Black Iron’s Glory

Chapter 89: All I learned are forbidden arts?


Claude now finally understood why no one in White Deer Town had ever heard of Baroness Maria. It turned out that she was from the royal capital. However, she was able to buy this specimen of the Niros giant crocodile from Sir Fox. Although it cost forty-five gold crowns, it was enough to make Sir Fox let go and not dare to refuse her request, which is enough to show that he Rich in wealth and prominent family status.

From a commercial point of view, this specimen of Nilos giant crocodile is not worth forty-five gold crowns. Sir Fox can still make a profit by selling it at this price. After all, he obtained this specimen from Bokoal. The crocodile only cost four gold crowns. But the problem is that such a huge Niros crocodile has always been priced but not available. After being made into a specimen, it can be taken to the Kingdom for tours and the tickets are collected. If it is placed in the manor, it will be enough for Sir Fox to show off to his guests for a while. This can How can he be willing to sell something that earns him face

It can be heard from the arrogant words spoken by Lady Maria just now that when she heard that someone in White Deer Town had hunted such a huge Niros crocodile, she rushed to White Deer Town to find Sir Fox. Asked to buy the stuffed crocodile. This shows that Sir Fox also knows this Lady Maria and knows her details. He may have some contacts with her family, so he does not dare to offend and can only comply with her request.

Claude suddenly thought of the metaphor of the big fish eating the fish, and the fish eating the shrimps. Maybe people like himself are the shrimps, Sir Fox is the fish, and the Lady Maria in front of him is the big fish, and she is still unobtrusive. But Claude couldn't figure out why such a Niros crocodile caught her attention and rushed back from the royal capital.

"Well, I didn't expect to see this crocodile here. To be honest, I was shocked just now. But I don't know why, madam, you came here from the royal capital for this crocodile. Do you want to take it to the royal capital?" Exhibition?" Claude pretended to be a curious baby.

Mrs. Maria rolled her eyes at him: "I'm not that boring. The reason I bought it is that I need its skin. You must not know that Niros crocodile skin is currently the best material for making magic books. no"

I really don’t know this, Claude can only admit it honestly with a nod.

Mrs. Maria shook her head and said: "I really don't know where you learned magic, and I don't want to know your magic heritage, because this is a taboo topic for any magician. But I have to tell you. "Although you know magic, you don't understand the current development of magic in the world. You don't know a lot of magic knowledge."

Well, Claude had to admit that what she said made sense. This Lady Maria spoke very straightforwardly and said whatever came to her mind. She was not like those nobles who spoke in a roundabout way. However, this also shows that Claude lacks access to outside information. Just as this Lady Maria said, the news that King Sterling X asked a registered magician to release more than two hundred beads of light at the Renaissance banquet, turning the royal court into a palace that never sleeps, cannot be seen in any newspaper. arrive

This is also the biggest shortcoming of living in a place like Bailu Town. Although you can hide your identity as a magician very well here, you have no way to know the outside world's magic development information and changes in circumstances. For the first time, Claude had the idea of wanting to visit the Royal Capital. He wanted to see what Madam Maria said about magic.

"I'm sorry, madam." Claude thought for a while and felt that there were some things he could say directly. In addition, he also liked the straightforward Madam Maria: "I just got a rune mage's diary by chance, and I was curious for a moment. I only started practicing magic after that. In fact, I just started practicing meditation when I was hunting this Niros crocodile, and I didn’t know how to cast any spells at that time. It wasn’t until last month that I learned a few spells.”

"Wait a minute, you are talking about Rune Mage, so are you sure you are learning the inheritance of Rune Mage?" Mrs. Maria suddenly became excited.

Claude shook his head: "Madam, I don't know if what I learned is the inheritance of the Rune Mage. The owner of the diary claims to be the Rune Mage. There are several notes on alchemy experiments and a hexagram meditation technique. and five spells of magic talismans. I practiced based on these records."

Claude decided to find a way to forge a mage's diary after he went back. What he just said was too fast.