Black Iron’s Glory

Chapter 35: Discover


Bockaar and Ericson happily followed Virikro to hunt. For them, the biggest purpose of this adventure in Bailuzhou was to hunt a few more good prey.

Because Viricero said that due to the terrifying legends and rumors about Bailuzhou, few people are willing to go to collect and hunt. Therefore, there are many prey on Bailuzhou, and it is easier to harvest than hunting in the mountains. This is also The main reason why Viricero's father brought him here during the winter annual holidays these two years.

The mountain deer hunted last night has proved that what Viricero said is not a lie. If you want to hunt a mountain deer in the mountains, just to find the traces of the mountain deer herd, the hunter will have to break his legs. It doesn’t take much time. There is no way it would be possible to achieve results after ten days and a half. How could it be so easy to hunt a mountain deer while lying in wait by the stream

This time Bockaar and Erikson were filled with dreams of getting rich, looking forward to a good harvest in the afternoon hunt. In addition, they are also ready to collect. Even if they don't catch good prey, they can still get a good price by finding a few rare herbs and taking them to the pharmacy in the town.

Watching his friends leave, Claude was also ready to start visiting the ruins of this magic tower. Even though he urgently wanted to go to the underground level to search for the things left by the Landes mage, he could still calmly restrain himself. Resist your impulse and at least check out the entire surrounding environment to avoid unexpected changes when you get something.

Speaking of which, this is also a sequelae of those online stories I read in my previous life. Anyway, every time the protagonist in the story is looking for treasures, various unexpected situations will happen. Either an enemy suddenly jumps out or some abnormal situation occurs, which leads to the protagonist’s death. It's like a chicken or a egg, but I still have to go through the test of life and death before I can escape. There are so many online stories, but the time traveler has never read a book where the main character has a smooth life, no accidents happen, and a hidden treasure.

Well, a lesson must be learned. Although the things left by the Landes mage are not considered treasures, Claude doesn't want any accidents to happen. Therefore, he must first search the entire magic tower ruins to eliminate any possibility. threats to oneself.

It's just that Claude spent an hour carefully searching the entire magic tower ruins. Apart from the whining sound of the sea breeze passing through the ruins of the ruins, he found nothing unusual, not even spiders and ants. There are very few insects. Occasionally, there are a few seagulls and other seabirds parked on the gravel pile in the distance and pecking at something. It feels very quiet and peaceful.

There was a roar of a matchlock gun in the distance, and it was not known whether Viricolo and the others had caught another prey. But at this time Claude was setting up a torch. There were a few dry pine branches in the firewood pile. They were a good choice for making torches. Wrap a piece of broken hemp rope around it and dip it in some kerosene, and you would have no worries about getting down to the underground level. Lighting up.

Claude has found the three underground entrances that Vericro said, which are the front, middle and back of the Magic Tower ruins. The entrance in the middle is the largest, the entrance in the back is close to the cliff near the sea, and the entrance in the front is on the periphery of the ruins.

The most likely ones are the middle and back entrances, Claude thinks so. Because the diary says that the room near the stone staircase downstairs is where Master Landers lives. From this sentence, we can see that as a four-ring rune mage, Landers' status in the magic tower is It's not high, maybe the same as those apprentices or slaves, otherwise he wouldn't be able to live on the ground floor.

Just like those noble families, the master will not live in the basement. Only hired servants, such as cleaning ladies and kitchen handymen, will live in the basement. If there are high-level servants such as housekeepers, chefs and valets, they will not live in the basement, but will be placed in the rooms next to the kitchen, dining room, and warehouse.

Thinking about it this way, it is obvious that the underground floor where people can live will not be the entrance in the front, because no one would arrange the entrance to the basement where the servants live next to the door of the house. The simplest reason is that it is just like the entrance at home. When guests enter through the main door, they see servants coming in and out of the basement entrance next to the main door. That is very unsightly and polite.

So Claude thought that the two entrances in the middle and the back were what he was looking for. Normally speaking, the entrance at the back was very close to the cliff, so this underground layer was used as a method.