Black Iron’s Glory

Chapter 58: Chain trap


Verricro felt that he was going crazy. He had never thought that he could catch pheasants and rabbits like this. Yesterday afternoon, he and Claude made a total of more than a hundred condoms, and then divided them into fourteen groups, with more than ten condoms in each group. They then arranged these serial condoms under the bushes and in the grass nests, and finally used A relatively strong vine tied these covers to the roots of the trees, and Claude also threw some grass seeds on top of the covers.

This was child's play, that's what Viricero thought at the time. But seeing Claude weaving the condom so seriously, he couldn't help but help. It took the two of them nearly two days to complete the so-called condom trap. When Vericro went to bed at night, he was still thinking about whether Claude would be disappointed if he found out tomorrow that all his traps and traps were of no use at all. How should he comfort him

So Vericro didn't say a word about those traps after going to school today. Anyway, he and Claude could just take a look secretly after school in the afternoon. If you don't have anything, just wait and wait for Claude like yesterday. If you have some patience, you can still shoot a rabbit or a pheasant. In short, just don't let Claude go back empty-handed.

But Boker was very curious and asked Claude about what he had harvested there yesterday. Claude said that he only shot one rabbit, but he had laid many traps there. He would check it out after school in the afternoon to see if he had harvested anything.

This aroused the curiosity of Bockard and Erikson. The future great captain did not even care about his fishing boat that was almost completed on the dock and insisted on going with him to see it, because Claude vowed to do so. The traps he had set must be very effective and guaranteed to yield results, regardless of the expression on Verrico's side lamenting his big talk.

But it turns out that Verricro was wrong. The traps set by Claude were not bad, but too easy to use. Almost every set of traps yielded a harvest. Five rabbits and four pheasants were entangled in the traps for almost a day and a night. They struggled so hard that they were almost dying. They could only watch helplessly as they fell into the hands of these two-legged beasts.

There are fourteen sets of traps. Except for two sets that are intact and unchanged, the other three sets are in a damaged state. It is obvious that these three sets of traps also caught the prey, but under the prey's life struggle, the traps were torn and allowed the prey to escape. Born in heaven. The remaining nine sets of traps lived up to Claude's expectations and provided him with nine prey.

Verricro looked at the matchlock gun in his hand, and murmured: "If I had known, we wouldn't have needed to get any matchlock guns. We could just come here empty-handed and put some covers on it every day, and come back empty-handed the next day to get the prey." "

Bockard and Erikson squatted down to help Claude, unhooking the rabbits and pheasants from their harnesses, and then binding the feet of the prey with the ropes Claude had brought. All the prey had no strength to struggle, and they were helpless and allowed to be tossed about by these two-legged beasts.

"Claude, how did you come up with this condom trap?" Ericson asked curiously.

"Haha" Claude smiled: "This is the benefit of reading more books. I once read a mainland travel diary, saying that there is an island in the north of the mainland. When people there catch those seabirds, they often lay a large fish flat on the ground. Sprinkle fish and shrimp on the sand to attract the seabirds to come down to eat. Because it is sandy land, the seabirds fall down carelessly, and some seabirds' claws pass through the fish grid. People As soon as the seabirds landed, they shouted and rushed over. As a result, some seabirds got their claws entangled in fish and were caught.

This matter was spread to the mainland by those businessmen, so some smart hunters used the same method to hunt migratory birds. They lay the fish flat on the grass or in the mud, put the food that migratory birds like to eat on top of the fish, and then rush over when the migratory birds come down to eat. Every time, one or two migratory birds get their talons entangled in the fish and fall. into the hands of hunters.

However, this fish trap has some shortcomings for hunters. First, it is expensive. A fish trap will be damaged quickly due to the struggle of the prey in the grass, which is not worth the gain for the hunter. Second, migratory birds have learned the lesson because too many of their kind have been caught, and they don’t dare to come down again when they see fish on the ground. Third, accidents are easy to occur in the mountains, forests and grass, and fish are often destroyed by large beasts.

Later, a clever hunter tried to imitate