Black Iron’s Glory

Chapter 110: Two spell scrolls


"Six fire crystals, a pound of sky star sand, a box of white root powder, a bottle of red blood dew, six magic stone slabs, a magic hand crossbow, and six enchanted iron crossbow arrows. Your things are complete, come and check one time."

Julian, a fat old man, had been waiting for Claude in the store for a long time. He once again led Claude to the secret room inside. He first placed a pearl of light, then took out a sheepskin bag from under the counter, and took out the Claude took out the things he wanted and placed them on the counter one by one.

Claude inspected it carefully and nodded. He took out the ordinary linen money bag from his arms and threw it on the counter: "Look, the money is all in it."

Twenty-one Sullivan gold coins plus two gold crowns, Julian took the trouble to examine them one by one, and finally put all the money back into the linen purse with satisfaction: "You should get a better purse, at least It would take a buckskin purse to match the value of these Sullivan gold coins.”

In response to Julian's complaint, Claude just smiled and said nothing. He thought he was stupid. Using a deerskin wallet, it was easy to tell which shop made and sold it. If you spend some patience and ask carefully, you might be able to learn this. The whereabouts of the deerskin money bag. You must know that each money bag made of deerskin has slightly different styles and patterns, and a discerning person can find clues about who holds it.

The linen money bags I use are disposable and mostly used for transactions. The prices are low and affordable, so I don’t feel bad giving them away. If you try to find clues about its previous owner from this linen money bag, you will be in vain. Because the linen money bags sold in those shops were in batches of nearly a hundred each time, and you couldn't tell the difference between the previous batches. They were all the same style, the same size, and the same crude workmanship.

Julian cracked his mouth angrily: "Do you want me to pack these things of yours? I can give you this sheepskin bag, which will make it easier to carry."

"No, thank you." Claude shook his head and took off the backpack he was carrying from under his burqa: "I brought my own bag, I don't need your sheepskin bag."

To be cautious, who knows if this fat old man Julian has done any tricks on the sheepskin bags. The best way to prevent it is not to use his stuff, or to give it away for free.

"Well, I don't mean any harm." Julian laughed awkwardly and watched Claude put the things on the counter into his backpack one by one. This backpack is also a popular item sold in open-air markets. It looks to be quite old. I guess I won’t be able to find anything useful in the store that sells backpacks there.

"Well, by the way, I almost forgot one thing." Julian picked up the linen purse, took out two Sullivan gold coins and placed them on the counter, signaling Claude to put them away.

"What do you mean?" Claude looked at Julian suspiciously. What the hell is this fat old man doing? He actually took the initiative to pay for himself. Has the sun risen from the west? No, it's dark outside now.

"Well, there is an unwritten rule in our underground magic market, that is, for transactions of more than ten Sullivan gold coins, the handler can get a 10% rebate. You can think of it as a 10% discount. . So I give you two of the twenty-one Sullivan gold coins." Julian had a sincere smile on his face, and people who didn't know his background would definitely regard him as a model of honest management.

"Nothing else." Claude looked at the fat old man playfully, picked up two Sullivan gold coins, and tossed them up and down.

"Haha" Julian's eyes followed the gold coins going up and down: "I want to ask a few questions."

"Oh, let me ask if you can answer it. I have to think about it." Claude picked up the dropped gold coin and held it in his hand.

"Well, was it you who did what happened at the Black Snake Club last night?"

"Yes, who told them to block my way." This can be answered, Claude said it very domineeringly.

{} Of course, it would be another matter if you could keep your head clear during the rapid fall and be able to perform the Feather Falling Technique at all times. Maybe even if you fall 290 meters from a height of 300 meters, you can successfully perform the Feather Falling Technique in the last ten meters and still land safely, that's your ability. However, this is only a theoretical basis. So far, no mage who has learned the Feather Falling Technique can do this.

There is still one