Black Knight

Chapter 24: Under siege


Wow, the entire rear compartment of the armored truck was completely covered, and the foreheads of more than a dozen mercenaries were completely washed with mud and gravel. The impact of the gravel was quite powerful, hitting the foreheads of many Black Gun mercenaries who could not avoid it. They even had explosion-proof helmets smashed into their heads and were knocked dizzy. In order to prevent accidental injury to teammates, all mercenaries subconsciously chose to stop firing.

Most of the mercenary team members covered their heads with their arms to block the pouring rain. But the sharp-edged gravel was difficult to guard against, and the mercenary uniform was as thin as paper in front of the gravel flying at high speed. In an instant, Zhou Qing squatted down as quickly as possible to avoid the gravel like a frightened rabbit. An Yi was injured and couldn't dodge. Dayong grabbed An Yi's back at the critical moment and used his body to block the sharp gravel flying towards him for An Yi.

Dayong closed his eyes tightly the second before protecting An Yi. Patches of bright red appeared on Dayong's back and head. After the blood overflowed, it was submerged in the dark brown soil before it even had time to stay.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye, only two breaths away from the collapse of the wall and the sudden onslaught of the downpour. An afterimage of a body pierced out of the rain of earth and rain struck towards the front of the armored truck at an alarming speed. Wu Qi used the blade of the long knife to block most of the damage before the mutation occurred. When he glanced with his left eye, he saw a thick afterimage two meters long!

Wu Qi's dynamic vision was unable to capture the full extent of the afterimage. Sooner or later, the long shadow seemed to have eyes and rushed towards Lao Hu, who was squatting next to the NSV anti-aircraft machine gun and making tactical evasive maneuvers. Changying aimed at Lao Hu's head. In a matter of seconds, Changying's head opened its four-flap lips and tongue lined with sharp teeth. After rushing to Lao Hu's side, it swept through a semicircular arc. !

When the rain of earth and rocks had completely passed and everything could be seen clearly, Lao Hu's body, so strong and tall that it was the size of two Wu Qi's, was already half-suspended in the air. The unknown monster's four-flap sharp teeth bit tightly above Lao Hu's neck, completely containing his head inside. Under the two-meter-long thick neck, there was a giraffe-like flesh-colored body that matched the long neck. It has a four-legged body and a long, whip-like tail at its buttocks.

The moment "Diaotoulu" caught Lao Hu, he threw away his long limbs and legs that were far apart from each other, and fled around the armored truck at an alarming speed, splashing flying dust over the top of the rear compartment. What was reflected in countless horrified eyes was a figure from behind who was wildly swinging his hands and kicking his feet. The dull, long and shrill scream was so desperate that it was hard to believe that it was coming from the mouth of a pure man who was nearly two meters tall.

Wu Qi's right hand holding the handle of the knife suddenly burst out with fine veins, and his well-jointed palm squeezed the handle of the knife with doubled strength. His heart violently pumped blood to all parts of his body with twice the force, and his body surface temperature increased rapidly as if his whole body was on fire. Wu Qi took off the strap of his luggage within half a second of bowing his legs. The muscles on his strong legs expanded to 1.3 times their original volume during the accumulation of force. The moment of the explosion, the body was propelled with a speed that was no less than that of a shark lizard. The speed ejection ejected out of the back compartment of the armored truck!

"Old Hu!" When the Black Gun mercenaries shouted, there was still uncontrollable panic in their eyes. First, there was a sudden rain of earth and rocks from the side, and then a tall and terrifying monster rushed out from behind the collapsed wall. The "fishing head deer" instantly picked up Lao Hu's 100-kilogram body and ran away. It's hard to imagine the terrifying power its neck possesses.

The arms and fingers of the mercenaries stiffened for the first time in this battle. They shouted frantically in their hearts to pull the trigger and attack the fishing deer, but their index fingers trembled in disobedience. When they hesitated for a moment, the fishing deer almost ran behind the humanoid battle line.

Only Wu Qi, who ejected immediately, made an incredible leap behind Diaotou Lu. His slender limbs were spread out like a flying squirrel, and the long knife in his hand exuded the cold smell of iron and blood.

Wu Qi was not afraid of being trapped in a group of humanoid beasts. All he could see was the back of Old Hu who was suffering endless pain and struggling crazily in despair. He waved his arm, holding the moon, and slashed the long sharp knife horizontally towards the neck of the fishing deer, which was twice as thick as his own arm.

The moment the blade of the long knife came into contact with the flesh-colored skin, Wu Qi immediately felt a huge rebound force. There is no doubt that such flesh-colored skin is the result of the "skin hardening" power. It is the same as the skin of humanoid beasts that can resist bullets. It is very hard!

If it were a normal blade, it might have shattered in a shower of sparks, but a long knife wouldn't! In the long but short nine years of jungle life, Wu Qi used it to cut down many tangled tough hair vines, the stems of kapok trees, and the skeleton of a brown bear with iron cracks. He was not disappointed.

But this time, Wu Qi's palms, together with his entire arms, shoulders, and waist, burst out with astonishing power. Every muscle fiber under the skin was twisted together, and together they roared fiercely. The tiger's mouth repelled the huge force that bounced back. Undoubted suppression! Wu Qi's knife leaped into the sky and grasped the moon, cutting into the hardened skin and the thick neck of the Diaotou Deer!

Green blood sprayed onto Wu Qi's face and upper body, hanging on every part of his facial features and the animal skin coat on his body. Diao Tou Deer let out a pitiful scream, and he didn't know which organ was making the sound. Its thick neck was cut off by 70%. The broken muscle fibers and bones could not bear the weight of the neck and the prey, and the overload tore and broke it.

Wu Qi stepped on Diaotoulu's back and flew down to hug Lao Hu's body. The four sharp-toothed lips and tongue were loosened due to weakness, and Old Hu's rough face, which was exposed to the air again, had been pricked by the fine and sharp teeth, and his face was covered with deep scars and bloodstains.

His hands remained stiff until they were in the shape of spasmodic claws, as if the shadow of pain still hadn't dissipated.

Fortunately, his life was saved for the time being.

Wu Qi was not strong enough to hold Lao Hu Zai, who weighed 100 kilograms, and jumped back onto the armored truck. He was also unable to escape with Lao Hu with one arm. Wu Qi simply unloaded Lao Hu on the ground. At this moment, he was already in the middle of 7 or 8 humanoid beasts. All the humanoids waved their weird-shaped arms, opened their sharp mouthparts, and rushed towards Wu Qi.

"Get out!" Wu Qi spat out one word coldly. His face was already covered with green blood, but it did not hinder his ability to see. He stretched out his arm, and the tip of the long knife spiraled into the emerald green head of a humanoid beast. He drew out his sword, kicked away the one that was coming towards him, turned around and slashed vertically into the head of the third humanoid beast, cutting open the hardened skull and emerald green head!