Black Lotus Physician’s Survival Guide

Chapter 23: Authentic Jinjiang version


The night wind blew, and the sky was illuminated by fire, blocking all escape routes.

The two were trapped on this isolated island surrounded by flames.

The sound of weapons clashing drifted away in the distance with the wind.

At this moment, the only sounds in Xie Bufeng's ears were the crackling sounds of the burning branches and his own shallow breathing.

The fire swallowed up the stars and streams, and the surroundings were all orange and red, but in the boy's eyes, there was only that moon-white figure.

At the critical moment of life and death, there is no time for hesitation or entanglement.

Wen Qingci pulled out a silver needle that he had hidden long ago from his sleeve, gritted his teeth and pressed it against his pale wrist.

The chill from the silver needle reminded him all the time how dangerous this action was.

However, Wen Qingci did not pause at all. He suddenly exerted force, pressed his fingertips against the end of the bolster, and fiercely stabbed the elbow vein where blood was usually drawn in the hospital.

For him, this was just a slightly special blood donation.

The silver needle cut through the delicate skin in an instant.

The next second, blood surged and a bitter fragrance filled the air.

The scarlet blood was like a thread, wrapped around Wen Qingci's wrist, dyeing the clear blue medicinal jade red.

Xie Bufeng's lips suddenly felt an unfamiliar warmth and tenderness.

Before the young man could react, the faint smell of blood and the strong bitter fragrance had already entered his nostrils and penetrated into his heart in an instant.

He suddenly turned his head to avoid the bitter fragrance.

Blood flowed down Xie Bufeng's cheek.

The poison was paralyzing Xie Bufeng's nerves bit by bit.

The boy's heartbeat rhythm gradually became chaotic, and even breathing became difficult.

But even at this time, Xie Bufeng still struggled with all his strength, tightly grasping Wen Qingci's wrist, trying to push him away.

However, their muscles were paralyzed and they could not exert any strength at all, and the two of them were in a stalemate.

“Ahem…you, why are you…ahem, why…why…?” Why are you helping me

The boy was clearly having difficulty breathing, but he still stubbornly asked the person opposite him.

With his amber eyes fixed on Wen Qingci, Xie Bufeng tried his best to see through his heart.

If this is also part of the transaction, then what should I use to repay it

As a doctor, Wen Qingci might be more nervous than Xie Bufeng.

The medical book left by the original owner did say that the blood of a medicine man could cure all kinds of poisons, but this did overturn his usual scientific knowledge.

Without any experiment, Wen Qingci was not sure whether his blood could cure Xie Bufeng's poison as the legend said.

Wen Qingci paused, then simply embellished the truth and spoke it directly.

He smiled faintly at the young man and said softly, "…After becoming a medicine man, I have never tried my blood to see if it is as magical as written in the books. Today I have this opportunity, so I naturally want to try the efficacy of the medicine in my blood and how long it will take to take effect."

The surroundings were in chaos, but every word of Wen Qingci fell clearly into Xie Bufeng's ears.

The boy was stunned for a moment.

This is indeed the answer that only Wen Qingci can give.

The poison messed up his thoughts and his consciousness became blurry.

In the chaos, Xie Bufeng suddenly understood Wen Qingci.

In his heart, medical skills always come first.

Wen Qingci can sacrifice everything and gamble everything for "medicine" - even everyone's life, including his own.

In Wen Qingci's world... there was nothing wrong with him using himself as an experiment from the beginning.

The young man couldn't help but gasp.

The warmth from his wrist appeared on Xie Bufeng's lips again.

Blood rushed into the boy's mouth impatiently, and the cold medicinal jade on his wrist shook gently and touched his cheek.

There was almost no disgusting smell of blood in Wen Qingci's blood, but instead it was filled with a strong bitter fragrance.

The young man, who was in a trance, did not let go.

He used all his strength to hold Wen Qingci's wrist tightly.

A light fishy sweetness, a strong bitter fragrance, and a cool and delicate touch on the lips.

All of this was deeply imprinted in Xie Bufeng's mind.

He was very clearly aware that Wen Qingci's blood and life were slipping away from the blood vessels under his fingertips bit by bit...

Due to excessive blood loss, Wen Qingci's face turned extremely pale, and his wrist, which was hanging in the air, began to tremble weakly.

The medicinal jade beads wrapped around the slender wrist collided with each other, making crackling sounds.

It disturbs people's minds.

In a trance, Xie Bufeng saw that the flow of blood took away the color on the lips of the person in front of him.

Pale skin, and inky eyebrows and eyes... He is like a character walking out of an ink painting, beautiful and fragile.

Only the cinnabar mole between the eyebrows still has some color.

Just like the only blood moon hanging in the sky at night.

Wen Qingci is a medicine man who changed his career halfway through his career.

In order to cure Xie Bufeng's poison, he must bleed more than other medicine men.

Wen Qingci could feel that his body temperature and strength were flowing away with his blood.

Cold sweat had already appeared on his back and his breathing became rapid.

The chest and lungs felt numb and itchy, as if they were being eaten by insects and ants.

Wen Qingci started coughing uncontrollably.

At this moment, he was completely relying on willpower to hold on.

Wen Qingci held one hand lightly suspended while the other hand was clenched into a fist.

The neatly trimmed nails also pierced deeply into the flesh due to excessive force.

Even so, he still stubbornly refused to move his wrist.

Wen Qingci's mind was blank. At this moment, the only thing left in his world was the tingling pain in his wrist and the feeling of weakness as the blood slowly flowed out of his body.

It was unknown how much time had passed, but the hand that the young man was holding tightly around Wen Qingci's suddenly trembled.

—Then, he exerted great force and pulled away the pale wrist that was hanging in front of his eyes.

Wen Qingci's head felt dizzy for a while, and he finally lost all his strength and fell to the ground.

The boy's eyes widened instantly.

The flames were pushed far away by the headwind.

But as time went on, sparks of fire spread here.

Wen Qingci seemed to be unaware and let himself fall into the flames, as if he was going to fall into a deep sleep here.

At the moment he fell towards the flames, Xie Bufeng suddenly reached out and held Wen Qingci firmly in his arms.

At the moment when he was about to lose consciousness, Wen Qingci saw a pair of amber eyes filled with panic...

It was not until the moon-white figure fell into his arms that Xie Bufeng realized belatedly that Wen Qingci was thinner than he had imagined.

He fell into my arms like a snowflake...

It seemed as if it would melt in the next second and disappear without a trace.

"Wen Qingci?"

“…Wen Qingci?!”

The boy called out his name while quickly searching his mind for the surgical books he had read.

A few seconds later, he pressed his fingers heavily on the upper end of Wen Qingci's injured vein, trying to stop the bleeding in this way.

At the same time, he used all his strength to protect Wen Qingci in his arms, half-kneeling on the isolated island that was about to be swallowed by flames.

Everything in Taishu Palace was separated by the raging fire.

It was as if there were only two people left in this small world.

Until a noisy sound was heard, and the eunuchs brought water bags to put out the fire in the imperial garden.

Xie Bufeng finally raised his eyes and looked towards the other end of the stream.

Eunuch Xian brought his men here to clean up the mess.

As soon as he arrived at the Imperial Garden, he saw Xie Bufeng from afar.

“Wait…” Eunuch Xian suddenly waved his hand, signaling the eunuchs to stay where they were.

Xie Bufeng was besieged by assassins, and the commotion was quite large.

Just now, countless people at the banquet saw him being stabbed by a sword, and reported the news to the emperor.

Logically speaking, Xie Bufeng should have died of the poison a long time ago...

But the scene before him was completely different from what Eunuch Xian had imagined.

A young man in black clothes was half-kneeling on the ground... He was holding someone tightly in his arms.

Although he was covered in wounds and blood, looking at his condition, he didn't look like he was about to die from the poison.

On the contrary, the person lying quietly in Xie Bufeng's arms looked lifeless at first glance, and even the rise and fall of his chest was so small that it could be ignored.

Eunuch Xian's gaze involuntarily fell on Wen Qingci's wrist.

There was a scarlet scar running across it, with the skin and flesh around it turned inside out, making it look particularly hideous.

Eunuch Xian's heart was shocked at first, and then began to beat wildly.

As he had been with the emperor for many years, he had naturally heard of the existence of the so-called "medicine man".

It is said that their blood can cure all poisons in the world.

Eunuch Xian once thought that it was just another rumor about the Valley of Divine Doctors.

But the scene before him had to make Eunuch Xian believe that Xie Bufeng's poison was cured by Wen Qingci using his own blood!

There were many injured people at the banquet, and it was obviously too late to take them to the Imperial Medical Bureau at the other side of the palace for treatment, so most people were treated on the spot.

Eunuch Xian paused for a moment, already having a plan in mind.

He suddenly smiled and walked towards Xie Bufeng, bowed to the young man solemnly and said, "Dr. Wen has made great contributions in protecting Queen Lan. Your Majesty has specially allowed him to rest and receive treatment in Gachon Palace. Dr. Yu Guanlin is already waiting there."

Gachon Palace was where important officials above the third rank stayed overnight in Taesul Palace.

No imperial physician had ever lived there before.

Finally, Eunuch Xian glanced at Wen Qingci's wrist half-threateningly, and gently "reminded" Xie Bufeng: "Doctor Wen has lost too much blood and has fallen into a coma. In our opinion, it is better to treat him as soon as possible."

The old eunuch's sharp voice finally brought Xie Bufeng back to his senses.

He hugged the person in his arms tightly, and looked up at the horizon as if waking up from a dream.

The morning star is high in the sky, and before I know it, it is already midnight.

The young man lowered his eyes and was silent for a moment, then he finally stood up slowly holding Wen Qingci.


Eunuch Xian has already noticed something strange about Wen Qingci.

Instead of wasting time here, what we should do now is to take Wen Qingci to get medical treatment immediately.

The eunuchs on both sides looked at each other and hurried forward to take Wen Qingci away from his arms.

But Xie Bufeng never showed any intention of letting go of the person in his arms.

"Step back." Eunuch Xian gave a faint look to the people around him.

The young eunuch who was serving the emperor understood what was going on immediately. He trotted around the place and ran to Gachon Palace before Xie Bufeng.

The night was as dark as ink. Xie Bufeng held Wen Qingci tightly in his arms and walked towards Gachon Palace through the bloody, charred and chaotic imperial garden.

Xie Bufeng's body was covered with scars.

As the muscles tensed and exerted force, the hideous wound opened again and blood oozed out.

The scarlet footprints left their mark all the way out of the Imperial Garden.

Walked out of that hell on earth.

Gachon Palace, with its flying pavilions and flowing red.

The palace ladies were coming in and out, and it looked quite lively from a distance.

The wounded outside the Imperial Garden had not yet been treated, but most of the people from the Imperial Medical Bureau had gathered here.

The hemostatic drugs had no effect on Wen Qingci at all.

His bloodless arms were filled with silver needles to seal the blood vessels.

The silver needle was half a foot long and flashed with cold light, as if it was going to pierce Wen Qingci's arm.

The head of Yu Guanlin, the imperial physician in charge of the emergency room, was covered with beads of sweat the size of soybeans, and the usual smile on his face disappeared without a trace.

His fingers were on Wen Qingci's pulse.

Yu Guanlin could clearly feel that Wen Qingci's pulse was beating faster than he had imagined.

The hand he used to take the patient's pulse was trembling with nervousness.

The heart is aware of the danger to its owner and is trying its best to pump blood to the whole body. This is the body's last signal for help.

Yu Guanlin remained silent.

The tension built up in his silence.

Xie Bufeng stood beside the couch, staring at the person in front of him.

The bitter fragrance in his mouth had not yet dissipated, and the familiar smell enveloped him completely.

But the boy's heart was filled with anxiety.

He had never been so scared and terrified as he was now.

This strange emotion swallowed up Xie Bufeng like a wave.

It even made him forget to breathe.

The imperial doctors came in and out, offering various elixirs and hemostatic drugs hidden in the palace's inner storehouse. Yu Guanlin tried them all.

Even the incense burners were lit, seven in total.

But it was still of no use to the person lying on the couch.

Even... it had a vaguely counter-effect.

Wen Qingci suddenly started coughing, and blood trickled down from the corner of his lips and slid all the way to his neck.

The old doctor's face turned pale with fright.

"Alright!" Yu Guanlin gritted his teeth and turned back to order, "Clear all these incense burners, and don't send any more medicine—"

After practicing medicine for so many years, he clearly realized for the first time what it meant to be "ineffective".

Wen Qingci's bleeding would not stop, as if it would eventually dry up.

The entire hall was filled with bitter fragrance.

Wen Qingci had just attacked him ruthlessly, and the wound on his arm was so deep that the bone was visible.

Seeing that all the medicines had no effect on him, Guanlin could only use the most primitive method.

He once again used a special bandage to tightly bind Wen Qingci's arm to stop the blood circulation.

Normally, the old doctor would not use this method.

Wen Qingci's physical condition was originally very poor, and long-term binding and pressure might cripple his arms.

But today, he can only take this gamble.

In the huge hall, no one dared to speak.

After a while, Yu Guanlin, who was half-kneeling in front of the couch, finally held the edge of the bed and slowly stood up.

He looked like he had aged ten years.

Yu Guanlin moved step by step to the side of Eunuch Xian who was not far away.

"Okay... Doctor Wen's bleeding has stopped. Get a good rest tonight and he should be able to wake up tomorrow." Yu Guanlin let out a long sigh and said to Eunuch Xian in a slightly hoarse voice.

At last, he suddenly lowered his voice and sighed heavily: "But Doctor Wen's physical condition was originally very poor. What happened today has completely damaged his foundation. I'm afraid..." I'm afraid it's hard to predict what will happen next.

Wen Qingci is really too young. When he said this, Yu Guanlin's eyes also revealed a bit of hesitation and reluctance.

At last, he shook his head gently: "No more talking, no more talking. Let's make plans after Doctor Wen wakes up." Yu Guanlin's tone was particularly heavy.

The old eunuch breathed a sigh of relief, and finally returned to his usual self. He bowed to Yu Guanlin with a big smile on his face and said, "I am really sorry to trouble you, Lord Yu, tonight."

"No, no, this is all my job." Yu Guanlin also smiled.

He was temporarily recalled to Gachon Palace, but his expression was clear and there was no sign of drunkenness on his body.

Obviously... this guy pretended to be drunk just because he saw that the atmosphere was not right.

Yu Guanlin originally planned to pretend to be drunk and leave the Imperial Garden early on the pretext of vomiting, but he didn't expect that after Wen Qingci found out that he was drunk, he actually asked someone to send him back to the mansion.

This young imperial physician was far more thoughtful than he had imagined.

Thinking of this, Yu Guanlin felt even more reluctant.

Although he did not point it out directly, the fact that he only used external force to stop the bleeding and did not prescribe blood-replenishing prescriptions clearly showed that Yu Guanlin had now confirmed Wen Qingci's identity as a "medicine man."

After all, the medicines in this world have basically no effect on people who take them.

While Eunuch Xian and Yu Guanlin were still chatting, Xie Bufeng was still standing alone in the corner of Gachon Palace, staring at the person on the couch.

The boy's injuries had not yet been treated, but he seemed to not care at all.

Xie Bufeng kept his fists clenched tightly.

Yu Guanlin's words echoed in his mind over and over again like a spell.

Wen Qing resigned to save himself, which seriously damaged his foundation.

The unfinished words "I'm afraid" by the old doctor became a sword hanging over Xie Bufeng's head.

Wen Qingci, who is also an imperial physician, wouldn't he be unaware of the consequences before helping me

He didn't know... Was it possible that he would die

Wen Qingci not only knew it, but also understood it better than anyone else.

Xie Bufeng's heart was as uneasy as if it was caught by a strong wind.

Even his breathing became rapid.

The brocade on the couch made Wen Qingci's face look even paler.

He lay there quietly, the rise and fall of his chest so slight that it was almost negligible.

Such a scene made Xie Bufeng feel inexplicably flustered.

He wanted to step forward countless times, gently hold Wen Qingci's wrist and feel his pulse, but gave up countless times...

The frighteningly strong smell of blood on Xie Bufeng finally attracted Yu Guanlin's attention.

He called an imperial physician, whispered a few words to him, and then walked towards Xie Bufeng.

Yu Guanlin glanced at Wen Qingci, then turned to Xie Bufeng and said with a smile: "Your Highness, it will take some time for Doctor Wen to wake up. Why don't you take this opportunity to clean and bandage the wound, wash off the blood on your body, and then come back here to guard."

Smell of blood.

Yu Guanlin's words reminded Xie Bufeng. The young man paused, and finally loosened his hands little by little and walked towards the side hall.

That night, countless major events happened in Taishu Palace.

Nobles were assassinated and arrested, courtiers were assassinated, and the imperial gardens were set on fire...

Each of these things was far more important than the imperial physician falling into a coma due to excessive blood loss.

But just after the hour of Chou, a bright yellow figure appeared in Gachon Palace unexpectedly.

Xie Zhaolin actually chose to see a little imperial physician tonight.

Perhaps because he had just resolved a major worry, Xie Zhaolin looked particularly energetic tonight.

He was completely different from the usual one who was troubled by headaches.

"… Your Majesty, Doctor Wen is resting in the back hall," Yu Guanlin stepped forward and said softly, "He has lost too much blood and will probably not wake up until tomorrow."

The emperor has always been good at concealing his emotions, and he always speaks in a roundabout way and never speaks directly.

But today, he changed his usual habits.

Xie Zhaolin nodded, then suddenly narrowed his eyes and looked at Yu Guanlin, and asked him directly: "Are you sure that Doctor Wen is a medicine man?"

The old doctor hesitated for a moment. He did not answer the question directly, but replied rather tactfully: "… Your Highness's poison was cured by Doctor Wen using his own blood."

The emperor laughed slowly.

After asking Wen Qingci about his identity, he was still in no hurry to leave Gachon Palace.

Xie Zhaolin sat directly on a chair at the side, took the teacup from the palace maid, took two sips and said: "My dear, you have been practicing medicine for many years, have you ever heard of the 'medicine man'? Do you think... is their blood really as magical as the rumors say?"

The more mysterious the "medicine man" is, the more exaggerated the rumors about him are.

For example, the blood of medicine practitioners is used to make pills, and after taking them, the person can prolong life and maintain eternal youth.

The emperor didn’t really believe it before, but after learning today that Wen Qingci really cured Xie Bufeng of the poison, he naturally became interested…

Xie Zhaolin was drinking tea and talking at the same time, looking nonchalant, as if he was just chatting casually with the imperial physician.

However, Yu Guanlin and Eunuch Xian, who were familiar with the emperor's temper, knew that the emperor must have carefully studied the matter in private a long time ago in order to ask this question.

"There are such rumors in the martial arts world," Yu Guanlin paused and answered cautiously, "but I cannot guarantee whether those rumors are true or not... I'm afraid only Doctor Wen knows this."

Yu Guanlin rarely speaks like this.

But the emperor was not annoyed at all after hearing this.

Tonight may be the happiest night in Xie Zhaolin's life except for the day he succeeded to the throne.

He not only eliminated his biggest worry.

He even got a "miracle drug".

In his eyes, all these were gifts bestowed upon him by God after the Fengshan ceremony.

Power, health.

Long live!

The greatest ambitions of those in power were satisfied overnight.

"Oh? In that case, I will wait until he wakes up and then we can talk in detail." The emperor smiled and put down the teacup in his hand.

After treating his wounds in the side hall, Xie Bufeng came back here without resting for a second.

As soon as he arrived outside the temple, he heard a strange voice.

The boy couldn't help but stop.

The visitor's voice was full of joy.

"… I was wondering why Your Majesty valued Wen Qingci so much. It turns out that he is a medicine man."

"This trip today was really not in vain. It's like searching for something in vain, but it's easy to find it."

A murderous intent flashed in Xie Bufeng's eyes.

An old, hunched figure emerged from the gap in the diamond-shaped door.

The man was wearing a dark palace dress, and his hair and beard were all white.

At this time, he was sitting next to the emperor, drinking tea and chatting with him.

"It's getting late, Master, you should go to bed," the emperor said, with a rare bit of respect. "The palace is not peaceful tonight, I will send someone to take you back to your residence tomorrow."

"No hurry, no hurry," the old man waved his hands hurriedly, and said with a look of panic, "Your Majesty has important things to do, and I will wait for you to arrange my affairs."

It turned out to be the Taifu.

When Xie Bufeng was in the Imperial Medical Bureau, he had heard people talk about him.

The old tutor Chu Yanghong is over ninety years old this year. He has experienced two dynasties and three emperors, and he suffers from many illnesses.

He was also invited to attend the Fengshan Ceremony and tonight's banquet, but due to his advanced age, he did not go to the Imperial Garden in the end, but stayed in Gachon Palace to rest.

Chu Yanghong came here deliberately to gather information after hearing the rumor.

The imperial doctors in the palace were busy. Chu Yanghong asked a few questions casually, and they told him everything they knew without any precautions.

Therefore, the Grand Tutor knew Wen Qingci's identity at the first opportunity.

Once a teacher, always a father. The emperor valued this tutor very much.

The imperial doctors would go to Chu Yanghong's house every three to five days to take his pulse and treat his illness.

Although they said that he was fine, in fact, the group of imperial doctors said behind his back that Chu Yanghong only had a few months to live.

Chu Yanghong himself knows this better than anyone else.

Chu Yanghong took a sip of tea with a smile, his eyes full of kindness and gentleness.

But Xie Bufeng heard: "I don't know if the emperor is willing to give me some... Time waits for no one, we must find someone to get his blood as soon as possible."

The boy smiled disdainfully.

Chu Yanghong was like this, and Xie Zhaolin, who appeared calm but was full of respect for the Grand Tutor, was no less so.

He saw what the old tutor was thinking.

"At over ninety, I have lived enough. Why should I be greedy?" the emperor sneered in his heart.

Obviously, Xie Zhaolin did not intend to share his "magic medicine" with the "respected tutor" Chu Yanghong.

Hearing this, Xie Bufeng's serious murderous intent almost solidified into reality.

After a pause, he suddenly lowered his eyes and laughed softly.

The emperor was as afraid of death as Chu Yanghong.

The higher the position and the more power one holds, the more reluctant one is to give up everything he has.

Xie Bufeng glanced at the palm of his hand... He already had a plan in mind.

“…I have been feeling anxious and confused these days. The imperial physician came to my house and prescribed a few medicines, but they didn’t work very well.” Chu Yanghong couldn’t help but hint.

But the emperor seemed not to have heard his hidden meaning: "Taifu is old, he should have a good rest."

After he finished speaking, he glanced at the sky outside the window and said, "It's getting late today, Master, you should go and have a good rest first."

Chu Yanghong still wanted to stay in Giachun Palace, but the emperor, who saw his intention, obviously didn't want to see him here again.

The two chatted for a few more sentences, and when they left, the emperor pretended to give a few casual instructions to Eunuch Xian, and then sent him to escort the old tutor out of the palace at dawn on the grounds that Taishu Palace was still unsafe.

After he finished speaking, Xie Zhaolin, who had not slept all night, finally walked out of Gyaquan Palace surrounded by people and headed towards his bedroom.

Only the old tutor was left standing in the distance, gritting his teeth in anger.

As the emperor's teacher, Chu Yanghong enjoyed the privilege of riding in the Taishu Palace.

The next morning, at daybreak, a carriage inlaid with gold inscriptions slowly passed through the palace road and went out of Taishu Palace.

There was one thing the emperor really did not lie about.

It has only been a few hours since the rebellion, but Taishu Palace has not yet calmed down.

Most of those who attempted assassination last night were guards.

Until now, the palace is still conducting a thorough investigation of all people related to this.

There are not many people available in Taishu Palace today. According to common sense, the emperor would not let the elderly Taifu leave the palace at this time.

But as a person in power, he was even more unwilling to see someone coveting his "magic medicine".

So this morning, the emperor sent someone at random to send Chu Yanghong out in a hurry.

It was obvious that she didn't want to keep him any longer.

After the chaos last night, the emperor dispatched the troops stationed in Yongcheng and surrounded the Taishu Palace in layers.

However, the palace roads that were usually heavily guarded were empty on both sides today, without even a single person.

After all, it was inside the palace, and the carriage was moving extremely slowly.

Although the elderly sleep less, Chu Yanghong, who was so excited last night that he almost didn't sleep the whole night, still felt sleepy at this time.

The old tutor sat in the carriage, dozing off with her head against the wall.

The eunuch who was driving the coach, who had also been busy all night and had not slept, was also feeling drowsy.

To leave Taesugung Palace from Gachon Palace, one has to pass through four palace gates.

On both sides of the palace road are vermilion palace walls more than ten meters high.

It stood silently, blocking all the faint sunlight outside the red wall.

There were no lights on the palace road today, so it looked particularly dark.

The wooden wheel rolled over a broken brick, and the carriage jolted violently.

Chu Yanghong's head hit the wall.

"Ouch—" The old tutor opened his eyes, frowned and was about to scold the eunuch driving the carriage, but he didn't expect that the carriage would slowly stop at this time.

"What happened?" Chu Yanghong, who was sent out of Gachon Palace by the emperor early in the morning, was furious. He frowned and asked, "Why did the carriage stop?"

The eunuch's slightly panicked voice came from outside the carriage: "The wheel seems... seems to be stuck by something?"

"Hurry up and deal with it," Chu Yanghong urged, "there are other things to do outside the palace." After saying that, he continued to close his eyes and rest.

The young eunuch quickly replied, "Good, good, good!" as he jumped off the carriage to check the wheels.

In fact, he couldn't help but complain in his heart - Chu Yanghong had retired for many years, what could he be busy with

Two palace gates not far apart cut the palace road into a section.

There was only one lonely carriage in this section of the palace road.

It was quiet all around, with only the occasional chirping of birds.

Chu Yanghong fell into a deep sleep again.

The old tutor is very old, and after sitting here for a long time, he couldn't help feeling the numbness in his back and waist.

After an unknown amount of time, he subconsciously muttered, "…It's not fixed yet?"

“When are we leaving? If I had known we would be delayed for so long on the road, I might as well have rested in Gachon Palace for a while…” Seeing that no one answered his question, Chu Yanghong finally forced himself to open his eyes.

This time, he still didn't hear the little eunuch's reply.

Chu Yanghong finally realized that something was wrong. He clenched his palms suddenly and opened his eyes wide.

—A dark shadow appeared in the carriage at some point in time.

Like a ghost.

"Ah!" Chu Yanghong was startled and stepped back suddenly.

In order to catch up on some sleep, Chu Yanghong deliberately pulled the curtains in the carriage.

At this moment, the carriage was completely dark.

And in this suffocating darkness, only those light amber eyes, shining coldly like a wolf in the night, stared at him coldly.

The moment the two looked at each other, the boy opposite slowly laughed.

Along with this, there was also an irresistible smell of blood.

Cold sweat broke out on Chu Yanghong's back in an instant.

He subconsciously continued to back away until his back hit the carriage heavily.

A sharp pain finally brought him back to his senses.

" are you here?" Chu Yanghong asked in horror.

The old tutor finally saw clearly—the person in the carriage was actually the eldest prince of the dynasty, Xie Bufeng!

"Damn it, how could this monster be here? !" Thinking of how Wen Qingci saved the boy in front of him last night, Chu Yanghong subconsciously thought, "Could he be trying to get Wen Qingci's blood like me?"

The young man looked at him nonchalantly, and almost simultaneously chuckled as he read out the old master's thoughts: "Could he be planning to take Wen Qing's blood like me?"

Chu Yanghong's body shook and he looked at Xie Bufeng as if he had seen a ghost.


"Where is that stupid eunuch? Was he killed by Xie Bufeng?"

Chu Yanghong couldn't help but feel despair.

"Yes," Xie Bufeng smiled lightly, looked into Chu Yanghong's eyes and said nonchalantly, "I did kill that stupid eunuch."

Chu Yanghong's heart skipped a beat. He was completely sure that Xie Bufeng could indeed hear what he said in his heart.

The name of this "monster" is really not wrong...

The old master's hands clung tightly to the wall of the carriage. He spoke in a trembling voice, trying to maintain his rationality and negotiate with Xie Bufeng: "If I take his blood, I will definitely not keep it for myself. I will definitely... give some to Your Highness."

Unexpectedly, after hearing his words, Xie Bufeng actually laughed out loud with exceptional happiness.

Chu Yanghong had never seen the boy with such an expression.

He did not feel relieved by Xie Bufeng's smile. Instead, he felt a strong sense of despair and fear.

"Master Taifu is already ninety-five this year," Xie Bufeng's gaze slowly fell on him, and then he said softly, "It's time for him to live to the fullest."

"You, what did you say?!" Chu Yanghong immediately grabbed the car wall even harder.

His heart was filled with panic, but he still gritted his teeth and threatened: "I am the emperor's teacher of the current dynasty, and my students are all over the world. How can I allow... ah—"

Before Chu Yanghong could finish his words, a long sword carried by the guards of Taishu Palace was already pressed against his neck.

A cold light flashed, and the next second, a deep blood mark appeared on Chu Yanghong's neck.

The old tutor couldn't help but widen his eyes—Xie Bufeng actually knew martial arts!

But wasn't he sent to Suzhou to guard the mausoleum when he was three years old? ! How on earth did he master this martial arts without telling anyone? !

Xie Bufeng smiled slowly, then raised his knife and slashed.

Chu Yanghong's eyes were red with anger.

And so he took his last breath with reluctance.

At the last moment before his consciousness faded, Chu Yanghong only heard the young man say indifferently: "On the way out of the palace, Taifu Chu Yanghong unfortunately encountered an assassin hiding here, who tried to hide in the carriage and sneak out of Taishu Palace... After a resistance, they died together."

Chu Yanghong never figured out until his death when he had provoked Xie Bufeng.

I had already proposed to share the blood with him...

When the head of the Grand Tutor fell to the ground, Xie Bufeng didn't even look at it and threw the sword aside.

He turned around and jumped off the carriage, stuffing the little eunuch and the two corpses in guards' uniforms into the carriage.

Then he threw a fire starter over and left without looking back.

The next moment, flames filled the sky behind him.

The accidental death of Chu Yanghong, who also had his eyes on the "magic medicine", was a good thing for the emperor.

He would not delve into the matter too deeply, and might even be glad that an "assassin" had appeared, so that he wouldn't have to waste time being the evil person who betrayed his teacher and ancestors.

Thinking of this, Xie Bufeng, who was walking slowly back to Gachon Palace, couldn't help but laugh.

—Dealing with evil people is indeed a simple thing.

After Wen Qingci's bleeding stopped, the imperial doctors finally withdrew from the back hall.

Gachon Palace fell silent again.

However, Wen Qingci, who was in a coma, did not feel as calm as he felt in Jiaquan Palace at that moment.

He saw—

The river meanders and flows through the foot of the mountain.

A child carrying a bamboo basket on his back was led by his father and walked slowly along the path into the mountains.

"Qingci, look, this thing growing on the roots of the pine tree is called 'Fushen', it has the effect of nourishing the heart and calming the mind." The tall man squatted down and pointed to the thing on the ground to show him.

Hearing his father's words, the little boy nodded quickly, took out a small notebook, and recorded the location and appearance of the Poria cocos.

In addition to the text, he even drew pictures carefully.

He is young and not very skilled in using the brush.

Therefore, I don't know when some ink stains appeared on my hands and face.

Seeing this, the man next to him did not teach him to identify the herbs, but laughed at the little guy: "You, you... why is your face all painted?"

"Eh?" The child stood up straight and couldn't help but touch his face. Unexpectedly, the next moment, there was a little more ink on his face.

Looks a little clumsy, but also a little cute.

Seeing this, Wen Qingci, who was sleeping, couldn't help but want to laugh along with the man.

But the next moment, an inexplicable sourness surged in his heart.

Today the sky is overcast and foggy.

A huge fire broke out on the palace road, and thick smoke went straight into the sky and merged into the black clouds.

An eunuch shouted "Water!" and ran towards the official road with a water bag.

Xie Bufeng walked slowly back to the rear hall of Gachon Palace, without a trace of panic or anxiety on his face.

After all, he was a prince. The eunuchs guarding around him found him a little strange, but they did not stop him.

Different from the cramped bedroom in the Imperial Medical Bureau.

The rear hall of Gachon Palace is not only large, but also has carved beams and painted rafters, and is filled with rare treasures, demonstrating the royal style everywhere.

But in Xie Bufeng's opinion, all of this was vulgar and did not match the elegant style of writing.

The person lying on the couch has shown no signs of waking up until now.

Wen Qingci's eyebrows were slightly furrowed, and he looked like he was not sleeping well, and he was muttering something softly.

Xie Bufeng couldn't help but walk over and kneel on one knee beside the couch.

The next second he saw—

A tear fell from the corner of Wen Qingci's eye without warning, flowing down his cheek to his collarbone.

The boy's heart sank.

He subconsciously raised his hand and wiped away the tear for Wen Qingci.

Wen Qingci's skin is like white porcelain.

Delicate, pale, and... cold.

After wiping away the tear, the boy subconsciously rubbed Wen Qingci's cheek gently with his fingertips.

After realizing what he was doing, the boy was frightened by himself. He stood up suddenly, took two steps back as if he had done something bad, and even hid his hands behind his back.

Xie Bufeng's heart was beating wildly, and an indescribable feeling almost broke him down.

The boy's breathing became tense and rapid.

Before he realized what had just happened, the residual warmth on his skin had not even dissipated.

The person lying on the bed opened his eyes without any warning.

Her long eyelashes fluttered like butterfly wings, and in a trance, Xie Bufeng's figure was reflected in her eyes as dark as a deep pool.

Wen Qing said goodbye to him. Did you feel it just now

(End of this chapter)