Black Knight

Chapter 65: Dark Hunting


After Wantai walked through the corridor that was tens of meters long, he came to an empty space. The rusted railings and stairs most profoundly outline the dilapidation of the factory building. This is the place where Wu Qi and others stayed.

He looked towards the roof of the 15-meter-high factory building. The four-story factory building and staggered stairs and partitions made this 100-square-meter space somewhat complicated. However, through the thermal imaging glasses, Wantai clearly saw a silhouette lurking on the top of the factory building.

Wan Tai smiled ferociously and pretended not to see the man lying on the top of the factory building. He quietly walked up the rusty copper stairs, pretending to be very handsome, and even his eyes became wary and cautious. One floor, one floor, one floor, and the fourth floor will arrive soon. After Wantai carefully searched the entire area on the fourth floor, he focused on the balcony that could be accessed from the horizontal stairs.

The balcony is rectangular, 5 meters wide and 15 meters long. If he stepped onto this balcony, Wantai's back would be facing the bulging roof of the factory without any defense, and he would be pointed at the black muzzle of the gun. In fact, without thermal imaging glasses, the man lying on the roof of the factory would be completely in the blind spot of Wantai's field of vision, and there would be no possibility of being discovered.

"Go to hell!" Wantai suddenly stopped a second before walking onto the balcony, turned around quickly, and aimed his large-caliber assault rifle at the hot humanoid silhouette lying on the roof of the factory.

Without any hesitation, Wan Tai's palms pulsed with veins, and his thick fingers immediately pulled the trigger.

Just before Wantai was about to pull the trigger, the screams of his subordinates suddenly came from the headset.

"Report, there are three men and one woman running away on the northwest side outside the factory. Please shoot!"

Wantai was startled, and his finger that pulled the trigger paused for a second. But how could he speak at this time? He pulled the trigger hard, and the large-caliber assault rifle let out a deafening roar, and any sound was dwarfed by it. The chain of fire and the four or five rapidly exiting 12.7 mm bullets flew accurately towards the outline of the thermal image. The muzzle of the gun was raised high due to the huge kinetic energy, and was pressed down by Wantai's strong force.

However, what shocked Wantai was that the outline of the thermal image moved a beat ahead of him, as if he had expected that Wantai would shoot at this second. The terrifyingly powerful bullets easily tore through the roof of the factory building where the iron plates were connected. The iron plates were violently torn out by the huge kinetic energy, making a hole big enough for a person to pass through. The broken iron pieces flew up into the sky, and the holes instantly penetrated. One meter of dry hot sunshine.

The thermally imaged humanoid silhouette jumped up and stepped on the steel plate on the roof of the factory toward the southeast as if it was frightened, making huge thumping footsteps. Wantai walked to the fourth floor just to have the nearest pursuit position, just in case. He rushed to the balcony angrily, then turned around and jumped onto the raised roof of the factory.

The space suddenly became bright and empty, and a hurried figure suddenly fell into his field of vision. The man was dressed in military equipment, with a big body and a round waist, and his arms were wrapped in thick bandages.

That's Zhang Bai.

Unbeknownst to Wantai, a bloody storm was already taking place in every corner of the factory.

Wantai forgot to ask for instructions from his subordinates because of his anger, and in the corner near the northwest side of the factory, two Hell Lion mercenaries leaned on the walls on both sides, one on the left and one on the right. Their strong bodies that had been through battles lost their strength. Sliding down softly against the wall.

A young man carrying a long knife stood quietly between the two mercenaries, like a ghostly shadow in the dimly lit narrow space. His right hand held a bleeding military tactical straight knife. The hot blood formed a red line on the sharp silver blade and condensed into a round blood bead at the tip of the knife.

There was a slender blood mark on the necks of the two mercenaries who fell gently to the ground. The blood marks were cut lightly and quickly with a sharp saber, and there was no blood spurting from the beginning to the end.

Darkness swallowed Wu Qi's body, leaving only a pair of bright and deep black eyes, always shining with calm light.

Wu Qi used the headset to say to Zhang Bai who was lurking on the roof: "Start taking action."

Perhaps it was because the God of Luck was standing beside Zhang Bai. When Zhang Bai acted, he happened to be the moment before Wan Tai fired. The purpose of Zhang Bai's action is not other than to serve as a target and attract the attention of all enemies.

Wu Qi didn't even look at the mercenaries on the ground. He had already killed two groups of such mercenaries, and there was only one group left. If this group of mercenaries hadn't discovered Wang Sheng and the others who were escaping, Wu Qi would have been hasty for half a second, and the movement he made might have been exposed, otherwise he wouldn't have let Zhang Bai take action.

Wu Qi's stealth skills were honed in nine years of hunting in the jungle. They were far superior to these mercenaries, and the mercenaries' heavy military boots would make a slight sound on the floor of the factory even when they were walking quietly. For Wu Qi, who has a keen hearing, this is the equivalent of clairvoyance.

The one who masters the voice will be the king of darkness.

The sound of footsteps could be heard from the top of the factory. Zhang Bai's footsteps were so fast and loud that they could be heard clearly in the corners of the factory. Wu Qi immediately disappeared into the darkness, and he had already heard the location of the next group of mercenaries.

... ...

The top of the factory buildings connected by iron plates is covered with blazing white sunlight, showing the same color. Wantai jumped to the top of the raised factory building and saw Zhang Bai running.

Zhang Bai ran in a panic. He originally only followed Wu Qi's instructions to make noise, but he never thought that the bullet would pass by him in an instant.

A huge shaking sound came from the side and behind. Zhang Bai subconsciously looked over there and saw Wan Tai chasing fiercely! The tall figure of nearly two meters, wrapped in a streamlined combat uniform into the terrifying figure of a gray leopard, the large-caliber assault rifle in his hand, and the aura of chasing prey between his eyes and movements, exudes everywhere A dangerous aura that he couldn't resist.

What would happen if you were shot by that large-caliber rifle? It will definitely be torn apart like the iron plate on the roof of the factory!

Zhang Bai was subconsciously afraid, but he reflexively picked up the rifle and put the charging Wantai into the center of the red dot sight. What shocked him was that Wan Tai was clearly running at high speed and actually made aiming movements at the same time as him.

Zhang Bai's finger had already pulled the trigger, but the huge black muzzle that came into his eyes through the sight made a sentence rise in his heart.

I will die.

Gunshots rang out! The large-caliber rifle in Wantai's hand fiercely fired a series of metal storms, sweeping towards Zhang Bai. However, the gun in Zhang Bai's hand only rang once and disappeared.

Zhang Bai took advantage of the convex terrain on the roof of the factory and suddenly rolled down to the side. He dropped the gun and dodged the blast of metal from the large-caliber rifle. The nearest golden line was only 12 centimeters away from his neck. The hot wind burned his skin, and the sound of bullets streaking past his ears made his ears ring.