Black Iron’s Glory

Chapter 123: military control


"I'm leaving White Deer Town" were the first words Bokhar said.

Claude didn't pay attention. Last year, Boker also followed his father to inspect the branches of their business firm in the three southwest counties during the holiday last year. He only returned to Bailu Town after late January: "You and your father are going to inspect you again." Are those branches of the family store?”

"No, this time I'm going to my aunt's house in Similok County. My father didn't go. He has to stay here and wait for the arrival of the merchant fleet." Bockal said with some sadness: "I didn't know when I left Bailu Town this time. When can I come back? Maybe it will be more than ten years later, maybe I will never come back to Bailu Town again."

"Well, what do you mean?" Claude was stunned. Is this a life-or-death farewell

"My uncle has found a connection. After the New Year, I will go to the city of Gilia in Siromyk County to join the garrison camp and join the army. My father requires me to obtain national identity before I can retire and go home." Bokhar Sighing: "But I joined the logistics department of the garrison battalion. Although I am a soldier, I can do the work of a civilian employee, so there is no need to worry about safety."

"When are you leaving?" Claude asked. Bokoal told him that the matter was obviously a foregone conclusion, that it could not be stopped, and that he did not have the ability to make Bokoar stay. But what Claude didn't expect was that Boquear would be the first to join the army. He originally thought it would be Viricolo.

"Tomorrow morning," Bockaar lowered his head and kicked the stones on the ground with his feet: "I want to see Ike in the afternoon. I saw Mrs. Elena coming just now. Professor Wickham gave her Ike's diploma. She left in a hurry. I originally wanted to ask her how Ike was doing, but I didn't expect her to leave so quickly. So I wanted to see him in the afternoon. Even if I couldn't see him, I had done my best. . I couldn’t help at all when Ike’s accident happened this time, and I felt a little sad.”

"It's not your fault." Claude grabbed Bockaar's shoulders: "Ike's accident was caused by his own death. No one thought that he would have the courage to go out to sea alone on that modified fishing boat. The incident happened suddenly, and Vero and I were in a hurry to go to sea to find him, so we forgot to inform you. You don't need to blame yourself, it was our negligence."

Bok'ar nodded, but did not reply. He just kept silent and continued to kick a rock protruding from the ground with his boots. It could be seen that he was not in a good mood.

"It's okay, Boa. Even if you go to Siromik County, we will still be good friends and good partners. Although we can't meet, you can write to us. Just write the address and we will reply to you. Yes." Claude could only comfort Bockar in this way.

"Well, I will write to you." Boker's voice was a little low: "I still have some things to sort out, so I will go home first. Goodbye, Claude."

Bockar turned around and left. Claude clearly saw him wipe his face after turning around, and he seemed to be crying. But Claude just stood there and watched Bockar leave. After graduation, the New Year means that he is eighteen years old and has become an adult. Everyone must shoulder their own responsibilities. No one can No exceptions can be made.

Bockar will leave White Deer Town tomorrow morning, and Claude doesn't know if he will be able to see him again in the future. My father had told me about his arrangements before. So this time when the merchant fleet came back and headed to the mainland of Nubisia again after the New Year, he would also have to board the ship and go to the Tiersim Direct Territory to meet the godfather whom he had never met. Some viscount who was governor-general joined the army there. I don’t know when I can return to Bailu Town. My leisurely days in the forest farm are numbered now.

Claude didn't want to go back to school to attend the graduation celebration banquet. His carriage was parked at his home. In the morning, he came with his father in the public carriage from the government office. Now he just wants to walk quietly on the road where he and his friends have been going to school together for three years, and he feels a lot of sadness in his heart.

{} Unexpectedly, I later discovered that White Root Powder was also sold in a medicine shop in the open-air market. A box only cost eighteen silver thalers, that is, three gold crowns and three silver thalers. Almost only the fat old man Julian offered the price. half. When he thought about this, Claude wanted to eat the fat old man Julian alive with hatred. You must know that Claude only made money by hunting pheasants and rabbits for nearly a month.