Black Iron’s Glory

Chapter 97: respectively


Lady Maria left in the early morning of the seventeenth day. If a messenger hadn't come from the royal capital urging her to go back, she might have stayed for a while longer.

Claude worked beside her as a chef for seventeen days, oh, no, as a test assistant. In addition to completing seven magic books and thirty-five blank magic scrolls, the main task is to learn how to operate the medicinal material processing machines in the pharmacy laboratory, and learn basic pharmacy knowledge under the guidance of Madam Maria.

Because he was grateful for Madam Maria's selfless teachings, Claude would think hard and carefully cook a big meal every night to express his gratitude. This is also the reason why Madam Maria postponed her return to the royal capital and stayed at this forest farm. . She has stated more than once that although she was surprised by Claude's talent in magic and pharmacy, she still felt that Claude's best future was to become a chef.

However, during this period of time, Claude also learned a lot about Madam Maria. In fact, this lady is a foodie. Well, it may be a bit rude to say this, but Mrs. Maria is a food lover and food connoisseur. Perhaps it was time to be adopted by Sterling IX. The superior life in the palace made her develop the habit of paying attention to food. Although she could eat ordinary food, it was only to satisfy her hunger and for convenience during the journey.

This time she hurried to Bailu Town to buy the specimen of the Niros crocodile, without bringing a large number of servants and her own guards. The main reason is that she is worried that her high-profile trip will attract the attention of interested people, which may lead to setbacks in her purchase of crocodile specimens.

Some time ago at the forest farm, her butler Lutheran took a carriage to the old tavern in the town to buy all her food. Although the chef Pied of the old tavern has good cooking skills, the dishes he specializes in are not much different from those in the famous restaurants in the royal capital. For Lady Maria, they are dispensable. She has eaten enough of these dishes in the royal capital.

So when he visited Claude's house that day, Mr. Morsan's words that Claude could cook some delicious dishes that were not available outside impressed Madam Maria, and she stayed to dine regardless of the difference in status. For a foodie, oh, gourmet, tasting dishes that have never been eaten before is the most important and happiest moment. What is your identity? Can you eat that thing

Claude did not disappoint Lady Maria. The dishes he cooked that night were indeed things she had never heard or seen in the capital, especially the concept of frying, which was unheard of in this world. Steaming, boiling, roasting, frying, mixing, and roasting are the six cooking methods that chefs in this world must know, except stir-frying.

Claude naturally pushed all of this to a notebook he had read. Madam Maria thought it was the record in the mage diary that Claude had obtained. This might be the cooking methods and dishes favored by those magicians back then. . Mr. Morsan thought this might be where his second son read the chef's notes. He had already bought a cookbook last time, so there was no problem if he liked cooking.

In fact, the dishes Claude cooks are home-cooked dishes that he would have cooked in his previous life. When cooking for his mother, younger brothers and sisters at home, he also has to consider the issues of waste and ingredient substitutes. Because for Mr. Morsan, delicious cooking is worthy of praise, but too much waste is intolerable. The family’s money does not come from strong winds.

At the forest farm, Claude didn't need to think about what was wasted or not. Madam Maria loved food. She didn't care how much she paid for a plate of food. There were even some condiments that Claude couldn't find, but he could tell her about it. She could tell her the name or what substitute was better, and then asked the housekeeper Lutheran to buy it.

Claude believes that Madam Maria is a foodie first and foremost. She likes to talk to Claude after tasting a dish, write down the recipe of the dish and prepare to take it back to the capital for her personal chef to learn how to make it. Dish. During this period, the two often quarreled, because the recipes Claude reported often added a little wine and a little salt, so Mrs. Maria struggled for a long time, insisting that Claude make it clear, how much of this and a little meant.

Mrs. Maria's second identity is a pharmacist. Every time she gives guidance on pharmacy and experiments to Claude, she becomes very serious, which is completely different from her usual friendly and friendly appearance. Her favorite admonishment to Claude is to learn potion knowledge and