Black Knight

Chapter 118: The team finally gets together


The head of the giant living corpse was instantly penetrated by a sniper bullet from the north. A head that was twice the size of a human head was not penetrated, but exploded directly. It broke into countless pieces and split into tongues flying in the air. Brains, plasma and blue blood bloomed on the spot and shot into the sky.

It's an anti-materiel sniper rifle.

Wu Qi had an idea in his mind. However, after the giant living corpse was headshot, the torso still had the inertia to move forward. The weight of the big truck hit Wu Qi's long knife without any reason. Wu Qi's arms had limited strength, and the long knife blade hit his chest in an instant.

Wu Qi's blood surged, and his throat was filled with fishy and sweet taste. His body was knocked out more than 15 meters, drew an awkward arc in the air, and fell heavily to the lawn of the green belt.

The expected heavy blow on his back did not come, making Wu Qi almost suspect that his sense of time was damaged. Then two warm arms embraced Wu Qi from behind as he fell to the lawn, and picked up Wu Qi's body, which was almost in pieces, like a cradle.

Wu Qi's head buzzed and he suddenly lost consciousness.

It was Wang Sheng who caught Wu Qi. Wang Sheng's broad arms turned into a cradle, allowing Wu Qi to fall asleep directly. He looked up at the twelve living corpses behind the giant living corpse, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

"Kill them." Wang Sheng ordered coldly.

Guo Baibo, armed with a 7.62mm caliber assault rifle, came out from the side. Her weak arms are not as weak as they appear on the surface, and 100% of their strength is enough to suppress a fully automatic rifle with strong recoil. A stream of flying metal bullets flew out continuously from the small muzzle. After firing a magazine with 30 bullets, half of the twelve blue-skinned living corpses fell down.

Guo Baibo quickly pulled out the spare magazine from her tactical belt and quickly disassembled it. Her fair and pretty face was dyed with a cold light, showing the full anger of her master.

Another round of metal storm swept towards the remaining six blue-skinned zombies, finally wiping them all out. A large area of broken limbs was staggered here and there, all the work of newcomer Guo Baibo.

After Guo Baibo finished dealing with the twelve blue-skinned zombies that rushed towards Wang Sheng and Wu Qi, he smelled the extremely fishy smell of the broken corpses, then he held onto the small tree next to him with a pale face and vomited.

Wang Sheng glanced at Guo Baibo who was vomiting. Her bent waist and thin arms seemed unable to withstand the ordeal, but her performance had improved a lot compared to the beginning. It’s already good to have encountered so many unplanned dangers on the first mission and still be able to adapt and make progress.

Wang Sheng's thoughts were more focused on Wu Qi. He looked at Wu Qi's face with worry. Putting Wu Qi's soft body into his arms, after the combat uniform came into contact with Wu Qi's cold body, the temperature adjustment function automatically adjusted and emitted heat.

There is a black headset next to Wang Sheng's ear. Not only does he have it, Guo Baibo, Yang Dongchen, and Gao Yuan are all equipped with this type of headset. All are trophies from the corpses of Hell Lion mercenaries.

He said: "Gao Yuan continues to stand at the high point, and Yang Dongchen brings Gao Lan to my side."

Three hundred meters away from Wang Sheng, on the top floor of a four-story residential building, lay a man wearing camouflage combat uniform, Gao Yuan. Gao Yuan has regained his energy. His dark brown left eye is against the 10x scope of the js 12.7mm sniper rifle, and circles of water symbolizing enhanced vision ripple on his iris.

The slender body of the js 12.7mm sniper rifle exposed part of the edge of the top floor, facing the residential square three hundred meters away. Wang Sheng's order came from Gao Yuan's headset, and he immediately responded: "Understood."

Immediately afterwards, Gao Yuan turned his gun to the southeast. There seemed to be some commotion in the city ten kilometers away, and it was impossible to see roughly even with a 10x scope at that distance. Gao Yuan could only see a steady stream of living corpses emerging from the manhole cover from the depths of the abandoned building that were usually difficult to notice, and moving to a location ten kilometers away.

In the central square, Wang Sheng couldn't bear to put Wu Qi on the lawn or the cold floor tiles, so he carried him away in a princess hug. Yang Dongchen held the rope holding Gao Lan and walked slowly to join Wang Sheng and Guo Baibai.

Wang Sheng didn't need to say anything, his eyes told Yang Dongchen to hurry up and treat Wu Qi. Yang Dongchen glanced at the rope in his hand, glanced at Gao Lan and Guo Baibai each, and then chose to tie the rope to a pillar on the first floor of the building.

"Hey, you're just a leash dog!" Gao Lan was so angry that he couldn't help but say.

However, Wang Sheng and Yang Dongchen's thoughts were all focused on Wu Qi, and no one paid attention to her. Wang Sheng slowly laid Wu Qiping on the wooden bench in the atrium, and placed a layer of outdoor bedcloth under Wu Qi. Yang Dongchen took off his military backpack and took out a complete medical component from it.

Guo Baibo was left looking at Gao Lan. After vomiting her entire breakfast of dry food, she wiped her mouth with a handkerchief. She walked up to Gao Lan with an ugly expression and raised the muzzle of her assault rifle.

In fact, both of them knew that Guo Baibo couldn't shoot, but Gao Lan still kept his mouth shut.

Guo Baibo spent three-thirds of his mind on guarding against possible living corpses that might appear around him, and the other seventy-nine percent of his mind drifted to Wu Qi, who seemed to be seriously injured.

Gao Lan's eyes wandered left and right, and finally settled on the shocking pool of blood in the middle of the central square and the familiar corpse with lean muscles in the pool of blood.

Li Jiang died. Before his death, his whole body was still covered with a pale exoskeleton. His arms and legs were stabbed with arm bone scimitars and knee bone guns respectively, and he used some skeletal powers that Gao Lan had never seen before. . Apparently, he had a fierce hand-to-hand battle with Wu Qi and was killed by Wu Qi and had his head chopped off.

In the Hell Lion Mercenary Group, neither Gao Lan nor Wantai nor Li Jiang can deal with them, but they are all pioneers, very powerful warriors in the wilderness, and are Gao Lan's colleagues.

Gao Lan didn't know Li Jiang, but he also knew that this combat assassin had a wish to "encounter an enemy who is also good at hand-to-hand combat." If Wu Qi really fulfills Li Jiang's long-term wish, kills Li Jiang, and gives him such an ironic ending, then Wu Qi's strength and threat will be second only to the mercenary level "5" Xia Luo Te LeRoy!

On the bench, Yang Dongchen began to take care of Wu Qi's injuries. Wu Qi's injuries were very serious in his eyes. In just one minute, he was diagnosed with the invasion of abnormal virus, penetrating abdominal injuries, large-scale acid corrosion injuries on the chest and abdomen, three visceral displacements, six broken ribs, and systemic muscle fiber damage. The degree of comminution reached 80%, as well as numerous minor bone fractures and venous and blood vessel ruptures.

Wu Qi still has a large burn scar on his back that has not yet healed. There is a burn on his right face that extends to the lower part of his neck. The skin in other parts of his body feels very smooth, not rough at all, as if it is new. It can be seen that in addition to the injuries diagnosed by Yang Dongchen, Wu Qi also suffered a very fierce battle and left scars that have not healed.