Black Iron’s Glory

Chapter 9: Liberal Arts and Physical Education


"I don't know what qualifications you have to decide whether I can take equestrian training lessons." Claude looked at Albert coldly, his eyes full of contempt: "Compared to someone who spent more than five silver thalers For those idiots who are still not good at riding horses, I can ride a horse without spending a penny, and I can ride it better than you, which means that I am very talented in equestrianism, so you are jealous and don't want me to be good at equestrianism. Keep improving to satisfy your narrow vanity, right?"

"You, who are you calling me an idiot? I will be jealous of you." Albert jumped up immediately, his face flushed. It was obvious that Claude's words were like a sharp knife, just piercing the most important part of his heart. place.

It has been about half a year since the time traveler became Claude. He sometimes feels that the different world he has traveled through is very strange. Compared with his previous life, there are many similarities. For example, there are also seven days in a week. On Sundays, people go to the temples of their respective beliefs. Pray. For example, the Kingdom of Ovilas also has basic education for all, including national studies and middle schools, etc.

But there are many differences. Not to mention the two moons in the sky, even the temples people believe in are polytheistic rather than monotheistic, and these temples have their own functions. For example, farmers believe in the earth goddess who can bring good harvests, and sailors worship and govern. The sea god of storms, the warrior god of war, the silver moon goddess who symbolizes love and health, and the sun god who brings light to the earth

What makes time travelers feel most weird is national education, which is very different from the exam-oriented education in previous lives. National education is also divided into subjects, but it is not divided into liberal arts and science, but into liberal arts and physical education. The key courses in liberal arts are the six subjects of grammar, history, arithmetic, theology, geography and nature.

Grammar class is not the language of the previous life, this is what the time traveler thinks. The lingua franca of the Kingdom of Ovilas is Hebraic, a language that evolved from the ancient Hertzian language and is spoken in the eastern part of the Farea continent. Regions such as the Kingdom of Nasseri, the kingdom's mortal enemy, and the Principality of Berkeley, which was annexed by the kingdom, all speak Hebraic.

Chinese grammar classes are very simple, including literacy and the ability to write fluently. Hebraic characters are not letters, but a diamond-shaped character, which is characterized by a large upper part and a drum in the middle. The beautiful handwriting is like tadpoles standing up one by one. In a certain respect, the Hebraic characters are a bit like the square characters that travelers are familiar with. There are more than 6,000 characters in the dictionary. They use the same letters to pinyin, and the same way to know the meaning of the characters.

The grammar class in junior high school is more like a comprehensive course. In addition to continuing to learn some new words that are not commonly used, you also have to learn to write various administrative and business styles. At the same time, we also need to learn two new languages, the Jimil language that is popular in the northern part of the continent and the Lesicht language in the central part of the continent. These two languages also evolved from the ancient Hertzian language and can be said to be close relatives of Hebraic.

History is a key course in junior high school, but time-travelers have complained privately that this history course has a very good brainwashing effect. Because the focus of this historical textbook issued by the kingdom is not to tell the history of the Farea continent, but to describe the arduous process of establishing the Kingdom of Overas and the great achievements of successive kings, especially the achievements of Sterling IX. Accounting for more than half, just like the focus of every exam is mostly the "Three Color Scepter Battle" to revive the kingdom, a certain battle in the three-year civil war in the kingdom, what did the great Sterling IX use? Tactics defeated the enemy and so on, annoying the time traveler.

Needless to say, arithmetic is the most basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in elementary school. The difficulty in elementary school is quadratic equations. Geometry and algebra like those in the previous life are completely gone. What makes the time traveler wonder is that the writing formats of budget and audit are also included in the scope of arithmetic. What the hell is this

Theology can basically be viewed as myths and legends, but it is worth noting that different gods have different prayers and sacrificial rituals, as well as different taboos in life. This is an important point that every student must keep in mind.

Geography is more like a business plan. In addition to describing the geography and mineral knowledge of several known continents, islands, and oceans, it also describes the landscapes and customs of various places. Its focus is on the specialties of various places and their sale to other places. profit difference between them.

Nature is also a comprehensive subject. The time traveler believes that the kingdom’s education department irresponsibly combines organisms, plants, and common sense to form this course called nature. The most common textbooks are various types of