Bizarre Terrors

Chapter 186: The scariest thing is... (7)


Xiaoming suddenly opened his eyes.

She rolled up the scroll.

Definitely not the husband coming back. He couldn't have knocked the door open so hard.

Outside the locked gate, she vaguely saw a black figure approaching...

Xiaoming reached into his clothes and touched the small bottle containing the subspace potion. But when he touched it, his heart suddenly became cold.

The vial is gone!

How can it be!

She put the bottle next to her body, but she couldn't find it! However, before she had time to react, the black shadow had already walked to the door and began to push the door open.

Because the door was locked, the shadow did not push it open.

Xiaoming turned her head to look at the window, but when she saw it, she took a deep breath.

The windows... disappeared too!

Such a strange phenomenon has never happened before!

The black shadow continued to knock on the door.

Xiaoming's tears kept falling down. She began to understand what she was facing.

"Enough... Enough... Please let me go... Why... Why do you have to choose me..."

Xiaoming fell to the ground, fear and powerlessness had completely swallowed her up.

"I see... I, I won't terminate the research, so... don't come to me!"

After this sentence was finished, the knocking on the door stopped.

Xiao Ming raised his head.

Outside the door... the black shadow has disappeared.

Finally, Bo Shao and his party arrived at the villa.

It was still a while before midnight. We must find a way to enter the fierce space before tomorrow.

"According to Ah Jing's letter, we must find the original cave." The three skeletons he saw before did not affect Bo Shao's mood too much. He said to the three who were about to be cursed: "The three of you are the most Dangerous, staying in this villa is the best. The structure of this villa is constructed with reference to the advice of a top-notch Feng Shui master in China. It should have a certain effect in seeking good fortune and avoiding evil. Find that cave."

This is indeed the best arrangement so far.

"As for the room, you, the chairman, will allocate it. We will set off after dinner. There is no mobile phone signal on this island, so use subspace potion to find us when the time comes."

As long as it is the same bottle of potion, drop it in two places respectively, and the space can be connected.

Bo Shao's idea is that with this bottle of potion, maybe, he can enter the evil space.

Runli was looking at the dark night outside at this moment, but she couldn't muster up her courage.

Especially the three skeletons under the mound just now made her even more afraid of this weird island.

After putting on his coat and holding a flashlight, Bo Shao left the villa with Liuli and Runli.

Ah Jing did not describe the location of the cave in detail in the letter. After all, it is the memory of the previous life, so it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no mistakes.

Along the way, the three of them were silent.

Will you die

will we die

And Runli kept paying attention to the direction where the three skeletons were found in the distance.

But if she goes there now, she'll find...

Under that mound, it was already empty.

On the way to find the cave, the ground became more and more muddy. And the further he walked, all the memories from thousands of years ago began to churn in Bo Shao's mind.

Killed the prince's memory.

He looked at the dark sky alone.

In the sky, almost no starlight can be seen.

"Are you scared?"

Liuli suddenly asked: "You, afraid of the prince, revenge for the crimes committed by you in the previous life..."

"So, what about you? Are you afraid?"

Liuli looked at Runli beside her, raised her head, and said, "It's useless to be afraid. The more you fear, the more you can't escape the curse of the fierce space. I understand this very well."

"Back then, my mother instructed me to prevent the birth of the Necromancer, but I failed to fulfill it. Now, I must make up for this mistake. For thousands of years, tens of millions of people have fallen into inescapable terror because of this curse... "

She clenched her fists and made up her mind.

She said in her heart: "This time... let us live together!"

Fang Kai stayed in his room, staring at the wall in a daze.

My mind is full of Bin Qiu.

She was killed by the fierce space. And now, it is difficult to save his own life.

In his previous life, as an imperial physician, he slaughtered many babies.

Is this retribution

He suddenly felt a severe pain in his head as if it was split open. Under the mound before, the images of the three skeletons could not be waved away.

This island... is the closest to that space...

At this moment, a smell of soil suddenly came into his nose, and a vision appeared before his eyes.

Two pale little hands were propped on the ground, and the eyes were so close to the soil.

Head up.

what he saw was...

Outside the two-story villa.

It crawls here quickly.

Fang Kai got up from the bed in horror, the reality of this image made it difficult for him to convince himself that it was all an illusion.

He put on his clothes and picked up the flashlight. Decided to go outside and prove that the image was not real.

He walked towards the door of the room...

An hour later, Li Hongming and Sun Zhengyan discovered that Fang Kai had left the villa.


The date of death is tomorrow! But Fang Kai disappeared without a trace.

The two kept searching in the villa, but they couldn't see him. This sent them into a panic.

"Aren't you going to find Doctor Fang outside?" Li Hongming immediately proposed this suggestion. This island is not big, so it should be no problem to search it once.

Sun Zhengyan looked at his watch. There are still two hours until midnight. On this island, only this villa is relatively safe, which was specially instructed by Bo Shao.

"It's impossible to go out and look for him now... the date of death is getting closer..." Sun Zhengyan thought for a while, and said, "the date of death has not yet arrived, so he must be fine. He has a subspace potion on him, something happened If you can escape back immediately. Probably, you want to follow Bo Shao and the others to find that cave. It would be dangerous for us to leave here."

A strange and strange wind began to sweep across the ghost water island.

"found it… "

Bo Shao, Liuli and Runli finally discovered the entrance of that cave at this moment.

When entering this cave, the three of them did not feel a strong sense of uneasiness. The cave is not particularly dark, and with the flashlight, the three of them are not very scared.

However, the deeper you go, the less light there is.

Bo Shao raised his watch... There is less than half an hour left...

"This hole looks really deep..." Liuli reckoned that they had walked several kilometers, but they still hadn't reached the end. The further you go, the narrower the cave becomes.

Just then...

There is a fork in front of you.

One to the left and one to the right.

"What... what should we do? Split up?"

Bo Shao looked at Liuli and Runli, and asked for their opinions.

"How about... Runli, follow Liuli, go to the left with her, and I will go to the right." Bo Shao knew that Runli was timid, and it would be better to let Liuli accompany her.

"'s okay." Runli said uncharacteristically, "I'll walk to the left alone."

She knew... the more frightened she was, the more unable to escape the curse.

Bo Shao looked at his watch again and said, "It's almost here... right here." Then, he took out a small bottle from his body, sprinkled the subspace potion on the ground, and formed a circle big enough for three people to pass through. .

Sun Zhengyan and Li Hongming are now staying in the hall on the second floor in fear.

The strong wind shook the glass and made loud noises. While the two were in a panic, the lights flickered on and off.

Immediately afterwards, the glass shattered, and the lights in the room were completely extinguished!

"Stop... power failure?" Sun Zhengyan couldn't help asking in surprise: "Didn't you check the circuit beforehand, so it's safe?"

Li Hongming gritted his teeth, and said to Sun Zhengyan: "Sun... Chairman Sun, let's go... get out of here! Use subspace potion!"

"Okay... ok!"

Sun Zhengyan thought of this, and immediately reached into his underwear pocket to touch the bottle containing the medicine.

But... this touch...

"No... not anymore?"

It was exactly the same as what happened to Xiao Ming thousands of years ago.

Finally, the clock struck midnight.

Then, including Runli, a terrifying scene appeared in front of the eyes of all the people on the island at this time.

That's... Fang Kai's face!

In the illusion, Fang Kai's face was so close that it could almost touch everyone's cheeks.

A black nail passed through the top of his head and protruded from his chin.

His eyes have been completely rolled white.

Runli immediately fell to the ground.

She knew it was past midnight, but...

The picture of Fang Kai's death actually appeared in front of him!

Then, the blurred image disappeared.

She struggled to stand up, trying to hold onto the rock wall next to her, but what she touched was...

So soft to the touch... like a bed sheet!

She looked at the surrounding environment in horror, and then, she found a person standing in front of her.

Here, is a dark room. But she can vaguely distinguish the food around her.

And that person, she quickly saw clearly.

It turned out to be an unusually familiar face.

"Run, Runli..."

"elder brother!"