Black Iron’s Glory

Chapter 649


"Why are you running here?" Claude looked at the dust-covered Major General Albert Lund, the commander of the Panshi Third Division, and asked with a smile, while calling the orderlies outside the big tent to get a basin of water. General Albert scrubbed his head and face, which were stained with dust and sweat.

General Albert was a little annoyed: "I hurriedly ran over with my troops, just when I heard that you were facing the follow-up troops of the volunteer light cavalry regiment of the Principality of Karnas, I thought you wouldn't be able to eat them for a while. , I came here to reinforce you and share some of your military exploits. I didn’t expect that in just over twenty days, you had wiped them all out. This action must have been too fast... "

Claude shook his head: "Alan, I appreciate your kindness, but you have to look at your own conditions. Our Thunder Division has four legs no matter what, and we can fly thousands of miles away if we miss a hit. If you can't fight, you can still escape. You, the Third Rock Division, are running on two legs. What if we fail to deal with this volunteer light cavalry regiment this time and our Thunder Division runs away, but you bump into them? Wouldn’t that mean delivering meat to your door?”

Claude had no other meaning when he said this. He knew that General Albert had good intentions and could take the initiative to reinforce the Thunder Division. It is much better than the so-called pig teammates in history who sit back and watch the friendly troops being trapped, standing dozens of miles apart but as steady as a fisherman, waiting for the friendly troops to be exhausted and surrounded and eliminated by the enemy, and then immediately run away.

But as the supreme commander of the theater, he did not agree with this approach. The reason was very simple: the issue of equipment and mounts. The Beringana Territory was left with no intact town due to Marshal Michelchi's policy of fortifying the walls and clearing the country. The Rock Third Army, which was rushing on two legs, rashly entered the war zone without knowing the enemy's situation, but it was extremely dangerous. action.

If it is true as he said, the volunteer light cavalry regiment did not fall into the trap and did not dismount and dig trenches, but instead used light cavalry assault tactics to confront itself until now, then they will soon find out that the Panshi Third Division has entered The whereabouts of Albato Prairie. If they use a small number of troops to involve the Thunder Division, and the large force secretly moves to launch a surprise attack on the Third Rock Division, then General Albert and his troops will suffer a major defeat.

On the prairie, the power of light cavalry can be fully utilized. The infantry formations do not have time to defend or build forts. At the same time, they cannot withstand sudden attacks from all directions...

General Albert knew very well what Claude was referring to. He just shook his head and wiped his face with a wet towel: "I have already considered what you said. In fact, I really wish you had not won this volunteer. Light Cavalry Legion, let them come to me, just in time for me to test the power of the chariot formation. After all, you know, we are not confident just by training, and the effect cannot be seen. Whether this chariot formation can be used still needs to be tested on the battlefield. ... ..."

Car formation... Claude now understood what General Albert relied on. Speaking of which, this was also Claude's trick. More than half a year ago, Claude and the four division commanders got into the mood and conducted sand table deductions, but they were unlucky enough to get the battle of Karnas Grassland. Claude plays the commander of the annihilated Blue Feather Legion, while Major General Bolognik becomes the commander-in-chief of the light cavalry of the Principality of Karnars. Everyone knew the outcome of this battle, so they all believed that all Claude could do was to prevent the entire Blue Feather Army from being annihilated and escape with a few more troops.

No one expected Claude to invent a side carriage, use the carriage to form a carriage city, and then use light infantry artillery to fire shotguns to give the attacking Karrnath light cavalry a severe blow. If Major General Bolognik hadn't realized that the situation was not going well and had allowed the light cavalry to roam around and save a lot of troops, maybe Claude commanded the Blue Feather Army to turn defeat into victory.

The results of that sand table deduction were eye-opening to almost all the senior officers of the theater command headquarters who were watching. In the end, Claude relied on a sidecar to allow the Blue Feather Legion and the two second-line legions to retreat. The two sides were considered to be fighting. It was a tie. .seven

It was that time that Claude introduced the sidecar to everyone. It was simple to assemble and easy to disassemble, and could build a reliable defensive barrier for the infantry in the short time it took to discover the enemy's cavalry surprise attack. I didn’t expect General Albert to actually come up with this thing now. Unfortunately, at the wrong time, the volunteer light cavalry regiment of the Principality of Karnas was taken over by Claude. This sidecar was also Lost its usefulness.

But Claude was still curious: "Alan, where did you get so many packhorses to pull the cart? Didn't you say that the most lacking thing in the war zone right now is packhorses?"

General Albert had a bitter look on his face: "Don't mention it. I begged my grandma to worship my grandpa. I sold out all the honors on this face, so I chose from Senior Bolognik's Rock First Division and Senior Sevicht's Rock The Second Division borrowed all the packhorses they had equipped, and together with those from our division and the theater logistics department, we collected a total of about two thousand packhorses. Each packhorse pulls a cart. Although it can pull, it still needs to be pulled from time to time. We needed soldiers to help push the cart, so we rushed over so slowly..."

Claude laughed loudly: "Okay, don't be upset. Our Thunder Division annihilated the entire volunteer light cavalry regiment, and captured a lot of war horses and pack horses. I am about to send people to take all the pack horses back and put them on the market to reduce the transportation capacity in the war zone. If there is insufficient demand, you can now use war horses to pull the cart. Two war horses pull one cart to ensure high speed."

"Yes!" General Albert's worries turned into joy: "How could I forget this... No, I have to let them unload the pack horse immediately and replace it with two war horses to test the speed of the vehicle. "

General Albert didn't say goodbye and ran out with a "chirp". Claude had no choice but to recruit his adjutant, Major Anders, and let him follow General Albert to help him solve some problems to avoid any accidents. After all, they were two divisions, but the seizure belonged to the Thunder Division. Without Claude's warrant, General Albert might have hit a wall in front of the soldiers on duty.

But soon General Albert came back. Claude was approving some official documents from the Thunder Division, looking at the processing and results of certain things, as well as the accounts and statistics of material allocation by the logistics department. These official documents It must be reviewed and signed by Claude before it can be archived. If Claude is dissatisfied with the outcome of a certain official matter, he has to write down his opinions and send the official document back to the department responsible for the division to handle it again...

Naturally, General Albert knew these procedures very well. He was also a division commander himself, so he stayed quietly aside and made a cup of black tea to taste slowly. Claude processed the official documents very quickly. Basically, he was very satisfied with the process and the results. He took up a pen and wrote a "read" word on the official document, then signed his name, stamped the division commander's seal, and all these trivial matters were reported. A paragraph is over. Only the accounts of the Logistics Department require mental arithmetic, which takes longer.

After Claude finished reviewing and approving these official matters, he raised his head and found General Albert sitting on the side in a daze, his eyes staring straight at him, not knowing what he was thinking. After looking at the time, Claude pulled the summoning bell rope. Major Anders came in from outside the tent and waited for instructions. Claude asked him to go talk to the small canteen and get a table of food and wine. He wanted to entertain it in the big tent. General Albert.

General Albert had come to his senses and had no objection to Claude's offer of hospitality. Claude smiled and asked what he was thinking about just now. General Albert said that he recalled the establishment of overseas field legions a few years ago.

Claude didn't know much about the Overseas Field Corps. He only knew that Marshal Michelchi sent General Albert and General Beachlin, who were still colonels at the time, with a group of officers from the Ranger Corps. Elites were selected from the local garrison forces in overseas territories directly under the jurisdiction of the country, and became the reserve force and supplementary force of the Ranger Division.

However, the two overseas field regiments have now been disbanded, and the selected soldiers of suitable age have joined the five reinforced divisions. So Claude smiled and asked General Albert if he had any good memories to share. They should probably be the wonderful experiences of accepting banquets from powerful local people and spending time with those beautiful ladies.

General Albert smiled bitterly and replied that it was not such an exaggeration. In fact, he was ordered to form an overseas field army at that time, and even he himself did not expect it to be so dangerous. Just the assassination attempt on him and General Beachkerin had happened several times. General Beachkerin was more unlucky. Once he was seriously injured and had to recuperate for half a year before he recovered. From this point of view, these overseas territories directly under the Nubisia continent are far away from the kingdom's mainland and isolated overseas. They have long become lawless and lawless places.

Then Claude listened to General Albert talking about many past events. From a certain perspective, the Kingdom's jurisdiction over the overseas territories is very inappropriate. Although the system of governors and admirals separates military and political affairs, it can easily pit the two big bosses against each other, so that powerful people in the local areas can only unite to fight against each other. Bao, as neutral. If either the governor or the admiral had a clear mind, the overseas territories could still develop. I'm afraid that both the governor and the admiral will regard this appointment as a job assignment and only focus on making money regardless of local development, and the local situation will be in a mess.

The reason why General Albert Lund and General Beach Green were assassinated was because the governor and the admiral were at odds with each other. They regarded the capital city of the direct territory as a place of struggle between the two sides and gave up the effective management of the remaining towns in the direct territory. , as long as the taxes are in place, nothing will matter. As a result, those local towns fell under the control of those local tycoons, and even the local defense forces became the private force of local tycoons.

Marshal Michelich ordered General Albert Lund and General Bichklin to reorganize local garrison forces in various places to form overseas field corps. As a result, some local tycoons who could not distinguish the situation thought that this was to suppress them, and contacted them privately to prepare for the two. Seeing how powerful this Kingdom officer was, he decided to assassinate him after failing to bribe him with money. The final result is of course the confiscation of the family and the annihilation of the clan. No matter who goes against the regular army of the kingdom, there will be no benefit.

General Albert told Claude with emotion that during those two years, he had to sleep with one eye open to avoid being accidentally poisoned. Fortunately, we finally got through it, and things went smoothly after forming an overseas field corps. The promotion of himself and Beech Kerin to the kingdom's major generals was not so much due to their contribution to the establishment of overseas field regiments, but rather to the fact that the royal capital had rectified the local order for them and suppressed the local tyrants and careerists, so that the kingdom was in a good position. These overseas territories have strengthened their jurisdiction and prestige as rewards for their merits...

Claude now understood the reason why Albert Lund and Beech Klin, two unknown seniors in the Ranger Regiment, were promoted to the rank of Major General of the Kingdom together with him. If General Albert hadn't told him this, he might have thought that the two seniors, Albert and Beach Kerin, had gone through the path of a certain kingdom boss to become divisions of the five reinforced divisions. One of the group leaders.

At this time, the wine and food were delivered, Claude invited General Albert to sit down, and the two began to eat. After the staple food was over, the orderly poured wine for the two generals. Claude asked him to step aside so that he no longer had to stand by to serve. Then he asked General Albert whether the carriage drawn by two war horses was a sidecar. The speed increases a lot...

General Albert shook his head and said that he did not use the war horse for the pack horse to test the vehicle. Because he didn't think it was necessary. This sidecar was originally designed to deal with the volunteer light cavalry regiment of the Principality of Karnas. Now that the volunteer light cavalry regiment was wiped out by Claude in one battle, the sidecar will be of little use in the future. At most, it is used by the logistics battalions assigned to each division to transport supplies. It can be used as protection when encountering a small group of enemy cavalry raids. Large troops are of no use.

Therefore, General Albert now focuses on the war horses captured by Claude. He hopes that Claude, as the supreme commander of the theater, can allocate these war horses to his division and let his division Become the second Thunder Division to play a role in the offense, rather than becoming a reserve supplementary source of troops for the 1st and 2nd Rock Divisions.

This idea coincides with Claude's previous idea. Claude declared very frankly that he did have plans to form the Second Thunder Division, but the matter was so important that he needed to call all his deputies carefully after returning to the war zone. Discuss with each other to determine which division will become the second division of Thunder. They will fight together under their own command and use offense to suppress the enemy.

General Albert was overjoyed. He told Claude bluntly that there was no need to discuss it, he would decide on the Second Thunder Division. The reason is simple. Whether it is General Bolognik, General Sevechter, or General Beachlin, they are all good at defense. In terms of offense, apart from Claude, the only one left is himself. This is not bragging, but a fact, which the three division commanders admitted during the sand table simulation. It may be said that General Albert was the person who learned the most from Claude in terms of offensive tactics.

Seeing that Claude was a little moved, General Albert struck while the iron was hot. He said that he and Claude had conducted so many sandbox simulations. Although he has lost countless times, because of this, he has a certain understanding of Claude's offensive tactics, and he will definitely be able to cooperate with Claude on the battlefield. At the same time, he will obey Claude's command and will not make his own decisions. No matter from any point of view, his Rock Third Division is the most suitable candidate.

In addition, General Bolognik's 1st Rock Division and General Sevicit's 2nd Rock Division are burdened with the important responsibilities of the Dolinibara River Defense Line and the Claude Defense Line, and it is impossible to form the Thunder 2nd Division. At the same time, the styles of these two seniors are prudent and steady, and they are better at defense than offense, so equipping these two legions with war horses is of no use...

As for General Beach Green's Fourth Army of the Rock, it only has 10,000 men so far and is an empty division. The Kingdom has not yet transported the last batch of more than 20,000 immigrants from the mainland, so the Fourth Rock Army has not been fully staffed, and it is impossible to form the Second Thunder Division.

Based on the above situation, General Albert believes that there is no one more suitable to be adapted into the Thunder Second Division than his Third Rock Army. As the supreme commander of the war zone, Claude can give orders directly, and since his Third Rock Division happens to be here, he can take this opportunity to immediately reorganize on the spot without having to drive all the war horses back to the war zone.

Claude laughed: "Well, I'll give you a chance to dispatch two regiments to escort the prisoners, pack horses and other supplies back to the Robisto territory. The remaining troops will be converted into light cavalry and accompany our Thunder Division. Demesne of Cromwell.

I heard that the volunteer field regiment of the Kingdom of Nasseri is carrying out construction work on the ruins of Wickham Castle, preparing to build it into a logistics base again. I want to remove this nail. If your division can cooperate well in this battle, I think you can become the second Thunder Division..."

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