Black Iron’s Glory

Chapter 127: The retired veteran fell into the trap


"I don't understand why Mayor Robert is entangled with Beedel Blunt. Doesn't he know how bad Beedel Blunt's reputation is in the town? It's obviously a fishery processing business. The owner of the workshop, but secretly he is the boss of the Black Snake Society. Isn't Mayor Robert worried that Beadleir Blunt will be implicated in his involvement?" Viricero commented beside him.

His sister gave him a shudder: "You are so stupid, my stupid brother, you can't understand such a simple thing. Although Mayor Robert has the title of baron, it is not hereditary. When it comes to him, This generation can no longer be passed on. Although his son has national status, it is said that he is a playboy and is very good at spending money.

Obviously, Baron Robert knew that his son was a mediocre person, and he could only put his hope in his grandson. Of course, he was not willing to let his grandson only be a commoner in the future, so he spent a lot of money to get it in vain. When Lu Zhen became the mayor, it was clear that he wanted to make back his capital in the position of mayor, and at the same time accumulate some money for his grandson's future development.

Therefore, what he valued was not Beedel Blunt as a person, he only valued the money Beedel Blunt gave him. This was the real reason why he spared no effort to support Beedel Blunt. As for Beedrill Blunt's reputation and who he is secretly, it has nothing to do with the mayor. He can just say that he was deceived.

Anyway, Beedrill Blunt has been hiding behind the Black Snake Society, and the patrol team has not found any evidence against him. All the legends about Beedel Blunt are rumors, not conclusive evidence. As long as Beedel Blunt cannot be convicted, then he is a good law-abiding citizen and a workshop owner who has no problem paying taxes. As a town official I have no problem dating him for a long time.”

Verricro looked at his sister in surprise: "How do you know so clearly? Even Mayor Robert knows that he has a grandson?"

Verricro's sister sighed and shook her head: "You just didn't notice. Last time, didn't Mayor Robert get drunk in the old tavern and boast about how smart his grandson was? He also said that the hope of their family lies in His grandson and whatnot, and then think about how he came to Bailu Town to be the mayor, it’s all obvious.”

Claude was also surprised. She had known that although Verricro's sister looked like a man, she was extremely clever and shrewd. She had inferred the purpose and purpose of the matter from Mayor Robert's inadvertent drunken remark. The results come.

"I'm a little strange," Claude thought carefully about choosing the right words: "Mayor Robert is obviously not a fool. He should know the two taxation and voluntary donation plans he proposed, as well as the last one to let Bedelier Bluntsch's plan to fund the establishment of a garrison brigade will not be approved by the veterans who attended the meeting, but why should it be proposed? Is it good for him to say that the meeting broke up on bad terms?"

Kubrick said unhappily: "It's not that we don't agree with the two options of taxation and voluntary donations, but the amount he proposed is too exaggerated. What kind of organization needs to raise 1,200 gold crowns to maintain a defense?" The brigade needs two thousand gold crowns a year. This is pure nonsense. Let me tell you, it doesn't require that much money to set up.

Recruiting a new soldier only requires a settlement fee of one gold crown, which is stipulated in the kingdom's military recruitment regulations. A garrison brigade of 224 people only costs 224 gold crowns. Ordnance and military uniforms are provided by the county and city, and we do not need to bear the cost. What remains is the maintenance of the garrison barracks and the storage of supplies such as food, medicine and bedding. The maximum cost of a garrison brigade is less than fifty gold crowns. Coupled with the brigade's reserves, it was actually only necessary to raise three hundred gold crowns.

{} "Yes, I will contact everyone right away and go to the town hall tomorrow to submit the funding plan. The amount will be as Mayor Robert said. We only need to add regulations for the supervision of funds to prevent him from transferring funds to his own money." I have money in my pocket." Kubrick jumped up and ran out in a hurry.

"Uh, Uncle Kubrick." Claude originally wanted to stop him, but when he thought about it, he was busy arguing with Mayor Robert about forming a garrison, and he couldn't enter the military camp. How could he possibly know about his father's situation? . After meeting, it was all in vain. Just as he was about to leave, he saw Viricolo's sister talking softly.