Black Iron’s Glory

Chapter 128: Albert the Liar


At the gate of the Bailu Town Post Office, Old Benz said to Claude very apologetically: "Claude, the Chinese New Year will be here in four or five days, and the post office will be on holiday tomorrow. This letter of yours needs to be delivered to As for the Royal Capital, we can only stay here for now. We will have a mail train to the Royal Capital after the annual holiday ends on the 15th of next year. Only then can your letter be delivered."

Looking at the letter in his hand, which he had written all night, Claude could only smile bitterly. The time was too unlucky, it happened to be just before the Chinese New Year, and it was reasonable for the postal office to be on holiday. Just waiting until the 15th of the New Year to send the letter was too late.

"Uncle Benz, this letter is urgent and addressed to Baroness Maria. Can you help me ask if there is anyone at the post office who is willing to help me with a trip? I will pay a gold crown as a reward." Now Lord can only believe in the effect of the words of a brave man under a heavy reward.

For those postmen whose monthly salary is only one silver tale and five riaso, a trip to the capital to deliver a letter for ten and a half days can earn more than three months' salary. There should be some people who are willing to give up the hard work of celebrating the New Year holiday at home. This trip.

Old Benz looked at Claude and nodded: "Let me ask for you. Claude, I sympathize with your father's experience, but I believe he will be fine. He is a good man."

Soon old Benz came out with a middle-aged man who was lame in his left foot: "Claude, this is Borik, and he is willing to make this trip."

Borik was a newcomer to the post office. He had just retired from the army due to a foot injury the year before last. He was from Siromik County and was assigned to the post office in White Deer Town as a postman. Since his family hadn't come to White Deer Town with him yet, he was willing to make a trip to the royal capital for Claude to earn some extra money.

Old Benz chose Borik after careful consideration. Patrol police everywhere will be on heightened alert during the Chinese New Year. Borik has national status and is a postman, so he will have less trouble on his way to the royal capital. Whether he is passing the customs or staying overnight, the patrol police in various places will not conduct strict interrogations on him.

Claude handed the letter in his hand to Borik and paid a silver thaler as travel expenses. If we drive quickly, the journey back and forth to the capital will only take seven or eight days. It's just that it's winter now, and the road is covered with snow, making it difficult to travel. If there's a heavy snowstorm, it may delay the trip for a few days. So Claude wrote another piece of paper to prove the identity of Borik's messenger, allowing him to stay for a few days after arriving in the royal capital. It would be best to get Lady Maria's reply before returning.

After sending the letter away, all Claude could do was wait patiently. In the days that followed, he spent half of his time at the forest farm and half at his own home, running back and forth in both directions. My mother's health has finally improved and she can do some housework. It's just that sometimes when she thinks of Mr. Morsan, she still sits in a daze and sheds tears.

Viriclo's father, Kubelik, convened a group of retired veterans to complete proposals for taxation and voluntary donations, and then went to the town hall to ask for discussions with the mayor, Baron Robert, about the formation of a garrison. As a result, he was opposed by Mayor Robert. reject.

The mayor of the town, Baron Robert, said that he had submitted three plans for the formation of a garrison to the county council for its decision. Therefore, he and retired veterans like Kubrick had nothing to discuss. No matter which plan was approved by the county council, the town hall would only have to act in accordance with the plan.

So the grumpy Uncle Kubrick had another quarrel with Mayor Robert. Uncle Kubrick scolded Mayor Robert bloody in public with his loud voice, and forced the red-faced and helpless Mayor Robert to fight. Chang hid back in his office at the town hall, closed the doors and windows, and pretended not to hear Uncle Kubrick's yelling.

It's just that Uncle Kubrick won the scolding battle, but this victory had no influence at all on the establishment of a garrison brigade in Bailu Town. When Mayor Robert could not win the support of the veterans, he chose to flip the table and hand over the formation plan to the county council for decision-making.

Although he lost the initiative to form a garrison in this way, he could rely on the county council's lack of understanding of the specific situation in Bailu Town to achieve his goals, and he could also properly pass the blame to the county council. In this respect, the veterans who opposed him in White Deer Town have lost.

{} Fortunately, I finally found out that my father was not the mastermind of the rebel gang. He was only forced to join the gang out of love.