Bizarre Terrors

Chapter 189: The scariest thing is... (10)


In an instant, thousands of years ago, the memory of the previous life flashed in his mind again.

That day, the emperor shot an arrow into the prince's head. Then, he left the secret room.

a long time. Shaoqing's hand reached out to the prince.

"Your Highness..."

The arrow stuck in the crown prince's forehead seemed to have shot into Shaoqing's heart. The curse he gave to the prince before he died made him unforgettable.

"Am... am I an evil spirit?" Shaoqing repeated what the prince had just said to himself, and suddenly burst into wild laughter.

Evil spirits... are evil spirits...

He saw the image of the ghost behind the emperor just now.

Even with the protection of the blood eye scroll, even if it can prevent the world from being invaded by the evil space, the fact that Shaoqing killed his best friend and this person who trusted him so much will not change.

will not change…

Just like, the self in this life has no way to return to the previous life...

And just then...

The sound of the door creaking open made Bo Shao's heart tremble suddenly, as if the world had fallen into a static state. And then, in front of my eyes, those pale hands were crawling on the ground, moving towards the stairs quickly...

it's coming up...

It's coming up!

Bo Shao's hands began to tremble.

Just like that time...

"Shao... Shaoqing..."

At that time, the prince did not die!

Even though an arrow had been inserted into his head, he was still alive!

"Save... save me... please..." the prince said dying, "I... I know, Lu... Lu Xiaoming witch has... a healing potion that can... save me, please..."

The prince's eyes were full of despair, but he still begged Shaoqing to let him go for the sake of their friendship.

"I… "

Shaoqing's hands trembled.

As long as he inserts the arrow a few more inches, he can kill the prince.

The spirit of retribution for death can only choose a living person as a host. As long as the spirit of death retribution does not appear, the only thing that can be affected by the ominous space is the Luoying Pavilion. At most, it will involve the surrounding areas of the imperial palace, and it will definitely not spread to the entire world.

The man who might become the Necromancer will disappear.

From now on, just continue to work in Luoying Pavilion. That way, the country, nay, the world can be saved. That's exactly what the witch Lu Xiaoming, whom he had admired since childhood, hoped for.

As long as Shaoqing stretches out his hand again, he can save the world.

"I… "

Those pale hands slowly crawled up the stairs.

Bo Shao opened the window and looked at the height. Say to the people behind: "There is no way... let's jump!"

At this moment, that hand had already reached the top step of the stairs.

There are only a few corridors away from the room they are in!

And that hand continued to crawl on the ground.

The height of the second floor, jumping down is impossible to die, of course you may be injured, but with Ah Jing's healing potion, there is no problem.

Healing Potions…

Thinking of these four words, his heart skipped a beat.

"Please... Shaoqing..."

The prince was still struggling desperately.

Shaoqing hesitated.

Because he is always under the threat of those ghosts, he does carry healing potions with him at all times. This kind of potion is the only one made by Lu Xiaoming for medical purposes. No matter how severe the injury is, as long as the blood loss does not reach the level of death, it can definitely be saved.

The arrow sealed the wound on the brain, and it is estimated that the arrow did not penetrate deep, so using the potion now may have saved the crown prince.

It's just that that would mean deceiving the king, and also... destroying the world.

It is an indisputable fact that Death Retribution has already chosen the prince. On that day, if Fei Yi took one step too late, the crown prince would have been a retribution for death.

Only by killing him can this country and this world be saved.

"We... are all guilty..." Shaoqing said coldly to Fei Yi who walked into the secret room at some point: "We are unforgivable..."

"No, that's not Master Shaoqing's fault..." Fei Yi shook her head and said, "This is a choice I had to make for the sake of the common people." But...


Shaoqing had already killed countless babies, and he did it with all his heart, never, never hesitated.

Only this person...

Only the prince...

He trusts himself so much, he has no faults, until now...

He saw the tears welling up in the prince's eyes...

He made a decision.

Shaoqing took out a small porcelain bottle from his chest and unscrewed the lid. Then, he took a step forward, grabbed the arrow, and pulled it out abruptly! Suddenly, a lot of blood was sprinkled on Shaoqing's face.

"Shaoqing... Shaoqing, what are you going to do!" Fei Yi seemed to have sensed something, and hurried over. However, there was a distance between her and Shaoqing.

Shaoqing poured the milky white liquid from the bottle onto his hand, and then wiped it on the wound on the crown prince's forehead that kept gushing blood.


Almost instantly, the wound disappeared without a trace.

The prince came alive.

Fei Yi ran up to Shaoqing, too surprised to speak.

He actually saved the prince!

What does this mean

Ah Jing already knew.

Sun Boshao was not one of the seven evil spirits.

His death was not because of the prince's curse, but because of the hatred of other strange babies for his killing, or because of the arrangement of the fierce space itself. In short, that has nothing to do with the prince's will.

The seven evil spirits are the Emperor, Liu Zhen, Fei Yi, Liu Li, Concubine Liu, and Huan Zhen, and the seventh person is...

Witch Lu Xiaoming, also known as Ah Jing!

Ah Jing, she is the one the prince hates the most among the seven evil spirits!

And the one who saw her, needless to ask, was naturally her biological father Ren Senbo's yin and yang ghost eyes.

The prince doesn't hate Bo Shao, because Bo Shao is his savior. She had a premonition that the keywords of Bo Shao's death were obviously different from those of others. The key word for the death of others is "retribution for death", while the key word for his death is "purple-eyed ghost baby".

What Bo Shao heard in the Crown Hotel before, the voice cursing him was not the prince, but those strange babies.

At this moment, Ah Jing's neck was tightly strangled, and a black shadow crouching on the ceiling put a black rope around her neck, and... hung Ah Jing up!

Ah Jing knew that the prince would choose to kill her in the end.

The origin of everything that killed her.

What he hates the most... Evil ghosts!

"Ah... Ah Jing!" Run An looked at Ah Jing who was hung from the ceiling, if this continues...she will die!

However, just as he was about to go to help, suddenly the door leading to the outside opened.

For the prince, restraining Ah Jing is the first priority. For other cursed people, just cast the curse on the date of death.

No matter what... Ah Jing... must die!

Although this ominous space rejects the existence of all living things, only the spirit of death must be a living life. Because only a living life can have human self-knowledge and the feeling of fear.

The dead ghosts either became part of the curse, or turned into wraiths purely due to evil thoughts. Without the concept of good and evil, without heart, naturally, there is no sense of fear.

The spirit of death, for the evil space, is the source of fear in the human heart, thus creating the source of various horrible curses. As long as the spirit of retribution exists and human beings will not die, this curse... will never cease.

Run An didn't look at the open door at all, but said to Run Li, "Run away, Run Li... I, I want to stay and save Ah Jing!"

If you don't live with Ah Jing, it's meaningless.

No more... fear!

The black figure on the ceiling groaned softly, while Ah Jing was still hanging. However, the black strip is actually not particularly tight. It's just that Ah Jing was restrained.

After all, her death date is tomorrow.

Runli also wanted to escape from this ghost's room immediately, but her brother and Ah Jing were both here!

"Run away!" Run An gritted his teeth, grabbed the chair, and threw it violently at the shadow on the ceiling!

The chair hit the shadow and fell to the ground.

"No... no... Run..." Ah Jing desperately wanted to speak, but once she spoke, her neck would be strangled.

She could feel that Prince Huanyuan, Prince Huanyuan, who was holding the ghost blade, was getting closer and closer! At most, there are only about ten rooms away!

Once encountering the spirit of retribution, in this ominous space, you will only be slaughtered by others!

At the same time, she conveyed to Liuli in her heart, planting human-faced plants, connecting different dimensions, and...the method of destroying it!

In any case, it is impossible for the prince to go to Guishui Island to kill those people.

Just go there... Send the prince to another dimension, and you can cut off his connection with the evil space!

Run An was about to continue throwing furniture, when suddenly his whole body was firmly pressed against the wall.

Then, he was horrified to see that there was a deformed baby on each of his hands and feet, ignoring gravity and sticking to the wall, holding... a black nail in his hand!

Before they had time to react, those strange babies nailed the black nails... onto Run An's hands and feet!

Huan Yuan, who will repay Ling Huanyuan with death, is about to arrive in this room!

Shaoqing looked at the prince in disbelief.

He actually... healed him, this one who was bestowed with death by the emperor will become a retribution for death and destroy the existence of the world!

But... this short period of astonishment...

A black sleeve appeared on each of the prince's left and right waists.

Then, before his eyes, the whole body of the prince was suddenly dragged into his brocade robe!

In the secret room, Shaoqing and Fei Yi just watched in disbelief, seeing the empty brocade robe in front of them.

The Retribution of Death was born at that moment...