Black Knight

Chapter 41: Sirius and the mercenaries are tested


Wang Shengguang was so busy marveling at Wu Qi's speed that he did not carefully observe Wu Qi's physical condition. He only thought that Wu Qi's physical strength was strong and long, and that he could maintain this speed for a while and a half at most, but he didn't know that Wu Qi actually had half of his hands left, and if he took off his thick combat boots that were not suitable for sprinting, he would still be able to Can be faster.

Next to him, Zhang Xiang looked at Wu Qi with a look in his eyes that he had encountered a treasure of talent. The speed evaluation given by the rating system had reached level 3! That is, the speed that can only be achieved by level three speed enhancement, even exceeding the speed level of high-speed movement abilities.

Zhang Xiang's tone was filled with surprise and importance, and he couldn't wait to ask: "What other abilities do you want to show?"

Wu Qi stood on the spot and adjusted his breathing. It took about twenty seconds to restore his breathing to the normal frequency range. He didn't answer directly. The pause of just a few seconds made Wang Sheng anxious, and he even wanted to help Wu Qi answer "He also has defense ability and vision ability."

But it was Wu Qi's next move that really surprised Wang Sheng. After he thought about it deeply for a while, he felt that Wu Qi's choice was very reasonable and completely in line with the behavior of people in the wilderness who are good at hiding their strength.

Wu Qi turned around and pointed at the long knife wrapped in animal skin lying quietly on the black iron floor, and said, "I can still use a knife. Does this count as my ability?"

Zhang Xiang's eyes followed the direction pointed by Wu Qi's finger and landed on the long knife wrapped in animal skin. He thought for a moment and said, "If using a knife can increase your attack power to a higher level, you might as well demonstrate it. "

Wu Qi walked quickly to the side of the long knife, stooped down and picked up the handle of the long knife, and then shook it violently, completely shaking off the thick and tough animal skin. The long square animal skin floated down in the air with gravity. At the same time, the three-foot cold front also fell firmly into Wu Qi's slender, calloused palm.

Wu Qi, who was holding the sword, instantly reached a higher level of momentum. If what he had just demonstrated was a physical ability full of explosive power and stability, then now this body is like a divine dragon that has been dotted with eyes. After being ignited with divine power, he immediately Let out a roar of nothingness!

The two of them only saw the cold light of the sword splitting the light, and the surrounding air was suddenly rolled into turbulence. The clicking sound of gold and iron splitting echoed in the two hundred square meters training area. A light-transmitting gap was exposed in the middle of the C-level blue puppet target, and then the upper body collapsed instantly.

Wu Qi's muscles relaxed, his shoulders opened and closed, and he gently held a three-foot-long knife in his right hand. The ability to cut through hardened defenses is like cutting through tissue paper. This ability has been demonstrated in the plague seed nest. Wang Sheng has become accustomed to it, but seeing this demonstration in an environment without tension and pressure is still quite shocking. Powerful.

"Okay!" Zhang Xiang clapped his hands and made a clear sound of applause, exclaiming with a smile on his face.

After confirming for the last time that Wu Qi had no other abilities to demonstrate, Zhang Xiang clicked "Finish" on the tablet's test data input interface, and the final output data was Level 3 Elementary. In other words, after all the systematic procedures are completed and the mercenary certificate is printed, Wu Qi will be a registered and certified third-level mercenary by the Sirius Mercenary Group. It's one level higher than Wang Sheng.

Wu Qi wrapped the long knife again in the animal skin and stood by the exit door of the training ground and waited quietly. Zhang Xiang pulled Wang Sheng to a corner of the training ground and said in a low voice:

"Hey, Brother Wang, do you know the details of this kid? I just entered Wu Qi's facial scan results into the group's large database and found that his past experience is completely blank and I can't find him at all. Records of purchasing genetic enhancement potions.”

Wang Sheng didn't take it seriously: "Gene enhancement potions can only be purchased through formal channels. Can't people in the wilderness be injected with gene enhancement potions?"

Zhang Xiang frowned: "But the third-level speed requires at least the injection of advanced gene-enhancing potions to achieve it. The channel price of basic gene-enhancing potions is around 6,000, and some people resell them to people in the wilderness. The price is higher for people. The price of the advanced type is more than four times that of the basic type, which is not something people in the wilderness can afford."

Wang Sheng hooked his arm on Zhang Xiang's shoulder, rubbed his teeth with his tongue, winked and said, "Brother Xiang, don't get too deep into this. You know, outside the base, things in the wilderness are not governed by the base's laws." ."

The implication is that even if Wu Qi stole the medicine through murder and robbery, it should be treated as if nothing happened.

Wang Sheng raised his eyebrows and thought of something: "By the way, isn't Wu Qi really a pioneer?"

"This is natural. If there were traces of supernatural virus activity in his body, the computer scan would have produced results long ago. This boy is a genuine human being," Zhang Xiang said firmly, "It is a pity that such a young child has such With such high ability and quality, if you are a pioneer, you will definitely become a great asset in the future!"

These words were a little harsh to purely human ears, but no one could refute the iron-clad facts stated by Zhang Xiang. This is a fact that is integrated with the rules of this world - the strength of the pioneers completely exceeds that of pure humans. In this still turbulent dawn era, humans can only have stronger strength and live longer if they have powerful abilities. No matter how strong a genetically enhanced warrior is, the ceiling of strength is within reach.

"Okay." Wang Sheng sighed secretly, and he thought again, in fact, he had nothing to sigh about. Wu Qi is a good young man, and he can definitely be regarded as a top warrior in his black gun mercenary group. Starting from the possession of Wu Qi, the Black Gun Mercenary Group will forget its major failures and gradually return to the right track of progress.

Just as Wang Sheng was planning in his mind, Zhang Xiang's voice sounded in his ears again.

"The registration fee is three thousand, and if you damage a C-level puppet target, you will pay one thousand, or will Wu Qi pay?"

"Hiss—this stinky boy, why are you using a knife for nothing!" Wang Sheng took a breath of cold air, and using Wang Sheng's most sensitive concept of money, he took five packs of cigarettes out of his pocket, and immediately It gave him a painful feeling of loose joints all over his body. But he forgot that it was him who asked Wu Qi to show his strength as much as possible.

At this moment, Wu Qi, the person involved, seemed to be detached from the incident and stood quietly where he was. With his hearing, he had already heard clearly the conversation between Wang Sheng and Zhang Xiang, including the words about regretting that he was purely human.

Wu Qi had no special emotions about this, but he inadvertently remembered Greg Moses' famous saying - pure humans are by no means a race abandoned by this evolutionary era.


ps: "Black Riding" is currently ranked second on the website's science fiction list. I am very happy. Next, Xishan will work hard to write better stories and improve the ranking of "Black Riding" so that more book lovers can join. this world.

The collection index of the event has reached the standard, so an update will be added at 9 am tomorrow.

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