Black Iron’s Glory

Chapter 80: Claude's confusion


Master Landers expressed in his diary that he was very dissatisfied and unconvinced that Brother Davari evaluated his original mental shock spell as rubbish. However, Brother Davari is a battle mage, and the two have different concepts of magic. Just like the saying that Claude heard in his previous life, when a scholar meets a soldier, he cannot explain why.

Brother Davari said that Banshee's Wail is originally a combat spell to deal with group attacks. Although it has no lethality, it can prevent the enemy from attacking the battle mage at close range. Moreover, the battle mage can also use Banshee's Wail to disrupt the enemy's attack. No matter how well-disciplined the enemy is, they cannot remain calm after being hit by the Banshee's Wail. Once the enemy falls into chaos, it will be time for the battle mage to perform.

But Mage Landes is not a battle mage, and he does not need to charge into battle to defeat the enemy like a battle mage. He just wanted to solve the feeding problem of the ferocious beasts he encountered. It would be satisfying if those beasts could wait obediently for him to deliver food instead of roaring and roaring at him and hitting the magic barriers that separated him from them.

From this perspective, Master Landers simplified the group spell Banshee's Wail and copied it into a single spell, Mental Shock, which perfectly achieved the effect he needed.

Claude can completely imagine the scene at that time from the proud and boastful record of Master Landers in the diary: Master Landers brought the food to the room where the beasts were imprisoned by magic, and first used a mental shock spell. After casting it, the wild beast that was originally jumping and furious in the room seemed to be suddenly broken, and fell into an idiot state. Then Mage Landers can put the food into the feeding basin in a leisurely manner. He no longer has to worry about which beast will suddenly evolve, break through the magic confinement, and pounce on himself to tear him apart.

Because this mental shock spell that Master Landers simplified and adapted based on the Banshee's Wail should be regarded as a kind of mental spell, and it acts on the opponent's spirit rather than on it. According to Master Landers, the beast that was hit by this mental shock spell was an idiot at that moment, and its mind was completely blank, so that it was unable to react. It is quite consistent with the situation to say that it paused there.

In short, the mental shock spell of Master Landers is like a club blow to the head of the target. Although it will not cause unconsciousness, it is not much different. Master Landers was very proud that he used this self-created spiritual spell to eliminate the threat posed by these beasts to him, and used it as the seventh and final auxiliary spell to engraved it in the inner space of the hexagram as a commemoration.

As for these ferocious beasts that were often cast by Master Landers with this mental shock spell, during the three-year alchemy experiment, they showed no signs of evolving into monsters. Instead, they became a little stupid and stupid, and they no longer The original violent and sensitive reactions were gone. This is actually a normal situation. No matter who is often hit on the head with a big stick, no matter how smart a person is, he will become a fool.

The owner of the magic tower, Master Lornk, didn't know that he also had a first-level rune mage who often used his own spiritual spells to knock the heads of these beasts. He self-righteously believed that these beasts were most likely transformed into domestic animals due to being confined in a small space for a long time and being eaten by humans.

This proves that it is feasible for beasts to evolve into domestic animals after long-term feeding. Unfortunately, the purpose of this alchemical experiment is not here. Master Lorne can only reluctantly announce the end of this three-year plan to evolve beasts into Warcraft. alchemical experiments

Mage Landers noted in his diary the relief he felt when Master Lornk announced the end of the failed alchemical experiment. He did not understand that he played the most critical role in this alchemy experiment, or it could be said that half of the conclusions reached by Master Lorne Ke were the consequences of him.

At this moment, he was only happy that he no longer had to go to the place where the beasts were imprisoned every day and input half of his magic power into the alchemy magic talisman. He was happy that he would no longer continue to work as a breeder feeding these beasts.

Master Landers felt relieved, but he left Claude confused in his diary. Well, it's not quite right to say confused, it should be confused. For the first time, Claude felt confused about what kind of magical path he wanted to take. Think about the second diary.