Black Iron’s Glory

Chapter 51: Erikson's dream of a small fishing boat


"No, wait a minute," Bockaar stopped Erickson: "What do you want to do? Ike, why did you buy this sea-breaking boat? There is such a big hole underneath, and the floor is cracked. You just want to Even if you buy it at a cheap price and repair it, you will have to replace the entire ship plate. Only the bottom beam of this broken ship can still be used."

Erikson nodded: "I just like this beam."

After speaking, he raised two fingers towards Vakuli: "I will offer two silver talers. If you think it is inappropriate, just pretend that I didn't say anything, Uncle Vakuli."

Vakuri smiled bitterly: "Add more, I can't lose too much."

"I don't have any money either." Erikson shook his head: "Uncle Vakuri, two silver talers are the most sincerity I can offer. If you don't want to sell it, forget it. To be honest, I only need this foundation. This sea turtle is no longer worth repairing. Even if you dismantle it and sell the wood, you will only be able to sell it for two or three silver thalers at most. If you deduct the labor cost, you may not be able to sell it to me for more."

In Bailu Town, shipbreaking is indeed a technical job. Generally, one master leads three or two apprentices. Their main job is shipbuilding and repairing, and shipbreaking is a part-time job. But only they can remove intact shipboards and wooden beams from those broken ships that can still be used. If a person who only knows how to work hard goes to dismantle a ship, maybe none of the dismantled ship planks will be useful, and at most they can only be chopped into pieces and used as firewood.

Of course, the bigger the ship, the more cost-effective it is to dismantle it. Like this sea-breaking ship, it is considered a ship, but the bottom beam is still useful. If he didn't hire a ship-breaking master, Vakuri was worried that he would dismantle the bottom beam into scraps by himself. But when I hired a ship-breaking master, I thought the price was too expensive and uneconomical. As Erikson said, the dismantled items were not worth as much as the labor cost of the ship-breaking master when sold.

"Uncle Vakuri, I think it's a good deal for you to sell it. Otherwise, if this sea-breaking boat is placed in front of your store, everyone will know that you made a mistake and bought something at a loss. This will be harmful to the public." Your reputation has a great impact. You can accept such shabby sea turtles, so it is worth considering whether there will be any problems with the quality of the goods in your store." Claude assisted from the side.

Perhaps this was what Vakuri was worried about. His expression changed for a while, and finally he waved his hand in frustration: "Forget it, just two Yintalers, but you have to pull this sea-breaking kid away as soon as possible. "

"Okay, I'll ask someone to come over in the afternoon." Erikson happily took out two silver talers and handed them to Valkuri: "I have to go back to school now, so it's better to come over and pull this sea turtle." It will have to be later. If anyone asks, just say I bought it and leave it in front of your door for now."

It seemed that Vakuri thought so too. He nodded at Erikson, took the two silver talers and turned back to the store.

The four of them walked to school.

"Ike, now you can tell me, why did you buy this sea turtle?" Bokoal was the most curious one.

"Think about the boat that's parked on my dock." Erikson was still trying to be mysterious.

Waves are also a common type of fishing boat on the Falea continent, but this type of fishing boat is basically used in conjunction with ocean-going fishing boats to release fish on the sea. The hull is nearly seven meters long and no more than two meters wide. It also has movable masts and sails and is equipped with a ten-person operating team. Most of them have six oarsmen, a helmsman, a sailman and a handler, and a boatswain is in charge of the command.

When a distant-water fishing boat discovers a school of fish on the sea, it lowers the wave liner, and the wave liner pulls the fishermen on the big boat to trap and round up the fish. Generally speaking, an ocean-going fishing vessel will be equipped with two wave intruders, and sometimes two wave intruders will cooperate to pull the fish on the sea for rounding up operations, and then the larger ship will take off. Of course, for ocean-going fishing boats, the "wave crossing" also takes into account the functions of lifeboats and landing boats.

There is a wave-riding boat on the private dock of the Erikson family, but this wave-riding boat is broken. It is said that one time when the boat was out on the sea and boarding an island in search of water, it accidentally hit the rock wall on the shore due to strong wind and waves. Although the person was fine, the bottom beam of the boat was cracked by the impact, so this The ship was scrapped after being caught in the waves. A crack in the bottom beam is a fatal injury to any seagoing ship. No one knows when the ship will break into two parts if it continues to sail on the sea.

Therefore, from the appearance of this ship,