Black Iron’s Glory

Chapter 129: Albert's whereabouts


"Hey, Claude, let's go home again."

Running in both directions every day, now the soldiers in the security battalion at the southwest corner of the town are all familiar with Claude. Of course, this is also because Claude is a good person. When he patrolled the forestry in the morning, he found mountain rabbits and pheasants caught in traps and frozen stiff, so he threw two of them to the soldiers of the guard camp. Although the soldiers of the garrison camp enforced military control over the town and the food was pretty good, they still welcomed the free game.

The person who greeted them was a second lieutenant named Abraham. His team was responsible for the order of the neighborhood in the southwest of the town. Early in the morning, he saw Claude driving a carriage down the mountain road of the forest farm, so he waved hello and motioned Claude to come to him.

"Second Lieutenant, good morning." Claude drove the carriage over, stopped next to him, and took off the scarf covering his face: "Today is the last day, and tomorrow is the New Year. Why are you still so busy?" , what are you doing?"

Second Lieutenant Abraham helplessly shrugged his shoulders: "There is no way. The orders issued from above are that the closer the New Year is, the more vigilant we must be to guard against pirates taking advantage of the New Year to attack Bailu Town, so we have to Barricades and blocking walls have been set up at the street entrances of the town. But you see, it is too cold to dig today. We have to clear away the snow first and then use torches to warm the ground before we can dig. We may not be able to finish it today. This is the mission.”

Taking the steaming cup of black tea handed over by Lieutenant Abraham, Claude smiled and said: "Tell me, I know there is no good reason for you to call me. If there is anything I can do to help, just say it. I will try my best to help."

Second Lieutenant Abraham gave a thumbs up: "Aren't you the forest farm supervisor? I want to ask if you have any felled wood in the forest farm. If so, I want to ask you to borrow it and use the wood to build walls and barricades. It’s much faster to dig through the dirt.”

Claude shook his head regretfully: "You will know if you ask around. The Norman Forest Farm has not cut down trees or produced timber for more than 20 years. Although there are still a few old logs, the quantity is far away. It’s far from enough to build walls and barricades. We can’t cut down trees privately without the Baroness’s permission, and I can’t help with that.”

"Oh, it seems we can't escape digging." Second Lieutenant Abraham was also very disappointed: "Originally, we wanted to cut down the woods next to the town, but the town office didn't allow it, saying that it was the property of the town office. , felling can be done, but we have to pay for the wood. We don’t have the budget to buy wood. The soldiers have been complaining about the need to install defense facilities during the Chinese New Year. It would be too much if we are still asked to pay for these materials. Too much”

Claude looked at the four or five soldiers surrounding him. They were using shovels to dig up the earth that had been warmed by the fire, and then put it into sacks. Then they used these sacks filled with earth to pile up barricades and half-circles. A wall as tall as a man. However, so far, there are only a dozen sacks filled with soil. No wonder Lieutenant Abraham wanted to borrow wood from the forest farm with a frown on his face.

"Are the defensive barricades and walls that you are asked to build permanent?" Claude asked.

Abraham shook his head: "How is it possible? No matter how idiotic the bastards above are, they can't give such an order. Building permanent defense facilities requires engineering design and procurement budget, and it also requires a professional construction team to build it. This is not what we do Just pile up dozens of sacks of soil. Anyway, our security battalion will be evacuated after your Bailu Town garrison is established. These defense facilities will then be handed over to the garrison. Whether they are good or bad is none of our business. "

Claude thought for a while and said to Lieutenant Abraham: "In this case, there is no need for your brothers to dig the soil. It is winter now, and there will be heavy snow from time to time. You can actually use the snow to Build barricades and walls, crush the snow into cubes, pour water on it, and freeze it harder than iron. Such barricades and walls are not only faster to build, but also have better defensive properties. If there is a real war, guns will not be able to hit them. Walking through these frozen blocks.”

{} After Claude returned to the carriage, he spat on the ground bitterly. This guy still pretends to be serious outside, and his excuses for asking for leave are so grand and upright, but how can he do this if he is the master of the house? Going to work on his father's arrest, where did that person go