Black Iron’s Glory

Chapter 114: Feather fall technique


The guest rooms in the Mermaid Tavern are not large, more than three meters long and two meters wide, and are estimated to only cover an area of about eight square meters. The layout is also very simple, with a large bed, a desk, and a chair. There is not even a wardrobe. An old cedar box is placed in the corner of the entrance to use as a wardrobe.

Claude lit the ignition stick, found the oil lamp on the table, lit the oil lamp, extinguished the ignition stick, and began to look at the guest room rented by the bearded man named Edmigue. In fact, there is nothing to observe. The things in the guest room are very simple and clean, almost as if no one lives there, which is obvious at a glance. Except for a large sheepskin bag placed by the bed, everything else is from the guest room.

Open the old cedar box, it's empty inside. It seemed that except for the big sheepskin bag on the bedside, the bearded man named Edmig didn't put anything else in the guest room. Maybe he put all his belongings in the sheepskin bag, and he was probably planning to ambush Claude in the woods, steal the magic materials, and leave White Deer Town immediately tomorrow morning, so he didn't mind Claude's life or death. He'll kill you as soon as you meet him.

Claude poured the contents of the sheepskin bag onto the bed. As expected, the contents were not of much value, including a few changes of clothes, a linen towel, and an old brass kettle. Not a magic item yet. The rest are some tools for survival in the wild, including a box of salt, a few fish hooks, two rolls of silk thread for fishing, a wooden lunch box, a few silver spoons and silver forks. There is also a half-used bottle of healing potion, a fire stick, and two sewing needles at the bottom of the bag.

In fact, if you think about it, you will understand that no one will safely put their most valuable things in the guest room when they are away. It is okay if someone is there, but if no one is in the room, the things will probably disappear. Neither the hotel nor the tavern will be responsible for the loss of items in the guest room, unless the passenger entrusts the valuables to the counter for safekeeping at the beginning of the stay, signs an item storage agreement, and pays a storage fee.

But for travelers who are away from home, the consequences of doing so are even more harmful, because if their belongings are exposed, more malicious people will target them.

Claude didn't find any item storage agreement in the sheepskin bag. It seemed that this bearded man named Edmigue was indeed a pauper and didn't have any good things around him. This also made Claude's hope of finding the energy shield spell scroll come to nothing, but it did not disappoint him. This was not the purpose of sneaking into the guest room anyway.

Stuff the items on the bed back into the sheepskin bag and place the bag at the foot of the bed. Then he moved the oil lamp on the table to the tattered wooden box in the corner. Then Claude gently moved the table from the window to the side, opened the two windows, and suddenly a cool breeze swept into the guest room, letting Claude couldn't help but perked up.

He stuck his head out of the window and looked around to make sure that there was no movement around him. The windows of the guest rooms in this building were all closed. After listening for a while, Claude returned to the room with satisfaction. He took off the burqa and trousers worn by the bearded man and threw them on the chair next to him. He took out a bundle of climbing ropes from the backpack behind him, tied one end to the foot of the bed, and pulled hard to make sure it would not fall off. , Claude put the other end of the rope through the window downstairs, came back and blew out the oil lamp, let his eyes adapt to the darkness, then grabbed the climbing rope and climbed up the window and then gently slid down.

The long three-story stone and wood structure building of the Mermaid Tavern is built directly on the stone embankment by the lake. Therefore, in addition to a fifty-centimeter-wide stone ridge on the stone embankment, the building is surrounded by a two-meter-high stone embankment. . Claude grabbed the rope and slid down from the second floor window to the bottom of the stone embankment, which was about six meters high.

The corpse of the bearded man was still placed on the other side under the stone embankment. Claude went over to move the body over, and with a lot of effort, he lifted the body and placed it on the stone ridge between the building and the stone embankment. A rope was tied around the body and the body was leaned against the outer wall of the first floor. Uninformed people saw it and thought it was someone sitting on the stone ridge looking at the lake and admiring the scenery.

{} At that time, Claude was a little desperate and wanted to go back to Erikson's dock and drive the forest farm's carriage to carry the body, and then take the body back to the forest farm for disposal. It's just that if you do that, there will be many eyes and it will be easy to be seen. At least it will be difficult for the Xioli couple in the forest farm to be concealed unless they take the body to the medicine.