Black Knight

Chapter 117: The winner is the real one


Wu Qi clenched his teeth, forcibly suppressing the pain of the wound that threatened to deprive him of his mobility. He gathered the last bit of strength, raised his arms and the long knife, and slashed across Li Jiang's neck.

The power of the supernatural virus that lost the control of the pioneer was greatly reduced, and the exoskeleton protecting Li Jiang's neck was severely severed by Wu Qi's knife. With a snap, Li Jiang's head fell into a pool of blood on the ground. Gululu turned twice and then stopped.

The eyes that had lost their vitality were covered and soaked with blood, and they could not close their eyes.

Wu Qi suddenly spurted out a mouthful of crimson blood. A small mouthful of blood fell into a large pool of blood and disappeared immediately. Wu Qi's knees were shaking and he almost fell to his knees in a pool of blood. He turned the blade of the knife and the blade plunged into the ground with a clang, trying to support his body from kneeling.

However, Wu Qi discovered that he had also overstretched his arm strength. Although the arm muscles had returned to their original size, their strength was less than one-tenth of their normal state, and they were too weak to support Wu Qi's weight.

Wu Qi knelt in a pool of blood, pressing his left hand on the bleeding wound on his abdomen. His back was arched, and every muscle in his body was trembling. Wu Qi's back was chilling, but his forehead was very hot. The disease-like symptoms occurred within just a dozen seconds after the battle ended.

Wu Qi pressed his right hand into the pool of blood, trying hard to prevent himself from falling completely, letting Li Jiang's blood flow over his palm. This was the result of his body being stabbed by Li Jiang's bone spear.

There are a considerable amount of super-powerful viruses on the surface of the bone gun. Unlike viruses in the environment, these super-powerful viruses have been integrated with the pioneers, forming an exclusive viral ecology and superpowers. They invade the body and interact with the plague species. The destructive power of the super-powered virus that invades the body is no different. The second-level virus only takes ten seconds to erode 20% of the virus antibodies in an ordinary pure human body.

After the body becomes a battlefield for viruses and antibodies, the host's body will become extremely weak and fall into a terminally ill state of weakness.

Virus antibodies in pure humans are highly toxic to Pioneers, and conversely, viruses in Pioneers are also highly toxic to pure humans.

If the virus is allowed to erode the body, Wu Qi will lose his last strength in less than a minute and fall into a pool of blood belonging to Li Jiang, completely contaminated by the virus-filled blood. Even a hundred cell active agents will not be able to save the day. .

Normally, with Wu Qi's mental will, he could support his body to go beyond the limit and take a small step to turn the tide, but now he has taken two steps to the limit and no longer has the strength to take a third step.

The things in front of him began to blur. The time when the Colossus was destroyed had never made Wu Qi's consciousness so distant from reality. Wu Qi bit his fingers and palms, trying to make himself more awake.

"Sister Ruorong, I went down the mountain to find you, went north to find you, and joined the mercenary group to find you. How could I put the cart before the horse and fall down in a place like this before I even saw your back?" Wu Qi Read it word for word in your mind. There were rare violent emotional fluctuations in the calm black eyes.

But his physical strength is running out.

Roar! —

A familiar roar suddenly came to Wu Qi's ears. This roar echoed among the residential buildings. The sound was irrational, thick and violent, and it was completely like the cry of a wild beast.

This is similar to the sound made by a living corpse, but it is more terrifying than an ordinary living corpse.

Wu Qi slowly turned his head. In his blurry vision, he could see dark gray buildings on both sides, yellow-green lawns, one or two small straight trees, and many blue shadows mixed together.

Wu Qi was surrounded by blue-skinned living corpses, and there were more than one. In the center of the twelve blue-skinned zombies stood an extremely strong giant mutated zombie. The body of this living corpse is comparable to Wantai, with its arms and shoulders bulging with muscles like rocks, its hands and fingers are thick, and its mouth is as big as a giant crab's iron pincers.

The giant living corpse is up to 195 centimeters tall and has no face. Multiple split acidic long tongues hang on its face. The long green tongues, which symbolize severe acidity, are like cactus and are so big that they can no longer fit in the mouth.

Wu Qi vaguely felt that the appearance of this living corpse was familiar. His vision, which was still high up in the distance, was now blurred, like an ordinary person with high myopia who had taken off his glasses. The high fever on his forehead made Wu Qi want to give up thinking, no matter what would happen.

But Wu Qi still grabbed the handle of the long knife. This was his instinct, the instinct that Sister Ruorong had engraved in his bones. As long as there is a drop of his own blood flowing on Wu Qi's body, the desire for survival will be squeezed out of his blood!

Wu Qi stood up suddenly. He didn't know whether his legs could still be lifted and swung, or whether his waist could still be flexible and perform high-precision movements. As long as you have a three-foot-long knife in your hand, that's enough.

Li Jiang seemed surprised by the sudden surge in his muscle strength. In fact, Wu Qi himself was not surprised at all.

For as long as he can remember, Wu Qi has been a flesh-and-blood body with no superpowers. His muscle strength and precise coordination were all developed by him bit by bit. His body seemed to be different from that of a pure human being, with a ceiling that could be enhanced through exercise.

Wu Qi only knew that he had not been injected with any gene-enhancing drugs, and that he had transformed his soft and weak body when he was young into a body that could be measured by the level 2, 3, and 4 gene enhancement abilities.

Whenever you encounter danger, a sense of electricity rushes through your body; whenever you cross your limit, thunder explodes in your body.

He has already crossed the limit two steps, so why not take a third step!

Wu Qi tightened his grip on the long knife and faced the twelve blue-skinned zombies led by the giant zombie. The giant living corpse was the mutated and evolved body that Wu Qi and Zhang Bai killed on the first floor of a residential building. However, it had a second-level "high-speed regeneration" ability, which allowed it to recover and mutate even more powerfully. Wu Qi did not recognize this giant living corpse, but this living corpse recognized Wu Qi's scent.

The giant living corpse opened its bloody mouth that couldn't be closed, and the split tongue clusters that spread out from the depths of the abyss' mouth swayed and secreted thick green acidic liquid, and pulled out disgusting threads of saliva. It tore its vocal cords and roared like a beast, then rushed towards the weapon carrying huge power like its body was like a chariot.

Wu Qi placed the three-foot-long knife in a frontal position, preparing to use the impact of the giant living corpse to knock himself out of the spread of Li Jiang's blood pool. Breaking a few ribs is just a trivial matter for the wound to be contaminated with more supernatural viruses.

At the critical moment, the giant zombie rushed within six feet of Wu Qi with thunderous movement. Wu Qi raised his long knife, ready to face the collision like a truck at any time.

boom! Deafening gunshots and sharp bullets piercing the air suddenly sounded. Before Wu Qi could react, the head of the giant living corpse in front of him exploded into a scarlet-green firework at a very close distance.