Black Iron’s Glory

Chapter 131: place


The place where the two members of the Black Snake Society took Claude to was not far away. When they reached the end of the old street, they turned into a relatively wide alley on the left. They pointed to a large shed in front and said, "It's right there. We're here." .”

Claude deliberately said with disdain: "This shabby shed can be considered a place, but it is too simple."

The thinner member of the Black Snake Club turned back and smiled: "Brother, although this shed is shabby, it is different inside. Everything you want is there. Whether it is beautiful women, wine or fun, you can find it here. This is us The boss invited distinguished guests from the royal capital to design it for us. I dare say you will never find a site with more complete projects than ours in the three southwestern provinces."

"Oh, really?" Claude pretended to be suspicious: "No way, I have been to Bailu Town half a year ago, but I have never heard of such a place."

"Haha, brother, it's better to be early than to be lucky. This event was just held by our Black Snake Club. It's less than a month ago. Of course you have never heard of our event since you were here half a year ago. Otherwise, let us I won’t just take anyone there. By the way, brother, what do you do?”

"I'm on the sea, helping people on the ship and transporting some things." Claude said vaguely. Erikson said that experienced sailors at sea generally rarely reveal their personal details. Most of them are rookie sailors who reveal their personal details as soon as they meet.

"Dude is not from here"

"No, I am from Similok County. When I was young, I was brought here by my uncle to work as a sailor. In a flash, more than ten years have passed. I spent most of the year on the ship, but I am ready to buy a house here and settle down. After all, these few years have passed. I’ve been picking up jobs here every year.” Claude lied calmly, making his tone sound more like a weather-beaten sailor.

As expected, the two members of the Black Snake Society did not become suspicious. Instead, they became interested in what Claude said about buying a house and settling down.

"It seems that I'm doing well on the ship and can save money to buy a house. By the way, what kind of house do you want to buy? Let's talk about it. Maybe we can help you find a suitable one."

"Haha, it's just a normal life. We sailors risk our lives to make money at sea. No one can say when we will go to see the God of Poseidon. When it comes to buying a house, I want to buy a two-story independent house. It's best. Bring a yard and a well, so you don’t have to worry about carrying water.”

Just as he was talking enthusiastically, a figure suddenly flashed out of the darkness in front of him. Claude stopped and stood on guard.

"Don't be nervous, brother, he's one of ours." The thinner member of the Black Snake Society walked forward carelessly and whispered a few words to the figure, before the figure flashed back into the darkness.

"It's okay, there are sentries here." The thinner member of the Black Snake Club came back and said to Claude: "Brother, don't worry, with these sentries outside, you can have fun in the field without worrying about safety. Question. If the town's patrol team comes, you can get the news immediately while inside, and our people will arrange for you to leave quietly."

Claude nodded, said no more, and continued to follow the two members of the Black Snake Society towards the dilapidated shed.

The door of the dilapidated shed was also very dilapidated. There were four or five big men standing outside the door, stamping their feet and breathing in the scattered snowflakes in the sky. They kept complaining about the bad weather and their bad luck. It was so cold. I got a job like standing guard at night.

The thinner member of the Black Snake Society ran forward, said a few words to a big man who was smoking a pipe, and turned back to point at Claude.

The big man smoking a pipe followed the thinner members of the Black Snake Society, looked at Claude carefully, and suddenly reached out to grab the scarf on Claude's face.

Claude retreated sharply, tilted his head back to avoid the grasp, and said angrily: "What do you want to do?"

"It's okay, I just want to see if I know you." The big man caught the opportunity and was stunned for a moment, as if he was surprised by Claude's quick reaction.

"I've never met you, you can't possibly know me." Claude said solemnly, holding the wine bottle in his backhand and getting ready for a fight.

{} You can avoid these troubles by using red copper water pipes to guide hot water. In summer, you can also use cold water to cool down. But Claude has no intention of studying these red copper water pipes now.