Black Knight

Chapter 89: Follow up


During the one-hour journey, Gao Lan and others were attacked by venomous snakes in the bushes eight times, and most of them were attacked by multiple venomous snakes. Under the complicated and dense bushes and forest creeks, there are one of the few terrains in the forest where Gaolan's wind summoning ability is difficult to detect. In addition, the venomous snakes have mutated and have better latency, so it is difficult to detect them through their smell.

Another encounter. After the 35 mercenaries spent three minutes struggling to kill the last mutant poisonous snake with hardened skin, some mercenaries began to be unable to hold on and developed adverse symptoms such as nausea and fatigue. Generally, as long as the same person is bitten by two or more venomous snakes, the effect of the antivenom will drop significantly until it returns to zero.

This is the ninth antivenom. Gao Lan silently calculated the total amount of anti-venom used by all mercenaries. In any case, after traveling for an hour and encountering eight venomous snake attacks, the amount of nine antivenoms used was too much.

Even if mutated poisonous snakes in the disaster got into the plantation of G032 base, the distribution of poisonous snakes should not be so dense. Gao Lan thought.

The air is filled with the bloody smell of dead snakes. Through the ability of wind conjuration, Gao Lan can clearly understand the smell in an eight hundred-meter radius, including which direction the smell is blown by the wind. She couldn't help but wonder what went wrong.

"Report, the body of a mutated mountain rat was found in the belly of the dead poisonous snake. It must have just been swallowed." Among the 35 mercenaries who were fighting the poisonous snake just now, one of the mercenaries cut open the poisonous snake. belly, said.

Gao Lan stepped forward and walked to a bush that was cut and fell down, leaving a one-meter-wide open space of dirt. She squatted down, and her tight black leather clothes outlined her two pencil-like slender legs and plump buttocks.

Gao Lan stretched out his hand and took out the body of the mountain rat that was covered in sticky venomous snake gastric juice through his tactical gloves. She took a closer look and understood the purpose of her subordinate's report.

There was a transverse wound on the back of the mountain rat corpse, 2 mm wide and about 2 cm deep. When you open the wound, you can find that the incision is extremely smooth and neat, like a wound cut by a sharp blade.

There is no doubt that venomous snakes will not leave such wounds on mountain rats. No animal in the forest can form such smooth and neat wounds, whether with sharp teeth or claws. There is only one possibility - a saber.

"The skin of this mountain rat has barely been digested. It was just swallowed by a poisonous snake. It should have been seriously injured and dying when it was swallowed. After all, snakes are not scavengers. So the mountain rat was in 20 to 40 minutes. I was stabbed with a saber by someone passing by here before." Gao Lan said slowly.

The answer is obvious. The people passing by here are Gao Yuan and his party.

Wantai, who was standing behind Gao Lan, raised his lips and sneered disdainfully. Wantai knew it must be Gao Yuan and others, but he dismissed Gao Lan's words. It was such a simple and easy thing to judge. Why did she squat there with her butt raised and look at the body of a dead mouse for so long

Wantai thought like this, Gao Lan stood up, and the scenery squeezed out by the tight leather clothes suddenly disappeared.

Gao Lan said: "We are taking the same path that the Black Gun Mercenary Group has taken, and it is very consistent. They are also heading north."

She looked down at the mountain rat corpse in her hand and said to all the mercenaries: "They killed many mutated beasts that attacked them along the way, such as this mountain rat. So the bloody smell of the animal corpses along the way will attract Venomous snakes along the way. That’s why we encountered a lot of venomous snakes many times.”

The mercenaries suddenly understood. In addition to their usual respect, the mercenaries looked at Gao Lan with a glint of sincerity. They thought it was just bad luck, or the density of venomous snakes in the forest, but Gao Lan told them the truth from their analysis.

Before, any man who thought that Gao Lan was a lucky woman who became a level 5 sniper by virtue of her talent and abilities will now find that her theoretical knowledge and jungle wisdom are also above them. And these things have nothing to do with talent, they all depend on hard work.

Wantai's facial muscles twitched. What Gao Lan said made sense and should be the correct answer. It's just that he doesn't know this knowledge himself, which makes him very angry.

Afterwards, Gao Lan threw away the mountain rat's body, and then asked the mercenary who reported it earlier: "What's your name?"

"Reporting to the deputy captain, my name is Shang Jin, and I am the captain of the fourth team." The fourth captain said.

Gao Lan nodded, still wearing a cold face.

"Well done. Everyone, keep going."

Gao Lan and his party set out again to follow the route taken by the Black Gun Mercenary Group. When they stopped again, they arrived at a place where the sea of canopies cleared the clouds and saw the sun.

The towering gray-green peaks appeared in the eyes of Gao Lan and others after Gao Yuan and others. On one side of the mountain peak is a dense forest rising upwards like a staircase, and on the other side is a weathered rock cliff as sharp as a knife.

This is the peak north of the center of the plantation, a commanding height 160 meters higher than the forest below.

Gao Lan's eyes flickered. If Gao Yuan wants to launch a counterattack against him, it will be very advantageous to attack low from the top of the peak. Moreover, the sea of tree canopy here suddenly opens up like the clouds parting and the sun appears. For enemies who have not yet adapted, this is the perfect time to launch a sudden sniper attack. good chance.

Gao Lan immediately opened the perception network of the Wind Inspiration and mastered all the air flow information in a radius of 800 meters in his mind. At the same time, she also used her super vision ability to the extreme. A circle of quiet water ripples appeared in her beautiful dark brown eyes, and her gaze swept across the huge rocks on the peak and every corner of the forest.

Suddenly, Gao Lan's sharp eyes caught a reflection. The reflection only appeared for a moment, but it was obvious enough to Gao Lan.

The reflection appeared from the right side of a huge rock at the top of the cliff. Even for a moment, Gao Lan was sure that it was the refraction of sunlight by the sniper rifle scope.

"Spread out!" Gao Lan roared sternly, a hint of evil flashed in the eyes of beautiful Danfeng. Her anti-sniper skills are connected with her body instinct, and her sense of sniper is impossible to miss!

Immediately, all the mercenaries, including Wantai, instantly made tactical evasive actions in the direction of the shadow shrouded in the sea of tree crowns. Gao Lan himself also made tactical evasive actions. His tall and slender figure showed super flexibility and responsiveness at this moment.

boom! A loud bang suddenly exploded on the right rear side of Gao Lan. The huge sound made Gao Lan, who had strong hearing, suddenly feel dizzy. Such a loud and familiar noise, even if Gao Lan didn't look at it, he knew it was the sound of bullets from an anti-material sniper rifle hitting the target!