Black Iron’s Glory

Chapter 117: Family conflicts


It's a bit funny to say that Claude has been the director of the Norman Forest Farm for more than two months, but he has not received a salary. When Mrs. Maria returned to the royal capital, in order to help Claude stay in the forest farm, she not only wrote a letter to Mr. Morsan, but also left a gold ticket worth ten gold crowns.

This is a gold ticket issued by the National Bank of the town. It means that there is an account with ten gold crowns stored in the bank. You can use this gold ticket to withdraw ten gold crowns, or you can withdraw money in pieces many times. You just need to Just exchange this golden ticket into an account book.

The golden ticket that Mrs. Maria left to Mr. Morsan meant that Claude, as the supervisor of her family's forest farm, would receive his monthly salary from the account of this golden ticket. As Claude's father, Mr. Morsant can see from this golden ticket that Madam Maria values Claude, so that he will not prevent Claude from becoming a forest farm supervisor.

Ten gold crowns was a huge sum of money to the common people of White Deer Town, but to Mrs. Maria, it was just a little money. Lady Maria was very happy to use this little money to do Claude a big favor, allowing him to leave home and practice meditation and learn magic freely in the forest farm, and learn pharmacy by the way.

Especially after Claude gave all the magic talisman structure diagrams of his five rare basic spells to Madam Maria, Madam Maria felt that she owed Claude a big favor, so she got her. Before leaving, he went to the town hall and wrote a letter to Mr. Morsan to hire Claude as the forest farm supervisor, leaving this golden ticket to force Mr. Morsan to agree. Because if Mr. Morsan refuses, it means that he has offended Mrs. Maria.

This is also the reason why Claude became the director of the Forestry Farm in Normandy before he turned eighteen. Many people in the town envied Claude for his luck. A job with a good salary comparable to that of his father, Mr. Morsan. But Claude had money around him at that time and never thought of asking for a salary from his father.

It's just that Claude didn't expect that doing alchemical magic experiments would cost so much money. Not to mention the expenses he spent on decorating his study, just buying the raw materials for the experiments and the medicinal ingredients for the primary healing potions almost cost him all the money he had around him. , and now there is less than one silver taler left, which makes Claude suddenly feel like a pauper.

There are also results, more than forty crystal potion tubes and twenty bottles of perfect quality primary healing potions. In addition, he also put the captured dagger and hunting crossbow into the alchemy magic talisman array and re-trained it. However, he didn't know how to enchant it, and Master Landers's diary didn't mention it, so he just enhanced the short sword and the hunting crossbow. The strength of the sword and hunting crossbow just changed their original appearance. There are also gains, that is, he understands how to temper metal objects in the alchemical magic talisman array.

If Claude wants to continue his experiments with alchemical magic, the first thing he must solve is the problem of funding for materials. He still had nine Sullivan gold coins in his hand, but Claude would feel a little disadvantaged if he took them to Julian's store to exchange them. After all, the underground magic market uses Sullivan gold coins as the standard trading gold coins. Claude doesn't know whether he will go there to buy any combat spells or magic materials in the future, so it is best to keep these nine Sullivan gold coins. With.

Master Landers also mentioned in his diary how to create a Sullivan gold coin in the alchemical magic talisman. He said that when he was promoted to the second-level rune mage, he made Sullivan gold coins in the magic tower for a period of time. He can make up to seven Sullivan gold coins in a day, and for this he was awarded by the master of the magic tower, the Master of the Seven Rings of Lornk. Because other magicians could only make five Sullivan gold coins a day, Master Landers got his first Sullivan gold coin as a reward.

Claude is only a first-level rune mage and cannot yet make Sullivan gold coins in the alchemical magic rune array. And making a Sullivan gold coin is not that simple, it requires the assistance of four other magic materials. One of the magical materials, lapis lazuli powder, can no longer be found on the Farea continent. It is only produced on the island of Shigros where the evil magician is entrenched. Therefore, the dream of getting rich by melting two or three gold crowns to make a Sullivan gold coin and then redeeming it was impossible to realize.

{} There seems to be something wrong. Claude always feels that the atmosphere at home is very strange, especially when his father would say such a thing.