finally opened them barely, and spoke a word.

"'s her! She's just..."

As soon as the word "yes" was uttered, suddenly, the power in the mirror suddenly became stronger. In the end, Fan Yin and Run Li's hands grabbed the air at the same time, and Xiao Xia's body was just... dragged into the mirror !