Black and White Eyes
Author: 究极白菜
Latest: Chapter 274
Status: Completed
Genres: Supernatural
Legend has it that the Underworld has a pair of strange eyes that see good as normal and evil as black, not only strange but also with incredible power, and is given to the judge of the Underworld to decide what is right and wrong in the world, justice and righteousness are in it! This is a pair of eyes that do not belong to the world, until a certain young man took off the sunglasses ......
传说中,冥府阴尊有一双奇异的双眼,见善如常,见恶即黑,不但奇异且带有不可思议的力量,被赏赐于冥界判官,用以裁决世界善恶是非,公理正义俱在其中! 这本是一双不属于人世间的双眼,直到某位少年取下了墨镜……