Black Iron’s Glory

Chapter 38: Sullivan gold coin


Claude spent more than an hour in the spring pool not far from the ruins before he washed himself clean. Fortunately, he also brought another set of clothes, as well as underwear and socks, in his backpack, which he originally changed into when he was about to go into the water. Although it was the end of May and the lake was still a bit cold, Claude was more considerate and brought prepared clothes just in case. When taking a boat to Bailuzhou, no one could say whether he would get off the boat and go swimming.

The dirty clothes you changed out of were simply rinsed with spring water to wash away the mud stuck to them. As for the stains on the clothes, you can take them home and let your mother find a washerwoman to wash them. There is no need to wash and dry them yourself in the wilderness.

After Claude cleaned himself up and changed his clothes, Vericro, Bockaar, and Ericson had already skinned and cramped the big python, and took the skin and tendons with them. We went back to the campsite and hung it up to let the sea breeze blow all night.

The remaining python meat was cut into a large piece from the back according to Claude's request and prepared for dinner. The remaining python meat was selected by Vericro and cut into long strips, spread with salt, and hung in the same place. There were snake gallbladders and a pair of snake eyes on the wooden shelf ready for bacon at night. Virikro carefully picked them off and put them into empty bottles. He said these were precious medicinal materials, and the pharmacy would be happy to buy them at a high price. .

Bockaar and Erikson did not work in vain. They asked Verricro to pull out the two sharp fangs from the python's mouth, clean them and share them one by one. The old man in Bailu Town said that wearing the teeth of venomous snakes can effectively resist the plague. Although this is a folk rumor, Bockaar and Erikson now firmly believe it.

There are stars on the dark blue night.

At night, four teenagers were eating a feast of python meat around a red bonfire.

"I never knew that python meat could be so delicious and tender." Bock'ar's mouth was full of oil as he ate: "It's so delicious, Claude, you did a great job frying it."

"I forgot one thing." Claude said, then he came to the backpack he brought and took out two bottles of kale from the backpack: "Actually, I should pour some wine on it when frying, it will be more fragrant. It tastes better."

"Hagan Lan Wine" Bock'al couldn't help but said: "This is really an unexpected surprise you brought."

"Well," Claude nodded: "My father gave me a riaso. I thought there was nothing to buy, so I bought two bottles of kale and brought it over for you to try. But be careful when drinking this. , it’s easy to get a headache if you drink too much.”

In fact, after Claude took a silver taler and a riaso given by his father, he originally wanted to give them to Boquear to pay off his debt. But when I thought that the debt amounted to three riaso for one silver thaler, and I still owed two riaso after paying the money, I felt a little embarrassed. It would be better to wait until there is something harvested after going to Bailuzhou and then pay it all back at once. So Claude didn't pay back the money. Thinking about the fact that his three friends originally wanted to buy kale wine, but after borrowing the money, he had no money to buy wine, so he simply bought two bottles and took them there to entertain them.

We didn’t bring any cups, so everyone had a wooden plate as cutlery, so the four of us took a sip from the bottle and passed it to the next person.

"By the way, Ike, I forgot to mention something." Claude found the matchlock blunderbuss and handed it to Ericson: "I'm sorry, your blunderbuss was bitten by a python when fighting with the python. It’s a hole, you see it’s right here, please tell me how much it will cost to repair it when you get back, and I’ll pay for it.”

Erikson's eyes went straight: "Here, why is there a hole here? Claude, how on earth did you kill this big python?"

"It's all thanks to your short blunderbuss," Claude sighed: "At that time, the python had entangled me, and I fell into the mud. I couldn't catch the python because it was covered with mud. It slipped. Seeing the python opening its big mouth and rushing toward me, I had to use the blunderbuss to block my eyes. Unexpectedly, the python bit the blunderbuss in one bite.

Fortunately, it bit the musket. It was only later that I found out that it had bitten a hole in the butt of the gun, and the musket was stuck in its mouth. I held on to the short blunderbuss desperately, and it shook its head desperately, trying to get the short blunderbuss out of its mouth. At that time, the snake's head was only an arm's length away from me, and it was shaking and shaking. If I hadn't put my finger in the trigger button and squeezed it tightly, I would have said