Black Iron’s Glory

Chapter 118: Go to sea


Uncle Peg opened the dock door and let Claude drive in the carriage. But before Claude could ask if Ericson was there, Uncle Peg told him bad news. Ericson went out to sea alone in a fishing boat instead of fishing on the lake.

"What did you say he went to sea alone?" Claude was shocked: "Why did he go to sea?"

Uncle Peg was confused by Claude. Looking at Claude's puzzled expression, he pointed to the empty dock trestle with a wry smile: "You have forgotten that Captain Otruny's merchant fleet has been here until now." Haven't you come back yet? Erikson said he was going to the sea to pick up his father, and he quietly went out to sea in a fishing boat. He only left us a letter. We didn't find out until Vero came to see him in the morning. "

Claude suddenly understood. He was indulged in alchemy magic experiments in the forest farm, but he forgot the most important thing in Bailu Town. The merchant fleet that my father and others invested in set off for the Overseas Territory of Tiersim in the Nubisian continent according to the newly opened route. It set off in August and was supposed to return to White Deer Town before November 15th.

But it is already November 18th, and the merchant fleet has not returned yet. No wonder my sister said that there was a fight at the banquet held at home the day before yesterday. My father was frowning and he even had a quarrel with my mother. Obviously, the leading figures in the town who had entrusted their wealth to the merchant navy were panicking. They were worried that something would happen to the merchant navy.

Erikson said a few days ago that he had been having nightmares, and all he dreamed about were shipwrecks. If something happened to the merchant fleet, others would lose nothing more than money, but he would lose a relative. Captain Otruny is not only his father, but also his idol. He has always said that he wants to be a captain when he grows up. So he couldn't restrain his longing and sailed out on a fishing boat to greet the arrival of the merchant fleet led by his father. He hoped that he could be the first to see the merchant fleet return.

"When did he set sail?" Claude's mood suddenly became very bad. What time is it now? It's November. Winter is coming soon. The wind is high and the waves are rough outside. Erikson is still alone. , driving a modified fishing boat, it is almost risking his life to go out to sea. If something happens, he is still alone, without even a helper. It is really a matter of calling the sky and the earth.

"He left the day before yesterday. I thought he was going fishing on the lake, so I didn't pay attention. It was common for him not to come back at night, so I wasn't in a hurry. But he didn't come back all day yesterday, and it was the same at night, so I started to worry. This morning Wei Wei Luo came to see him, I told him the situation, and he went to Ike's room, and then we saw the letter left on the table, and then we found out that he had gone to sea in a fishing boat."

"Does Mrs. Elena know?" Claude asked.

Mrs. Elena is Ericson's mother. Because she caught a cold when giving birth to Ericson, her health has never been good and she rarely comes to the dock.

"I know, it's a letter sent by Vero." Uncle Peg said with a sad face: "In the afternoon, Mrs. Elena and Vero were on the pier looking for ships that could go to sea. They wanted to find Ike, but they haven't found it yet. Find the right boat”

It is really difficult to find ships that can go to sea at this time. Large-scale ships are not suitable. The ships that come back from the sea basically need to be repaired and refurbished. Many of them have been set up in the docks of the shipyards. There are very few ship owners when they go to sea. willing.

Claude pulled the reins and the carriage turned around again: "I'm going to Ike's house to have a look. If you find a ship, please let me know. I will also get on the ship and go to sea to find Ike."

Erikson's home is in the south of the town, not far from the square in the center of the town. It was a three-story brick and stone building. The first floor was rented by a firm specializing in gold and silverware and opened a shop. The second and third floors were Ericson's home.

Turning to the backyard, stopping the carriage, Claude ran to the second floor in one breath. But the person who opened the door was an old maid from their family. She told Claude that Mrs. Elena had not come back since she had gone out in the afternoon.

{} "Mrs. Elena has spent a lot of money, and Ike is too ignorant. How can he drive a fishing boat out to sea alone." Claude sighed.

Erikson was right to be worried about his father, Captain Altruni, but he shouldn't have gone to sea privately. Whether it's dangerous or not is another matter. He did this while forgetting that he still had