Black Knight

Chapter 5: On the safe zone


The mountain range where Wu Qi has lived for nine years is actually on the edge of the continent, and the closest human gathering place to this mountain range is a safety zone numbered sw0304.

The safe zone was built around a ruined civilized era town. There was a guardrail outside the city, and there were hungry refugees and mobs inside the city. There were only a few young and middle-aged people, and rough middle-aged and elderly men and weak and helpless women accounted for most of sw0304. . There is a district committee organization with force in the safety zone, which distributes work and provides food. However, this district committee organization is not responsible for maintaining public security order except for maintaining dignity.

So the tone here is still hunger, disease, riots, sex and blood. Even though it is the dawn era, it is not much different from the night era.

In a dark alley, a group of sloppy middle-aged men with dirty clothes and potbellies were chasing a woman with shabby clothes and yellowish skin and tender flesh in a green light. In the process of escaping, the woman's slender feet hit the bricks above her head, and she fell to the ground with a cry of pain, while the group of hungry wolf-like men chasing her swarmed up.

The dark streets have street lights that have been extinguished for countless years. The stone brick walls are mixed with the crawling sounds of cockroaches and mice. The rancid and disgusting low-quality groundwater overflows the manhole covers and spreads into the dark alleys. There were chaotic roars of people in the alley, as well as the sounds of women screaming and begging for mercy. The restless vileness and shamelessness filled the bottomless alleys, which made An Yi pass by and want to vomit.

An Yi is a thirty-two-year-old mercenary. He has strong muscles and experience honed in hunting, a Winchester m1893 shotgun hanging on his back, and a Colt Sidewinder inserted into his waist, making him a He became one of the strongest young men in the safe zone. He was born in the middle of the Dark Night Age and survived as a pure human being with no mutations or powers. Human beings who have not experienced that dark night era may have difficulty imagining how lucky a pure human at the bottom of the power chain can be to survive in an apocalyptic era filled with mutant animals, plaguers, and pioneers.

In fact, he relied on his connections with pioneer relatives to have a living when he was young, and later joined a mercenary group. With the sacrifice of all the team members, he completed a major mission with shitty luck, eating alone. He spent a large amount of money; he used the money to buy basic genetic enhancement potions sold by the Super Soldier Company, and luckily became a genetic enhancement person. With such a foundation, An Yi is still alive today.

An Yi's identity is the captain of the mercenary team stationed in this SW0304 safe zone. He leads a mercenary team of 8 people and is responsible for protecting the residents of the safe zone from being killed by mutant animals running down the mountains. He is also responsible for food. He was responsible for maintaining the order of the distribution work, and over time, he became the de facto district chief.

Having the power to protect themselves and others, as well as the power to decide the life and death of others, makes countless young women want to crawl into a comfortable bed every night. An Yi used to be happy about this, but the lack of meat could not withstand the abundance of wolves. Day by day, his overwhelmed body and the ugly reality made him see through everything in the safe zone. Here, human life and dignity are nothing. He collects money to protect the residents of the safe zone, but he has asked himself more than once, is he still protecting the residents, or in other words, do they still deserve to be called human beings

Passing by an alley full of harsh sounds, An Yi became more and more irritated. He took a step across the alley many times, but finally couldn't bear the disgusting sounds that filled his ears, and turned around and walked into the dark alley.

Soon, An Yi saw a naked woman who was pressed to the ground by four men who had stripped off their clothes. The woman was only breathing and had many dirty wounds on her body, while those hungry wolf-like men seemed to be still in excitement. , taking turns constantly hitting the prey beneath him.

An Yi's face turned cold. He pulled out the Colt Sidewinder from his waist, turned the magazine of the revolver with a snap, and pushed in the bullet. The sound of bullets being loaded alarmed several men who were in excitement. The black muzzle of the gun was synonymous with violence. They looked at each other, and then met An Yi's cold eyes, looking at the disgusting scum.

"Get out!" An Yi said. A few hurried guys quickly got up, took off their clothes and ran away.

An Yi was too lazy to waste bullets for these scum, but these scum couldn't afford to risk their own lives. But even if An Yi doesn't use a gun, his fists and feet alone are enough to crush this group of guys who are rough on the outside but weak on the inside.

After a group of people left, only An Yi and the ravaged woman were left in place. The woman has been tortured to the point of being transformed into a human form. Her skin, which was originally tender and of some value, is in tatters and has wounds everywhere.

An Yi squatted down, put his fingers in front of the woman's nose, and found that she had expired.

An anger rose in An Yi's heart, but was shattered by the ruthless reality. He is not the one who saves the world and saves people. Instead of pity for this woman who was brutally murdered, what drives him to act is his hatred for those beasts.

From now on, he will continue to hate these beasts.

An Yi hastily covered the woman's body with shabby clothes, turned around and left the dark and dirty alley. In this safe zone, which is not big or small, there are countless dark alleys, repeating this. matter.

Back at his camp, there was a spacious room with lights and neat furniture. It was getting late, and An Yi was about to lie down and rest when he suddenly heard the sound of bells ringing outside the camp.

He rubbed his tired face and cursed: "Damn it, it's time, I have to give out food to those rice bugs again."

An Yi roughly put the old leather jacket back on his body, put on his shoes and walked to the wall, pulled the shotgun belt and put it on his back.

Five minutes later, An Yi and two mercenaries from the mercenary team stood in the square of the town. Gray abandoned buildings and telegraph poles in disrepair surround the gray square. On the ground of the square, there are many cracks and cracks in the masonry, as well as yellowed small advertising papers from fifty years ago. The sky is as gloomy as Black iron pressed on the shoulders of the living people, and unpleasant dust floated in the air.

A small food distribution station was set up here with a few plastic tables and a blue cloth tent. On the table were five large pots of mushy porridge with a few vegetable leaves floating on it, as well as several cans of minced meat that were nearing their expiration date. On the opposite side of the table, there was already a long line of hungry people carrying baskets of herbs on their backs. Each hungry person was wearing tattered and torn dirty clothes, and some were dragging shoes that had been worn out for several years, as well as clothes from the civilized era. There is no distinction between slum beggars.

Compared with them, he was dressed neatly and even had the comfort of changing into a pair of jeans and a jacket every few days. He was like the emperor of the slums.


ps: Book friends are welcome to comment and chat with Xishan. Every book friend who likes "Black Riding" is my Xishan confidant~

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