Black Iron’s Glory

Chapter 8: training fee


"I understand, father." Albert would challenge Claude and scold his younger siblings, but he would never go against his father's wishes. From this point of view, his mind is still very clear and he knows that his father is related to his future and money, even though he is now an adult and has an enviable job.

Because he knew very well that his father, Mr. Morsan, the administrative director of White Deer Town, was the biggest supporter for everything he got.

He just said he knew it, but his actions were completely opposite to what he said. While staring at Claude fiercely, he tore the pieces of bread with butter and salt into his mouth, and then stuffed them into his mouth bitterly. Inside, it seemed as if he was chewing Claude's flesh and blood.

Alas, Mr. Morissant sighed from the bottom of his heart. The relationship between the two brothers is unlikely to improve in a short period of time. Fortunately, I have designed two completely different paths for them. I hope they can complement each other in the future. Rather than turning against each other.

Putting down the cup in his hand, Mr. Morsan thought for a while and asked his eldest son: "Abel, why did Sir Fox not take you with him when he went to the county town yesterday?"

Albert retracted his gaze and shrugged: "How do I know that Sir said that I have worked for twelve consecutive days, so he gave me three days off to let me have a good rest. I think this time he went to the county. Because of private matters, it is inconvenient to bring outsiders there. As for private matters, I think you also understand."

Perhaps Albert thought his answer was okay, but his slightly frivolous tone made Mr. Morsant frown and said seriously: "Abel, I hope your tone and answer just now will not disappoint me." I heard outside that any rumors and rumors about Sir Fox will create a big storm in White Deer Town. I don’t want to see you get involved in this storm and be shattered to pieces.”

But Mr. Morsan's warning was not taken to heart by his eldest son: "I understand, I just talked about it at home. When people ask me, I will answer that Sir rushed to the county because of an urgent political matter. Instead of meeting his lover."

Mr. Morsanne shook his head: "Abel, in fact, I am very disappointed with you. You have been with Sir Fox for two years, but you still have not fully gained his trust and become his confidant. Otherwise, you will be like Sir Fox." He will not hide the secret meeting with your lover from you, and he will even entrust you to arrange it instead of sending you home to rest."

"But I still know that he went to the county town to meet his lover. Sir, he didn't want to hide it from me at all. All the official documents and letters passed through my hands, and most of them even entrusted me to reply on Sir's behalf. And didn't he do it in front of you and me last time? Why do you praise me for what I can do in front of my colleagues?" Albert interrupted Mr. Morsan unconvinced.

"Well, that's what I'm worried about." Mr. Morsan sighed and said to his eldest son earnestly: "How do you know that Sir went to the county town to meet his lover privately? Maybe this is what he wants you to think. , a tryst with his lover is a perfect excuse to avoid irrelevant people and carry out his own secret activities. And you only know that he goes to tryst with his lover, but you have no idea who his lover is and where he lives.

Abel, you should understand that as a national congressman, Jazz has a large number of political resources and connections that can be traded, but these transactions will never be put on the table. I hope you can become Jazz's confidant, that is, I hope you can get in touch with this aspect. If Jazz can trust you, whether it is political resources or connections, these will be of vital help to your future development.

You are still complacent about the fact that you have handled all the official documents and letters of Sir, but you don't know that these official documents are worthless. The transaction has been completed underneath, and the official documents are just formalities. As for those letters, they are nothing more than public letters that a member of Parliament must accept. These letters do not concern the Lord at all. The real secret contact letter has its own secret code, and like those personal letters, it is delivered directly to the Sir. As his secretary, you can only hand it over but cannot read it. What I said is correct, right?"

"Yes, but Sir has praised me many times in front of you, right?" Albert's face turned a little pale, but he didn't give up yet.

"It's just a few nice words, and these nice words didn't cost the Jazz an extra penny.