Black Knight

Chapter 1: Even though he grew up in the dirty mountains and fields


In the wilderness, the sky is gloomy. The mountain is towering, and the gray clouds seem to be pressing down from the sky, pressing in front of the tallest black banyan tree standing on the top of the mountain. The heavy rain had just stopped, and crumbling raindrops could be seen everywhere on the mutated vegetation all over the mountains and plains. Hanging on the hair vines that grew between countless dense forest trees, they formed a curtain of water drops as always.

A drop of water breaks free from the tension, falls from the hair vine, and falls to the deep surface of the earth. There are hundreds of ravines between the earth and rocks, and oily moss grows everywhere. The uneven water pool catches the drop of water and ripples. Round ripples.

Huh, huh, in the dense forest, the sound of breathing came quietly, the sound was thick and heavy, and it seemed like it was being pinched tightly. Although the mutated vegetation is terrifying, it does not make such an obvious breathing sound.

This is an injured brown bear, with a body length of 3.4 meters, a shoulder height of 1.8 meters, and a weight of 750kg. It has exceeded the size of a male brown bear in civilized times. It has similar body and limbs to a brown bear, and its thick body hair can resist the attack of ordinary blades. The tough skin, the iron claws that can easily plow through the rocky soil, and the bite force of the huge teeth that can bite the big black banyan tree on the top of the mountain gave it the devilish name of the iron-cracked brown bear. Even in this mutated forest, a dangerous wild area with countless mutated bacteria, insects, animals and plants, it is also a mutated race in the first echelon of the deep mountain food chain.

But now, there is a two-foot-long ferocious gash on the back of this iron-cracked brown bear. The eroded flesh and blood at the wound has been turned upside down, and all-pervasive mutated bacteria have invaded this shocking ravine. Its majestic body relies on He walked along the kapok trees along the way, crushing the roots of the trees exposed on the ground with his limbs, and the sound of pinched breathing came from the abyss's huge mouth that could bite through steel.

Its pair of small yellow eyes reflected everything in the forest, flashing with confusion and fear coming from the animal's heart.

Suddenly, a petite figure flew through the air, and the strong wind brought by the body turned forward swept away the red kapok on the branches, and the flowers fell, setting off a breeze carrying the fragrance of flowers, wet wood, and dust in the intricate forest.

The petite figure settled on the kapok branch. The first thing that fell into the eyes of the iron-cracked brown bear was the pair of blue eyes that were as beautiful as the turbulent sea. The hunting intention floating in the pupils was like the vast blue sea. The tidal white air in the air, with a ray of sharp air, penetrated deeply into the eyes of the iron-cracked brown bear.

This slender woman, 1.7 meters tall, is covered in a cloak made of tough hair vines. Some of the parts are exposed outside the cloak. Apart from her boots, which are also protected by hair vines, she is dressed in aged black. And the leather jacket has lost its reflective color.

Her face was covered under the hood of the cloak, and only her eyes were exposed. Her right arm was stretched out lengthwise, and her five fingers were holding a black three-foot-long knife. The blade was in a weird wavy shape, and it could be opened forward and backward. Although the blade is stained with blood and soil, it does not hide the decisive edge of blowing hair.

The right leg of the iron-cracked brown bear took a step back, with a strong color of fear in its pupils. It was obviously the overlord of the mountains and the top of the food chain, but it was seriously injured by a human who smelled of the lower rations. It was obviously inferior rations, but her eyes told it that she was better than it.

The iron-cracked brown bear roared and made its final struggle as the carnivorous overlord. However, the human figure in front of him stood motionless on the branch, not deterred at all. Immediately, the iron-cracked brown bear raised its ferocious iron claws, raised its muscular body, and rushed toward the kapok stem where the woman was.

As the overlord of hunting, it knew that it was impossible to escape this human being with its own speed, so it could only fight bravely without fear of death.

With a bang, the kapok tree broke. The iron-cracked brown bear's frame and muscle strength were among the best in this forest ecology. The woman lost her standing position and jumped back to the ground. The crunching sound of the broken roots was overshadowed by the sound of the chariot-like movement of the Iron-Cracked Brown Bear. In an instant, the Iron-Cracked Brown Bear swooped up, its huge body and terrifying head covering everything above the woman's head. A thick forearm and sharp iron claws slapped down the most vulnerable human face.

The sound of footsteps touching the ground, the sound of sharp edges pushing away the air, the sound of metal and iron tearing skin and flesh, and the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

A hunt ended instantly after a head-on collision between the prey and the hunter.

The woman took out a relatively clean gray cloth and wiped off the blood on the blade. She put the three-foot long wavy knife on the belt of the vine cloak, and then walked towards the body of the iron-cracked brown bear that had lost its breath. She took out an iron hook and pierced the thick hind legs of the iron-cracked brown bear neatly. Then she used an astonishing force that was not in line with her body shape and dragged the body of the iron-cracked brown bear towards the south step by step.

On the damp land mixed with rocks and moss, a trail was plowed that exuded a strong smell of blood.

After a long time, the woman returned to a cave that was damp on the outside but strangely dry on the inside. The cave is only high enough for people to walk but not jump. The woman dragged the carcass of the cracked brown bear into the cave, and then sat down next to a small grill made of wood, stones, and iron rods.

Sitting on the stone-cut stool, the woman's tense body finally softened. She took off the wild-smelling rattan cloak and spread her long, smooth chestnut hair. Her figure under the leather jacket looked graceful and exquisite. At the same time, her fair and beautiful face, which is rich in Eastern and Western temperament and does not fit in the wild environment, is exposed to the air.

He skillfully took out the knife and cut the fur and muscles of the iron-cracked brown bear, and then lit up a small warm fire. The fire illuminated the small cave, and a seven-year-old boy suddenly appeared in the dark space.

The little boy has a pair of eyes of pure oriental origin. The pupils are outrageously big, like a piece of carefully carved obsidian. Short black hair, delicate skin, and lovely facial features, if ordinary people in the Dawn Era saw it, they would definitely scream noble. However, in the East, people would not use the title "noble", but "the son of a prominent person".

Just because such beauty is like grass in ordinary life, and is extinct in a land overgrown with weeds, full of dangers, covered with soil and blood.

The little boy was surprisingly quiet and did not ask the woman where she had gone, why she had been gone for so long, or what she had brought back. Because the long or short wait, as well as everything related to women and prey, have been stored in his mind as knowledge.

All he needs to do is to stay quiet, restrain his energy, not attract any dangerous creatures, and quietly watch the woman make the meat of the ferocious beast into food, and then eat and drink it.


ps: The new book is released for the first time. Book lovers are welcome to pay attention. It is our fate to see "Black Riding" among millions of books.

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