Black Iron’s Glory

Chapter 36: Dancing with the python


In a hurry, Claude blocked the torch in his left hand, pulled out the matchlock blunderbuss from his waist with his right hand and pulled the trigger fiercely. He only heard a few "click, click, click" sounds, and then Claude remembered that the matchlock had not yet been used. Lit it, the short gun was useless, and cold sweat suddenly broke out on my forehead.

The bloody mouth disappeared, probably because it was blocked by the torch and pushed back. As the firelight flickered, Claude discovered that there was a large black python coiled in front of him. The body was covered with mud, the snake's head was raised, the red letter was in his mouth, and his two green eyes were cold and cold. Staring at Claude's figure

I know that treasure hunting never goes smoothly. This was the first thought in Claude's mind. At this time, he only felt that his legs began to tremble involuntarily. Me, what I hate most is snakes. Although the snake soup that the boss took me to eat when I was picking up girls was very delicious. The boss also said that it has an aphrodisiac effect, but this one is a python. , not the snakes that got into the pot

Calm down, calm down. You can't think randomly at this time. Claude forced himself to calm down. He still had a chance. The blunderbuss in his hand was his biggest support. Although there is only one shot, but at such a close distance of less than three meters, the lethality should be enough. As long as it hits the head of the python, it will kill him with one blow. Besides, this python doesn't look very big. Don't be afraid at this time

Claude gasped for air, cold sweat dripping from his forehead. But at this time, he no longer cared about this. While staring closely at the python entrenched opposite, he slowly brought the blunderbuss in his right hand closer to the torch in his left hand, preparing to light the match first.

At this moment, Claude had seen the appearance of this black python clearly. The body was as thick as a bowl, about three meters long, and it had two sharp fangs. Although he didn't know whether they were poisonous or not, Claude finally breathed a sigh of relief. , this shouldn’t be considered a python. If it were the seven or eight-meter-long python in the videos he watched in his previous life, Claude might have despaired, but this little one looks like he still has the courage to risk his life. It’s not yet clear who will win.

The short musket's match rope slowly came closer to the torch. Finally, with a "chi-la" sound, the match rope started to spark. Claude felt happy, and at the same time, his attention could not help but shift from the confronting black python to the match rope.

In just such a short moment, a black shadow struck.

The black python suddenly bounced out of the mud and shot over like a sharp arrow.

Claude knew something was wrong. He was caught by the black python in the brief moment of distraction. He repeated his old trick and hurriedly used a torch to block it. But what I didn't expect was that the approaching black shadow refused to retreat and hit the torch directly.

Claude only felt a violent impact on his left hand, the torch disappeared, and a fishy smell hit his face. Immediately afterwards, it was like a cold and disgusting thick rope was wrapped around his waist, and moved up his shoulders. A strong force came, and his waist and shoulders were tightened. Claude could no longer stand at this time. The whole person was pushed backwards and fell into the mud.

It only took two or three blinks from the time when the black python jumped up to when Claude was entangled and knocked down. The only thing Claude could be thankful for was that his hands were not entangled. He still held a blunderbuss in his right hand and a torch in his left hand. Although it was gone, the hand was free and could still move. However, when I tried to grab the python's body with my left hand, I couldn't grasp it at all. The python's body was covered with mud and it slipped away as soon as I grabbed it.

With the hunting knife behind his back, Claude stretched out his left hand to pull it out, only to find that the python was so tightly wrapped around his shoulders and waist that he could not pull it out. At this time, the black python had raised its head again and opened its bloody basin. He bit Claude's face with a big mouthful.

Claude hurriedly put the blunderbuss in his right hand in front of his face, but the python bit into the barrel of the blunderbuss. Fortunately, the barrel of the blunderbuss was very long, nearly sixty centimeters, and the snake's mouth almost covered the barrel of the blunderbuss. Half of the gun body was swallowed in his mouth, and because he bit too hard, the two long sharp fangs sank into the wooden butt of the gun, making it difficult to pull it out for a while.

Claude was overjoyed and was about to pull the trigger, but found that the match that had been lit during the fight had been extinguished at some point.

This is like a leak in the house, but it rains all night. Claude cursed in his heart that it was bad luck. At this time, the black python was only shaking its head because its teeth were stuck in the body of the gun. Claude held on to the short blunderbuss tightly. Not letting it get out, but the python's long body was twisting tighter and tighter, making Crow