Black Iron’s Glory

Chapter 121: It's time to make money


Claude took a hot bath and fell on the bed. He was very tired. He and Viricolo had taken care of Ericson for a day and a night on the boat. Not only was he physically exhausted, but he was also mentally exhausted. I almost fell asleep in the bathtub just now, but now I fell into a deep sleep as soon as I got into bed and hit the pillow. When my stomach growled and I woke up from hunger, I realized that it was already around eight o'clock in the morning the next day.

It seemed that Claude didn't eat at noon or at night yesterday and only then did he understand why he felt so hungry. I only ate two sandwiches and drank two glasses of rye on the boat early yesterday morning to fill my stomach. After I came back, I took a shower and lay on the bed, sleeping until now. I slept for almost 20 hours without eating anything.

Feeling very empty in his stomach, Claude got up and went to the kitchen to find something to eat. Of course, there was no ready-made food in the kitchen. Except for a loaf of black bread sent by Mr. and Mrs. Sioli, everything else needed to be ordered or boiled to make again. It would take a while before there was anything to eat.

So hungry, Claude picked up this loaf of black bread and couldn't put it down. Knocked on the table, the table was banged, but not even a crumb fell from this piece of black bread. Well-deserved marching black bread, this is the main marching ration of the kingdom's army.

It was once rumored that during a battle, an enemy detachment attacked the logistics department. As a result, the cooks and servants used these long and hard marching black bread as weapons to engage in hand-to-hand combat with the enemy and successfully captured all the enemies. Because these poor enemies were all knocked unconscious by black bread

This shows how hard these army brown breads are. If they are not softened by roasting them over fire or soaking them in hot water, they will easily break your teeth if you eat them directly. However, the biggest advantage of this marching brown bread is its shelf life. Generally speaking, you don’t have to worry about mold or spoilage after being stored for half a year.

Claude thought about it and realized that the two pieces of black bread given by the Sioli couple were already more than a month ago. When he was studying in the pharmacy laboratory last month, he was too lazy to cook and destroyed one piece. The taste could only be described as It was bland and too rough to eat, so the rest of it was left untouched in the kitchen.

It is said that when Baron Alpheus Fontanemary returned to White Deer Town to purchase this forest farm, the Sioli couple took refuge with him as servants, helping in the kitchen, and then learned to make this marching brown bread. It seems that making this marching brown bread needs to be mixed with sawdust, and this is a forest farm, and there is a lot of sawdust, so the Sioli couple, who are economical, make these marching brown bread as their main meal.

He was really hungry and had a hollow feeling, but Claude didn't have the courage to eat the black bread directly. Fortunately, there were still a few raw eggs. Claude cracked two eggs and swallowed them to cushion his stomach. Then he lit a fire and boiled water to prepare a big meal for himself.

There was not enough firewood, so Claude got dressed and went out to move some firewood to the kitchen. As a result, when I opened the door, I found a large bag of charcoal at the door. It seems that Sioli was quite conscious and sent the charcoal over, which just saved him the time of chopping firewood.

After eating two large bowls of wheat bars, Claude felt comfortable all over. Remembering the agreement with Viricero yesterday, he went to the stables, pulled out the black horse Jamie, hitched it to the carriage, and drove the carriage towards the town.

When I arrived at Ericson's house, I found Viricero running over early in the morning. Ericson is still sleeping, but his condition is pretty good. After being diagnosed and treated by the wretched old pharmacist in the pharmacy yesterday, he drank four or five bottles of various medicines, sweated profusely, and woke up in the afternoon. Came over and had a big bowl of oatmeal.

According to the wretched old pharmacist, Erikson's life was saved, but he was soaked in the cold seawater for a long time, and his thigh was injured and he lost too much blood. He finally managed to crawl to the beach and fell into a coma. . If Claude and Vericro hadn't insisted on going to Krulu Flying Fish Island to search, Erikson would have really died.

{} He went out and handed the IOU to Uncle Peg, and then sent Vericro home, and then Claude drove the carriage home.

My father was still frowning. The absence of the merchant navy during this period put a lot of pressure on him, and he had a lot of gray hair on his temples.

The atmosphere at home was still so dull. Although mother and father talked, they were limited to very brief questions and answers. While eating lunch, Claude briefly talked to his father about going to sea to search for food.