Black Iron’s Glory

Chapter 124: crime


Claude drove the carriage crazily on the street. Fortunately, the soldiers on guard duty on the street did not intercept his carriage. Carriages entering and leaving the town need to be inspected. As for the carriage that was already in the town, no one wanted to cause trouble. Instead, they speculated whether someone in the family of the person driving the carriage was sick and rushed in such a hurry.

There was no crowd in front of the big red brick house, but there were some idle people standing in front of several shops across the street talking together, and pointing at Claude's home from time to time. And Claude's arrival in the carriage attracted their attention even more. They didn't care about gossiping, they all stared at Claude.

Claude ignored these people. He just wanted to know what happened at home and what crime his father was arrested for.

The mother sat at the dining table and cried silently, while the younger brother Booker had an obvious slap mark on his face. He huddled in the corner holding the snow dog, still sobbing. My sister Anna was mopping the kitchen floor with a huge mop. There was a large pool of water on the floor. It seemed that the pot of black tea fell to the floor and all the black tea was poured out.

As soon as Claude came in, the snow dog waggled his tail and rushed forward. His younger brother Booker also got up from the ground and started crying again, stretching out his hands for Claude to hug him. Sister Anna looked at Claude with tears in her eyes, and two more lines of tears fell on her face.

"Mother, what happened at home? Why was my father arrested?" Claude didn't care about his younger brothers and sisters, he just wanted to know what happened.

Mother shook her head with tears in her eyes: "I don't know either. When I was preparing breakfast in the kitchen in the morning, two officers and several soldiers came with an order saying that your father had been arrested for endangering the security of the kingdom and needed to be investigated. .Your father was taken away without eating a morsel of bread.”

Are you kidding me? Is this possible? Mr. Molsang is just an administrative director of Bailu Town. He is responsible for people's livelihood and economic development. It is ridiculous that he would endanger the security of the kingdom. He is neither a technician in the musket workshop nor a technician in the musket workshop. The commander of the army, let alone the chief executive of the three southwest counties. He is just a civil servant in a local town. How could he endanger the security of the kingdom? This crime is almost as serious as treason. If it is confirmed, there will be nothing but shooting. chosen.

"Is this something wrong?" Claude doubted the authenticity of this charge. If the reason for arrest was corruption and bribery, it might be more reliable. But none of the local civil servants in the kingdom have their own gray income. Besides, Mr. Morsan has always been honest and never accepts gifts. This is a fact that the entire town knows. He just likes to take a stake in other people's business and make a little profit. He is never greedy or usurping the priority, so everyone who cooperates with him is very satisfied.

"That's right. The two officers who broke in this morning announced this crime. We all heard it clearly." My mother also knew the seriousness of this crime. She had a look of fear and despair on her face, and she burst into tears. It fell on the dining table.

My sister Anna also nodded and added: "My mother was so frightened when she heard them say this in the kitchen that she even dropped the black teapot."

"What about father, does he have any excuse?" Claude hugged his crying brother who was tugging at his thighs and pants to prevent him from wiping his nose and tears on his pants.

"No, your father just took a deep drag on his cigarette, put his pipe on the table and stood up. He nodded to the two officers and followed them without saying anything."

Only then did Claude realize that his mother was still clutching the black mulberry wood ivory pipe that his father had left behind.

It's a little strange why my father is silent. Doesn't it mean that people who have been wronged will loudly defend their innocence when they are arrested? My father's behavior really looks like the latent spies and spies who were caught in those TV series in his previous life, but he may be Are there spies and spies from other kingdoms lurking here? It would make people laugh to think so. As a local town administrative officer, my father has no access to so-called state secrets.

{} If this guy really goes to find out about his father, then he can be forgiven for once. Otherwise, I must let him understand why the flowers are so red.

"Have you eaten in the morning?" Claude asked his mother while wiping his brother's face with a towel.

Mother is bitter