Bizarre Terrors

Chapter 191: The scariest thing is... (12)


The hour of dawn has come.

When the darkness was finally dispelled by the newborn sun, the dawn that emerged from the horizon gave Bo Shao more or less courage.

Liuli, who was nestled in his arms, was still asleep at this moment.

The seeds that were planted did not show any signs of growth yet. However, this is also a matter of course.

Bo Shao no longer has the scroll of blood eyes. In other words, he has lost the basis of his existence, and when midnight arrives tonight, his death will become an irreversible destiny.

If... Liuli's plan fails...

He lowered his head and looked at Liuli's peaceful sleeping face.

Why... is fate so cruel

In his previous life, he admired the witch Lu Xiaoming, and hoped to become an important minister in the court in the future, and serve the emperor together with the witch. His grandfather's generation was all farmers. At the end of the Tang Dynasty, he was oppressed by the court and had to participate in the peasant uprising. After several twists and turns, his father became a subordinate trusted by the late emperor and laid a certain foundation for the establishment of this country in the south.

In today's divided world, there can be no absolute stability anywhere. Although the ten southern countries are currently stable, the separatist regimes in the north are still in a state of melee. Therefore, when Shaoqing knew that the emperor wanted to use the power of Lu Xiaoming's witch to dominate the world, he felt very excited. He hopes that in the future, his descendants can also live in a peaceful and comfortable era without wars. The root of national chaos lies in division, and only reunification can end all wars.

Originally, his wish was to become a soldier and lead the armed forces. But his father didn't allow it, because he was the only son of the Yi family's three generations. No one knows that one day the flames of war will spread to the south. At that time, if troops are sent to fight, once he dies on the battlefield, the Yi family will lose their incense.

He had no choice but to turn to prepare for the imperial examination. But at this time, an amazing news came.

Not long after the prince ascended the throne as the emperor, the witch Lu Xiaoming proposed to resign as a witch.

The news shocked the whole country.

Miko has become the highest symbol of the country. In fact, many of the country's people migrated to the south because they could not bear the war in the north and came into exile here. However, the refugees could not get the land. In the feudal society where the land symbolized wealth, their lives still could not be improved. In addition, the late emperor raised taxes in order to support the research of witches, and the lives of the people were really miserable. They all increasingly hope that one day, the world can be unified again and end this war-torn era.

Shaoqing naturally couldn't believe it.

Miko is the future of this country, and if she is gone, then... what will be the future of this country

This country is far from the strongest among the regimes of the ten southern countries. Even in the history books of later generations, there is no clear record. Over the years, due to the migration of a large number of people from the Central Plains from the north to the south, all countries have developed very well. Among them, Wuyue, which has relatively strong Chinese power, has very developed agricultural technology, which is far above this country. This country has a small territory, extremely limited land, low production levels, and the national treasury has been in deficit all year round. If this continues to develop, this country will one day decline.

However, everyone knows that there is no single regime in China that has the ability to rule the world. Although the ten countries have developed in agriculture, the level of development is not seriously unbalanced. At the same time, the Khitan people in the north are also gradually rising, forming a force that cannot be ignored.

If you want to unify China, which is currently in a state of great division, unless you have an absolutely powerful national power like the Qin State in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods, otherwise, it will be like hitting a stone with an egg.

Just imagine, if those potions made of alien plants are put into the battlefield, take chameleon liquid as an example, who can fight with invisible soldiers? It is definitely an overwhelming victory on the battlefield. The same is true for warp space potions. With that potion, there will be no problem with marching or food. Even if the army or city is besieged, they can escape, and the healing potion can create brave soldiers who are not afraid of death.

If this research is applied to the military, it will only take a few years at most for this country to develop into a superpower, which will be more terrifying than the original Qin State. Ending this war-torn era is definitely not a dream!

At present, one problem that has not yet been widely used in the military is that there are great technical difficulties in mass production. Although plants can be grown in large quantities, if those plants themselves continue to spread and cannot be controlled, the country will be wiped out by them in turn. But if the quantity is controlled, the potion cannot be mass-produced. If it can only be used on a few people, it is impossible to create an army with absolute combat power.

The emperor was very angry at that time, but Lu Xiaoming's witch's will was extremely firm.

After Shaoqing became Minister of the Ministry of Justice, the first time he saw Feiyi was in Yizhuxuan.

"In any case... Miss Miko is our hope." At that time, Shaoqing said to their mother and daughter very resolutely: "Master Miko, you have to think carefully... If, you should know, if you are determined not to continue serving the country Effectiveness, the only way... is death. You should understand, right?"

At that time, Lu Xiaoming smiled faintly and said, "I... I was already a dead person. But... I'm just a living, walking dead."

At that time, Fei Yi also resolutely said to Shaoqing: "Master Shangshu... No matter what, mother will not accept the research of those plants anymore. No matter what..."

At that time, Shaoqing had not formally accepted the management of Luoying Pavilion. So he went up to the emperor, hoping to have a private talk with Fei Yi. Perhaps, she can be used as a breakthrough.

He sincerely hoped that Miko could become the country's hope again.

"Do you still remember what happened at that time?" Bo Shao still hugged Liuli tightly, and said to her: "I come to Yi Zhuxuan almost two or three times a week to persuade you to persuade your mother to become a witch again. Every time you This time, even though you rejected me, I couldn't read it. You have always been full of sad eyes, and I don't understand your real pain. Therefore, gradually, I become eager to understand you, to understand your true heart... "

"You took over Luoying Pavilion not long after that, right?"

"Yes... because there are more rumors of ghosts in the palace, and victims have begun to appear, so it will be more convenient for me, as the minister of the Ministry of punishment, to participate in this plan. Besides, my father is a hero who founded the country, so the emperor For me, I still trust it. But... that subverted my consciousness, I can't imagine... "

He sighed heavily, and continued: "Later, I didn't come to you until about a month later. After I... killed the first baby with purple eyes. I began to understand the feelings of the witch. But , I still came. Only because... only because I feel in front of you, I can find my true self. "

"That's it..." Liuli looked at the soil where her shadow fragments were buried, and said, "You were in pain at that time, weren't you? On the one hand, you became friends with the prince, but on the other hand, you slaughtered his brothers. Every time Every moment, your soul can't find peace... But, you still have expectations for me, right? You want to end all of this."

"I... just want to find a correct path, a path that can put an end to the war. But after all, that's just my wishful thinking... I saved the prince at that time, but it was equivalent to killing thousands of people. My I created today's situation with my own hands. Obviously... I hope so much that the world can be stable, and I obviously... hope to implement my beliefs. But, only in front of the prince, I can no longer play the role of an executioner... Similarly, in front of you Sameā€¦ "

However, it was too late.

If he had killed the prince in the first place, he would have saved the world, but at the same time, he was also a traitor who betrayed his friends. However, no one will accuse him of this, at least, those who know the inside story will definitely not.

"I... never killed anyone in front of you. Even during the two years after you became a witch, I never once killed those babies in front of you. Those two years were the happiest in my life, but It's also the most painful two years. It's just that I feel that I can sustain it with you. Because you and I are burdened with the same loneliness, the same pain... and the same sin... "

He lowered his head, stared deeply at Liuli's face, and said, "Prince...he loves you too. He came to Shangshu Mansion so many times just to see you. This...I can see it. That hunt , he seemed glad to have you with him."

Liuli was silent.

In her previous life, she was also vaguely aware of this. It's just that I didn't find out on purpose.

She smiled wryly, and said, "Sure enough... But, that's not important anymore, right?"

Bo Shao looked at the sky that was already completely bright, and repeated Fei Yi's words: " doesn't matter anymore. Whether it's right or wrong, the what we have to do. Thousands of years ago, we should do it things."

Speaking of this, Bo Shao saw Liuli turned around and moved her face closer to Bo Shao.

The two looked at each other deeply.

"It's great to see you again in this life... Shaoqing..." When she said these words, Liu Li's eyes were already filled with tears.

"Me... the same..."

There is no need to repeat everything.

Being teased by fate and falling into such a horrible situation, but heart and heart are always firmly linked by the constraints of past and present lives.

Time is passing slowly like this...

At around one o'clock in the afternoon, the land finally started to move!

A long black stem about as thick as a soda can grew out of the ground.

"It's still growing..." Bo Shao showed a hint of joy.

This plant is their hope of survival!

At the same time, on this island, Sun Zhengyan was hiding behind a rock in fear, looking back from time to time. He and Li Hongming decided to escape separately in the early hours of the morning, so that they would have a greater chance of surviving.

In his mind, he could still see the picture of the ghost's visual reception.

It also searches for its own presence all over the island...

Holding the unbearably hot blood eye scroll in his hand, Sun Zhengyan still didn't dare to let go. And the fragment of the scroll had scalded a layer of skin on his palm.

"Don't...don't find me..."

Sun Zhengyan kept praying in his heart, but at this moment, he suddenly felt a sharp burning in his hands, and when he looked down, he almost screamed...

That fragment actually caught fire!

Sun Zhengyan hurriedly extinguished the flames, but the tongue of flames licked up the whole fragment in a flash, without even a few seconds in the process, and after burning, there was not even a speck of ashes left in his palm.

Has the spell power of the blood eye scroll finally collapsed? So, Fang Kai's death was also caused by the burning of the scroll

Gotta go to Bo Shao... go to Bo Shao!

He recalled the direction where Bo Shao and Liuli fled, and walked forward in fear...

Three o'clock in the afternoon.

Sun Zhengyan finally found Bo Shao and Liuli, and Li Hongming was there, so he found Bo Shao and the others earlier.

In fact, all four of them began to discover a very unbelievable thing.

The island... seems to have gotten much bigger than it was!

Originally, even walking around the island would not take an hour. But now, it took Sun Zhengyan more than two hours to reach the edge of the island. It's just that because the island is full of rocks, there are almost no reference objects, so I didn't notice it for a while.

"But..." Sun Zhengyan asked puzzledly: "Why make this island bigger? Isn't it easier for us to hide in this way?"

"Isn't that simple?" Bo Shao looked at the black stem that was growing bigger and bigger, and said, "Think about it, Chairman... the seven evil spirits were all found. The curse is only beginning to be fulfilled one by one, isn't it? Before, we just kept seeing hallucinations, which tortured us mentally. The crown prince... won't kill us immediately. The area of the island was deliberately enlarged so that we would not be so To be found soon, to slowly break our spirits, and finally, to push us into the abyss of hell... "

And at this moment, suddenly, a shrill howl emanated from the black stem!

A large lump of flesh wriggled out from the surface of the stem, followed by a second, and a third... It looked really disgusting. Next, those lumps of flesh began to form hideous faces.

"Finally the cultivation was successful..." Liuli looked at the plant that kept growing human heads, and said, "Bo Shao... have you seen that woman's head? Cut it off, and then use that head to extract and make sub The recipe for space potion!"