Black Knight

Chapter 17: Enter the Black Gun Mercenary Group


After a while, Wu Qi returned to the camp in Area A. The campground in Zone A is located along the river bank of many old bungalows nearby. There is an intact gray-roofed pavilion sitting on the bank. However, fifty years later, the willows hanging on the banks have become withered, and the water in the rivers has dried up, leaving only a few potholes.

Several members of the mercenary team responsible for dissecting the corpse of the dire wolf moved chairs and sat on the shore. Several mercenaries from the Black Gun mercenary group, wearing all black military protective gear and taking off their explosion-proof helmets, sat in the pavilion and chatted. rest.

Wu Qi ignored all strangers at a glance. Only one mercenary aroused Wu Qi's curiosity. He has a thin face, a high nose, flat eyebrows, and his eyes are like calm pools; he has a black head, light wheat-colored skin, and the muscles of his limbs slightly support the dark mercenary uniform, which does not look like Other mercenary men with limbs as thick as a cow are as rough and strong as a mercenary man.

What was conspicuous was that when he was resting, he was still holding a slender and rough sniper rifle. The gun belt passed through his back, the gun body was turned to the front, and he pulled it into his arms; his right hand gently Stroking the beautiful black tail of the js 12.7mm gun is like stroking the buttocks of the beloved woman.

Wu Qi walked towards the direction where the mercenary team was crowded. He passed by the group of black-gun mercenaries and quietly observed the sniper named Gao Yuan for four seconds. His calm eyes, somewhat similar to his own, were so quiet that they blended into his natural breathing, which made Wu Qi pay some attention.

"Hey, knife-playing boy, stop." Just when Wu Qi was about to walk to his side, a mercenary from Black Gun suddenly called out to him.

Hearing the shout, Wu Qi turned his head and saw a rough-looking man with a thick beard all over his chin. His sleeves were rolled up to reveal two muscular arms that were as round as hills. In his mouth was an object with burning sparks and gray smoke floating from its head. Wu Qi thought for a long time before he remembered that this thing was a consumer product from the civilized era called "smoke" that Sister Ruorong had only mentioned to him once.

"What's wrong?" Wu Qi asked.

"Boy, I want to ask you, you are a member of the mercenary team in this safe zone. Why do you use a knife when others use guns?" The rough man puffed out a puff of thick smoke and grinned much wider than Wu Qi. mouth, smiling and asking.

"I've never used a gun, I can only use a knife." Wu Qi replied plainly, which unexpectedly caused a burst of laughter from the Black Gun mercenaries. A group of carefree men laughed loudly, making Wu Qi's ears hurt.

However, the sniper named Gao Yuan that Wu Qi was paying attention to just glanced at Wu Qi and did not laugh.

"Old Hu, you came to see me," another strong mercenary patted Old Hu on the shoulder, then stood up and shouted to Wu Qi with a smile, "Boy, what do you think about your knife and our guns? Whose is stronger?”

Wu Qi shook his head: "I don't know."

"Don't know? Hey, take it." As he said that, the man threw the hk416 at hand to Wu Qi. The thick spear drew an arc in the air, and Wu Qi stretched out his arms to hold it in his arms.

Wu Qi touched this magical gun for the first time and was quite curious. Combining the knowledge Ruorong taught him, he carefully looked at the assault rifle in his hand, with its slender head and mechanical gun. Body, fine red dot sight, triangular butt, grip, trigger, and magazine.

It is different from the long knife that has been with me for nine years. The latter feels like cold iron penetrating into the skin and carving into the bone marrow. The former has a unique and complex structure. The smooth parts are covered with a layer of rough wear. The bone-shaped guide rail has a serrated mechanical feel, and the grip and gun handle perfectly fit the shape of the hand.

Wu Qi stroked the deep black gun body, feeling the faintly hot temperature, and the rough roar when the power burst out still seemed to surround his ears.

This is a killing machine, a weapon with a fiery masculine appeal, unlike a long knife. Chang Dao is always a calm hunter. When he draws his sword, he will put it away. Even if it is stained with wild animal blood, it will not change its cold iron temperament.

Long knife, it won't howl.

"Do you know how to use it?" The mercenary man looked at Wu Qi, who was looking at hk416 carefully with bright eyes, and smiled with interest. Lao Hu and his teammates next to him tugged at the corner of his clothes, and he said "Hey" and waved his hand.

Wu Qi didn't respond. He saw a red and white can standing on an overturned shelf two hundred meters to the left. I heard that in the civilized era, such cans were filled with delicious and sweet drinks. But the thing in front of me has been empty for fifty years.

Practicing stone throwing in the mountains, he used similar targets. Wu Qi raised the hk416, imitated the mercenary's previous fighting posture, and aimed at the can through the red dot sight.

A group of Black Gun mercenary men watched the 16-year-old child with an attitude of watching the fun. Even though Wu Qi was 1.8 meters tall, the average height of the Black Gun men was 188 centimeters. In their eyes, Wu Qi was still He's just a kid, and a wild melon egg who has never touched a gun.

The moment the index finger pulls the trigger, there will definitely be a click sound, which everyone can think of. What they wanted to see was the child's surprised expression as his serious attitude suddenly fell apart. That must be fun.

But before Wu Qi fired, he opened the safety and pulled the trigger.

In the end, nothing happened. The silent gun tip did not erupt with tongues of flame, and no bullets roared out. The can 200 meters away still stood motionless.

Wu Qi was stunned for a second. He clearly turned on the insurance according to Sister Ruorong's knowledge. Then the hk416 in his hand was playfully taken back by the mercenary man who gave him the gun.

"Silly boy, you didn't load the bullet."

Black Gun's mercenaries burst into joking laughter again, laughing at this wild melon egg who was fooled by a good gun. Wu Qihe was speechless. He suppressed his mood to clean up these rough guys, turned around and walked away.

At this time, the door of the camp's meeting room suddenly opened. Wang Sheng walked out of the house, followed by An Yi.

"Everyone from Black Gun and sw0304's mercenaries, gather together! Next, we will announce an important matter." Wang Shenglian stood with his hands in hand and ordered loudly. An Yi stood beside him, shorter than him.

The mercenaries of Black Gun were very disciplined and walked out of the pavilion one after another and gathered in front of Wang Sheng. The mercenary team and others still didn't know why a strange mercenary group leader wanted to announce something to them, but when they saw An Yi winking at "obeying orders", they also put down their work and stood in front of Hei Gun and others. behind. Wu Qi followed suit and stood with them.