Black Iron’s Glory

Chapter 125: garrison


Claude rode the black horse Jamie around the town, and soon learned that the security battalion from the county had arrested a total of nine people in the town. Like Boker's father, the famous big businessman Ruby Will Boardman of White Deer Town is also among them. If Claude remembers correctly, these arrested people were guests at the family banquet held by his father. They were also the main planners of the new route from White Deer Town to the Nubisian continent, and were members of the merchant fleet that did not return. investor.

Obviously, something must have happened if the merchant navy did not return for a long time, and the arrest of my father and the others had something to do with the merchant navy. But Claude didn't know whether the merchant fleet was seized by the kingdom or had an accident. He couldn't figure out why his father and the others were accused of endangering the security of the kingdom.

Even if a merchant fleet is organized to conduct trade with the several overseas territories of the Kingdom of Nubisia, it is at most involved in smuggling and tax evasion. How could it endanger the security of the kingdom? Is it because the merchant fleet is overseas in the Nubisia continent? The direct government caused a big disaster, and my father and the others were implicated and arrested on this charge.

Perhaps his guess is the closest to the truth of the matter. Claude knows very well that if things really happen to this point, he will have no ability to rescue his father. The top priority is to get news about his father first and understand his current situation, so that He can only look for those who can help.

At the back door of the old tavern, Pied shook his head and said to Claude: "I can't help. I only know that the security battalion arrested a lot of people this time. But you can go find Kubrick. I heard that the town To organize a garrison, this is an order from the county. The mayor, Baron Robert, summoned Kubrick and others."

The Kubelik that Pied was talking about was Vericro's father, the number one hunter in White Deer Town, and the honorary president of the town's Hunters Guild. The Hunter Guild is a very loose organization, or a self-help group. The hunters in the town are basically registered there. Their main business is to hold hunting activities, go deep into the mountains to hunt down prey, and then distribute the income according to harvest and contribution.

Since many hunters are accustomed to hunting alone, and due to the decrease in prey in the mountains and forests around Bailu Town in recent years, there are fewer and fewer registered hunters. Verricro once said that his father was drunk and complained, saying that in the future there might not even be ten hunters in White Deer Town, and young people would no longer be interested in becoming hunters. If someone hired hunters to hunt those beasts in the Kermida Swamp or deep in the mountains, they might not be able to recruit local hunters.

But no matter what, if Bailu Town organizes a garrison, then hunters are the best candidates to recruit. First of all, they are all nationals, and many of them are veterans of the military. As long as they are organized, they will be a team with certain combat effectiveness.

Second, the kingdom has made very detailed regulations on the establishment of local garrison. Retired veterans are given priority and serve as officers. Secondly, children of good families, that is, young civilians with a clean background and no criminal record, enter the garrison. They are also required to serve in the garrison just like the army. It takes fifteen years to obtain national status. The kingdom strictly prohibits the local garrison from recruiting those local scoundrels and gangster criminals to join, and if found, the punishment will be strictly enforced immediately.

Therefore, if Bailu Town wants to form a garrison, it cannot bypass the town's Hunters Guild. Otherwise, as long as the mayor, Baron Robert, speaks to the leaders of the Black Snake Society that he supports behind the scenes, the White Deer Town garrison will be established immediately, and perhaps the town will not need to pay a penny. It’s just that Baron Robert can’t afford the consequences. Once someone reports him, his life and fortune will be completely ruined.

Claude turned his horse and rushed to Verricro's house. His house was not in the town, but at the foot of the mountain to the west of the town. Viricero was at home, disemboweling two rabbits, and there were some pine firewood piled next to him, as if he was preparing to smoke the rabbits.

He was a little surprised to see Claude galloping towards him on horseback. He had gone to the mountains to catch these two hares in the morning and had just come back. He didn't know what was happening in the town, so when he saw Claude in such a hurry, he thought something was wrong with him. I came here to find myself.

"Has your father come back?" Claude's first question was to ask Vericro's father.

{} Claude plans to visit the homes of those who were arrested in the afternoon to ask them if they know anything. But my mother immediately became worried. Is this an illegal gathering, but could it endanger Mr. Morsant