Black Knight

Chapter 95: The wind picked up


The sudden appearance of the sonic bomb completely surprised Wantai and Gao Lan. The sonic bomb flew in the air and exploded before falling to the ground.

Immediately, a sharp and huge explosion filled the ten-meter-wide area. Gao Lan and Wantai were in the center of the sound wave range of the sonic bomb, and received the strongest attack effect. Their ears were almost deafened and their heads were dizzy. Even his vision was affected and suddenly turned white.

At this moment, two figures flashed out from behind the slope at the foot of the mountain. Those strong and agile figures were Wang Sheng and Yang Dongchen!

They ran wildly and rushed to Gao Yuan's side within a second. They grabbed Gao Yuan's arms from left to right and threw him into the air. Wang Sheng caught Gao Yuan's falling body with his shoulders, and then suddenly ran in the opposite direction of the enemy.

Two seconds later, both Gao Lan and Wantai regained their vision.

Seeing that a mouse dared to snatch someone from under his nose, Wantai immediately rushed forward angrily. His barrel-like legs were so thick and long that one step was as long as two steps for an ordinary person. At this moment, all the muscles in his body burst out with surging power, and his mountain-like body once again turned into a charging chariot.

Wang Sheng, who has two levels of agility enhancement, runs extremely fast, and his legs swing at a speed that is invisible to the naked eye. At this moment, even if he is carrying Gao Yuan on his back, his speed is not slower than Wan Tai. Yang Dongchen, who focused on strengthening defense, fell behind in just three seconds of chasing. Wantai, who was like a wild beast, was already approaching behind him.

Yang Dongchen turned his head suddenly, his eyes bursting with fierce fighting spirit. At this moment, he is not a rejuvenated team doctor, but an iron-blooded mercenary who takes up arms and fights!

Soon after, Yang Dongchen stepped on the dry land with lots of vegetation and braked suddenly. He suddenly looked back, holding up the assault rifle hanging on his chest with his broad hands. The magazine of the assault rifle was filled with 7.62mm armor-piercing bullets. The moment Yang Dongchen pulled the trigger with his index finger, a half-meter-long gun flame erupted from the muzzle, pouring dense metal towards Wantai's face. Barrage.

Wan Tai hurriedly raised his remaining right arm to cover his face. The arm muscles, which were stronger than a bear, immediately activated the dual powers of muscular violence and skin hardening. The size of the muscles suddenly increased by a small circle, and the muscles were gathered together. , arched, turning into a powerful shield to face the metal barrage composed of armor-piercing bullets.

The sound of metal bullets breaking flesh continued to sound. Wantai's arm still couldn't withstand the power of the 7.62mm armor-piercing bullet. All thirty bullets hit Wantai's right arm within two seconds, shooting him into pieces. sieve.

Even so, Wantai still rushed forward, reaching Yang Dongchen's face in seconds.

Yang Dongchen stepped back and changed the magazine at high speed. At the same time, Wantai clenched his fist hard, and the muscles of his right arm squirmed, squeezing out all the bullets that had broken through the hardened skin and penetrated into the muscle! Drops of bright red blood flowed out of Wantai's honeycomb-like arm holes, and the deepest bullet only penetrated three centimeters!

Yang Dongchen's expression changed drastically. He didn't expect Wantai's body to be so strong. This was an armor-piercing bullet!

However, Wantai had already reached a place that Yang Dongchen could not avoid anyway. As soon as Yang Dongchen changed the bullet, he took the time to shoot Wantai in the chest.

Wantai directly stepped forward and bumped into Yang Dongchen arrogantly. The deltoid muscles of his right arm exerted the intensity of his dual powers to the extreme, unleashing a fierce and fierce Iron Mountain Kick, which instantly struck Yang Dongchen's face.

Yang Dongchen had no choice but to release the gun with both hands and raise his arms in a tilted cross shape to defend against Wantai's iron mountain.

A dull crash sounded, and Wantai felt the impact of a heavy truck coming from the outside of his arm. His arms with two levels of enhanced defense could not withstand Wantai's impact, and cracks appeared in the bones of his two forearms.

Wantai's power exploded, and Yang Dongchen suddenly flew backwards 5 meters away, and then slid five meters after landing on the ground.

Yang Dongchen was dizzy, but he knew that now was the moment of life and death crisis. He desperately mobilized his body muscles and rolled to the right. Half a second after he rolled away, Wantai's warhammer-like fist hit the spot where he was lying before, directly creating a huge pit with a diameter of one meter in the ground.

Splashing mud sprayed in all directions. Yang Dongchen looked to the north while rolling and found that Wang Sheng had fled behind the back slope of the mountain with Gao Yuan on his back and disappeared from his sight.

"Beautiful." Yang Dongchen gritted his teeth and smiled. Originally, his role was to help Wang win the victory, but now he has successfully completed the task.

Immediately, Yang Dongchen raised his body with both hands, bent his legs, and stepped on the ground with his combat boots. Then he jumped towards the north and jumped 4 meters away, once again avoiding Wan Tai's heavy punch pursuit.

Wantai also saw Wang Sheng disappear with Gao Yuan, and the anger in his heart burned even more intensely, so he stopped chasing Yang Dongchen who was 5 meters away, and instead directly pulled out the large-caliber pistol from his waist.

However, when Wantai almost pulled the trigger, Yang Dongchen stopped running and turned to face him.

Yang Dongchen's hands were currently holding a grenade painted in white, green, and orange. When this grenade appeared, it immediately attracted Wan Tai's full attention.

"Monster, if you dare to pull the trigger, I will pull the buckle. This is a thermite grenade. You should not be unaware of its power and explosion range." Yang Dongchen grinned, his heart in his chest. The heart kept beating wildly.

Yang Dongchen raised his left arm and wiped away the blood that spilled from the corner of his mouth. In the collision just now, his internal organs had been slightly injured by Wantai, and two or three ribs seemed to be broken. The slightest movement would cause severe pain. He could only endure it and wait until he survived this test before slowly resting.

Wantai stopped shooting, Yang Dongchen did not open the buckle, and the two faced off like this for 10 seconds. At this moment, the five mercenaries running behind also arrived and quickly spread out to form a semicircle that surrounded Yang Dongchen.

"Don't take another step forward, or I will pull the buckle and we will die together! I am a second-level mercenary and a pure human being, and I will drag a group of high-level mercenaries and pioneers from your fifth-level mercenary group to die together. It's a great deal!" Yang Dongchen roared violently, his eyes widened, and the whites of his eyes were bloodshot.

He didn't want to die, but the pain in his body gave him the momentum to make a crazy gesture. He didn't believe that the enemy dared to gamble.

Gao Lan looked coldly at Yang Dongchen who had his fingers inserted into the buckle. After a moment's estimation, she turned the muzzle of Bartlett's gun and shot Yang Dongchen's head. The chances were that he would be unable to pull out the buckle. Only one tenth. Of course, that's assuming he really has the guts to pull the buckle open.

The fact is as Yang Dongchen said, as the superiors in this battle, they dare not take a gamble.

"Put down the guns!" Yang Dongchen shouted.


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