Bizarre Terrors

Chapter 184: The scariest thing is... (5)


Xiaoming could only watch helplessly as the man in the black robe sank into her shadow.

This sudden change made her feel severe nausea.

After the black-robed man completely sank into her shadow, she suddenly felt something invaded her body.

Suddenly she could move.

Kneeling on the ground, stroking the shadow on the ground, Xiaoming was at a loss.

The candle fell to the ground and went out.

Everything... once again fell into a dark silence.

This is a large private yacht purchased by Bossau.

When Ghost Water Island was in sight, Bo Shao's nervousness almost reached its peak.

Finally... to face it directly.

And the fierce space...

On the deck, the sea breeze blows from time to time, making people feel a little cold.

"At that time, why did the prince become the spirit of death?"

Sun Zhengyan, Bo Shao, and Liuli stood on the deck of the yacht.

The memory of the previous life has been recovered seven or eighty-eight.

"Obviously... I had already shot him..." Sun Zhengyan raised his hand and stared at his palm. He could still recall the scene of killing the prince in his previous life.

"I'm's because of the prince's own obsession." Liuli looked at Sun Zhengyan and said, "The prince had already been invaded by a part of the fierce space, although I, who was Ying Feiyi in the previous life, managed to stop him from interacting with the fierce space." The complete fusion of the space, but, after all, this connection still came into being. The prince... If he... because of his strong obsession, after he died, he took the initiative to sign a contract with the fierce space... then... "

Sun Zhengyan lowered his head.

"Is it all... my fault? If I didn't commit that sin in my previous life..."

"Don't say that, Chairman." Bo Shao looked at the lonely old man and said, "The regrets of the previous life can no longer be made up for. The important thing is our present life. We can't just give up like that, we... haven't faced despair yet. situation."

Also, there is one more important thing.

"That Li Muxia...he is Huanzhen. This has been confirmed for sure, but what I care about," Liuli mentioned, "is what Runli said. Before he was pulled into the mirror, he pointed at his sister. Then What exactly do you mean?"

"Runli is also paying attention to this matter. Don't worry... People from Ghost Eye Sect are watching her now, and will report to us if there is any movement." Bo Shao touched his underwear again and said, " Moreover, with the subspace potion, it is very convenient to go back and forth between this island and City G. As long as you drop the potion on that island and travel between the two places, it can be done in an instant. In that way, if you encounter danger You can get away in time."

"But... is it reliable?" Sun Zhengyan asked with lingering fear: "Didn't the potion fail before you were in that hotel in T City? If this time..."

"Yes, there is also this possibility." Bo Shao nodded, but then he said, "But, there is no time to worry about these things now. Since no matter where you stay, you are bound to die, why not come here .The so-called tiger's lair, how can we catch tiger cubs. We... have no other choice."

A few hours ago, after Xiao Xia's curse came true, the Ghost Eye Sect immediately appeared in front of Bo Shao and the others, explaining the whole story. At the same time, he gave Boshao a letter written by Ah Jing himself, which was to be handed over to them.

In the letter, the date of death of each person who was reincarnated by the seven evil spirits was clearly stated.

Among them, it is also mentioned that she, Run An and Run Li will die the day after tomorrow.

Li Hongming, Fang Kai, and Sun Zhengyan will die tomorrow.

And Bo Shao, Liu Li, like Run An, all died the day after tomorrow.

Now, every second counts.

Guishui Island is the beginning of the connection between the ominous space and this human world. In the letter, Ah Jing mentioned her previous experience.

After Xiaoming was invaded by the man in black that day, he became strange.

Everyone in the village began to fear her.

She no longer helps her parents with farm work, but grows some strange plants in her backyard.

And those plants grow at an extremely terrifying speed, and it often only takes a few hours to take shape.

But the scariest thing was... the plants themselves!

None of them seem to be plants in the world!

Some plants will bloom countless flowers with human eyes; some plants will continuously emit blood-red smoke, and people who inhale the smoke will become violent and cruel; the most exaggerated is a plant that, when it blooms, will Countless human faces grew out, all of which were lifelike, indistinguishable from the faces of real people at all, and all of those faces were hideous, screaming and howling all day and all night, making one's heart tremble with fear.

In this way, Lu Xiaoming changed from a sunny and cheerful farm girl to a terrifying witch.

More and more people are afraid of those weird plants. The people in the village finally decided to forcibly destroy those plants and temporarily locked up Lu Xiaoming. Her parents were also very scared, but they couldn't help her.


Those who try to destroy plants in vain cannot succeed at all. Whether it is burned or the roots are dug up, those plants can either regenerate or grow back. Moreover, in the process of destroying the plants, many people were injured by those plants. Although no one died, dozens of people were seriously injured, and several of them almost fell into a state of madness.

And... everyone began to gradually discover...

Those plants actually began to spread crazily on the island.

In less than a month, just that kind of human face plant has bloomed in every corner of the island. No matter day or night, the whole island is filled with the crazy screams of those human faces, and the people in the village are exhausted. There is no way to destroy those plants.

Originally, the villagers even discussed killing Xiaoming, which might prevent the disaster from spreading. However, Xiaoming's parents are respected people in the village, and they kept begging. In the end, the village head proposed that if Xiaoming could find a way to destroy these plants and stop them from spreading, he would not be held accountable.

Xiaoming was released by the villagers and interrogated about the origin of those plants.

In fact, this is not the first time she has been asked this question. But she said every time that she found out that she had planted those plants before she came back to her senses. As for the source of the plant's seeds and how to destroy the plant, she simply didn't know anything.

No matter how pressed she was, her answer was the same as before. In the end, the villagers even came up with the idea of punishing her. After all, this island is a place where the clansmen live and work in peace, and they don't want to go back to that hell-like Central Plains.

In the end, Xiaoming proposed that she should conduct research on those plants, and within a week, she would definitely give everyone a clear answer.

Under such circumstances, everyone really had no choice but to agree.

So Xiaoming started to collect the fruits of those plants. The strange thing is that those plants will never harm her. She collects the fruit very smoothly every time, and even breaks off the human face on the human face plant and takes it home for research. The villagers waited outside her house day and night, expecting her to get the result soon.

At that time, there was no concept of biology at all. Although Xiaoming knew some knowledge about crops because she was born in a farming family, she was completely confused about these strange-shaped plants.

However, when it came into contact with the fruit, the situation began to change.

In her own room, Xiaoming began to analyze the fruit very smoothly, and extracted many materials from it. Some are red powder, and some are white soup. She kept those materials and carried out various experiments one after another.


She created the first drug.

That is the "subspace potion".

Ah Jing gradually made the current potion based on her vague memories of her previous life.

After that, she also made chameleon liquid, hypnotic potion, etc. one by one.

And Ah Jing remembered that in her previous life, she created countless potions. Of course, part of the current potion is the product of Nuosolan Company's improvement, and I have also carried out further transformation in this world through modern biological and chemical knowledge.

But neither the chameleon liquid nor the subspace potion were too scary drugs.

In fact, in my previous life, I also created some very terrifying drugs that have been banned by Ah Jing. Among them, Rotten Powder is the only exception, because she thinks it may be useful in the future.

She only remembers... She in her previous life seemed to be manipulated by something else. Take these potions and start experimenting on the villagers.

In the end, only half a month later...

In Guishui Island, there are no living creatures except Xiaoming.

When she woke up, she was already standing among a large pile of corpses.

Those plants were still spreading and growing wildly on this island, and Xiao Ming became more and more afraid.

If this continues, what will it look like

She didn't know it herself.

Finally, she couldn't bear all this anymore, she used subspace potion, and fled to the Central Plains.

The characteristic of this potion is that if the potion is not dripped in another place, the place where it will arrive is completely random and unpredictable.

And where Lu Xiaoming came...

It was the country of the South that caused all the disasters.

She did not expect that the Tang Dynasty had perished. The southern area is relatively stable.

How should I live

Xiaoming was in great pain, she could no longer control herself. Inside, it was as if a demon was hiding.

With her hands, she can create all kinds of alien plants that bring the world into terror, and kill others easily.

Even his biological parents died in his own hands.

At that time, she decided to seal her abilities.

But is it really that simple

After settling down in the capital of this country, Xiaoming would often unknowingly plant those strange-shaped plants everywhere. And that plant tends to spread rapidly.

If left alone, those plants alone would be enough to destroy a country.

Xiaoming is convinced of this.

But what to do

The crazy breeding of alien plants in the capital quickly attracted the attention of the capital. And Xiaoming, the culprit, was imprisoned in the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice. At the same time, all the medicines in her body were confiscated and handed over to the palace for research.

Then, those plants began to drive the people in the capital crazy, and many people began to die one after another. Those plants can kill people invisible.

Xiaoming became an out-and-out witch.

Originally, she thought that she was doomed. The Ministry of Criminal Justice will definitely sentence her to death.


The reality is quite the opposite.

that day...

Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment actually came to the prison with the emperor's imperial decree and asked her to accept the decree.

That was not an imperial edict to kill her, on the contrary, it was canonizing her as a national maiden, which is a special duty, and her job is...

Continue to study those plants to become the military force of this country.

Although the southern area is now becoming more stable, the north is always in chaos. After the fall of the Tang Dynasty, various separatist forces fought in chaos, and China fell into the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period of great division.

And is it possible for any emperor to turn a blind eye to Lu Xiaoming, a talent who can create murderous weapons? As long as it can be used well, it may be possible to expand the territory of the country in the future, and even replace the Tang Dynasty to unify China. It is by no means impossible.

Even, in order to win over her, the emperor personally bestowed a marriage on her to a young and promising official in the court, and that official was named Ying Shilong.

Xiaoming knew that she had no possibility of resisting the decree.

Ying Shilong is the emperor's most trusted courtier, the intention of this marriage couldn't be more obvious.

In this way, Xiaoming changed from a witch who destroyed her birth village to a witch of this country. Moreover, married into an official family.

Later, after a certain period of research, the growth of the alien plants was finally controlled. Later, Xiaoming was also ordered to cooperate with the people from the Ministry of War to study the materials extracted from the plants and the various potions made.

Among them, there are even potions that can cause damage to spirit bodies to a certain extent. Back then, when Fei Yi shot an arrow at the black robe who was about to merge with the prince, the arrow was smeared with that potion. It is very similar to the potion that Ah Jing first made to harm the ghost body in this world, but the basic composition is still a little different. After all, it is made of materials that have been preserved to modern times through the Ghost Eye Sect. The effect is completely different from that of thousands of years ago, and it still uses Ah Jing's blood as part of the formula.

What happened after becoming a witch was described in detail in Ah Jing's letter.

One day, when the emperor came to the Ministry of War to inspect the progress of the research, Xiaoming pointed out to him the danger of continuing the research.

"I... hope the study can be terminated."

At that time, Xiaoming put forward her idea directly in front of the emperor.

At that time, the emperor was almost furious and said to her: "What! I canonized you as a witch and betrothed you to Sloan, so that you can dedicate your talents to my future dominance! The cost of research has always been paid by the national treasury. burden, I have even considered raising taxes for this reason, and now you actually say that you want to terminate the research?"

"Please listen to me, Your Majesty..." Xiaoming replied: "This power... used to make me lose myself, destroy my village, and even kill my parents. I have always feared and hated myself, so, I know ... How evil this power is. At that time, in that cave, the black-robed man who merged into my shadow was absolutely the key to everything... "

"What on earth do you want to say!" The emperor was already extremely impatient at this moment.

Xiaoming brought up her concerns and fears.

"After more than a year of research, I have begun to discover some things. Whether it is the cultivation of these plants or the extraction of fruits to refine medicines, I can strongly feel a malicious invasion. That is definitely not this world The power that should exist comes from the evil will of a ferocious world! Let’s put it this way, Your Majesty... I think there are other worlds that exist besides our world. However, how do different worlds produce mutual influence? What about interference? In that case, there must be a medium of connection. I think... these alien plants are a medium that gradually brings the connection between the two worlds closer."

"Medium? Another world?" The emperor frowned and said, "I don't deny that these alien plants do not seem to belong to this world, but... so what? What's wrong with using the power of another world?"

"Your Majesty... If you continue to plant these alien plants and expand the influence of this dark force in this world, in the end, a stable passage may be created between the two worlds. And how terrifying and terrifying these plants are, Your Majesty I also know it. That power is destined to cause disasters in this world. If I continue to study... I am worried that the terrifying power of that unknown world will be summoned to this world... "