Black Lotus Physician’s Survival Guide

Chapter 89


Wen Qingci never knew that Xie Bufeng was so good at taking advantage of others.

From then on, whenever the poison took effect, Xie Bufeng would stick to Wen Qingci, holding him in his arms as if he were an antidote and refusing to let go.

He doesn't look like an emperor at all.

Although it is late summer, the temperature remains high.

Xie Bufeng was tall and could hold Wen Qingci in his arms, and his embrace could be described as scorching hot.

Even Wen Qingci, who had a special physique and a lower body temperature than ordinary people, still felt a little hot.

But he did not push Xie Bufeng away.

Wen Qingci applied the same rigor and seriousness as a doctor here.

He treated the hug as a test, and after a few times he finally confirmed... he didn't seem to hate Xie Bufeng's hug.


The imperial physician brought the prepared medicine on time.

The prescriptions that Wen Qingci sent for decoction every day were different.

Although it was still the same imperial physician as last time, today he finally stopped chatting with Wen Qingci about trivial matters.

After putting down the medicine, he couldn't help but ask, "I saw that the medicines you prescribed were all heavy doses. I wonder where you learned from? This style... I've never seen it before."

Wen Qingci was about to take off the lid of the food box and replied, "Heavy doses are not what Master taught."

"I see!" The young doctor's eyes lit up instantly, "You figured it out yourself."

Wen Qingci smiled softly: "I guess so."

Without the white gauze covering her mouth and nose, Wen Qingci's voice sounded extremely clear and sweet, like jade beads falling to the ground.

What a nice temperament.

The young doctor couldn't help but be distracted, and his ears turned red.

He paused, cleared his throat hastily, and said, "To be honest, there are many people in the Imperial Medical Bureau who are very interested in your prescriptions and Lianhe's affairs, and want to learn from you."

"Steal skills?" Wen Qingci was stunned for a moment and stopped moving his hands.

His name "Rakshasa" was too famous, and even in the Imperial Medical Bureau, his colleagues had always kept a distance from him.

Wen Qingci had never imagined before that one day someone would be interested in his way of practicing medicine.

The tone just now was a bit strong, and fearing that he would misunderstand, Wen Qingci could only add: "As an imperial physician, why do you want to learn from me?"

Although no one would say it directly, the imperial physicians have always looked down upon those who use unconventional methods.

The other party laughed and said, "Your Majesty has spread your practice in Lianhe to all prefectures. This is a matter of establishing a new school of thought!"

Plague breaks out almost every year in different places and in different ways.

Before this year, people could only leave their fate to God when they encountered plague.

It was not until Wen Qingci appeared that everyone handed in their answers for the first time.

Unlike the past when he fought alone and was not understood, everything he did in Lianhe was endorsed by the government and even by the emperor himself.

Xie Bufeng used the imperial power to make the world accept Wen Qingci's medical concepts.

Therefore, what the young doctor said was not an exaggeration.

What Wen Qingci did in Lianhe has been widely spread.

Even because of Lianhe's success, some people no longer resist "dissection".

After all, they would rather live than die completely.

The concepts of medicine in the Wei Dynasty were quietly changing because of this incident.

From this perspective, Wen Qingci may have truly "founded a new school of thought."

The young imperial physician looked at Wen Qingci expectantly.

He paused, thought for a moment, and finally spoke slowly: "Too many categories, the treatments must be complicated. All prescriptions should avoid this."

Wen Qingci had never met anyone who was interested in his prescriptions.

Seeing that the doctor was curious, he simply started analyzing it one by one.

“…That makes sense.” The young doctor could only nod.

Wen Qingci glanced at the medicine in his hand and said, "If I'm not mistaken, although the medicine you boiled this time is good, the soaking time is still a little insufficient."

In the Wei Dynasty, few people paid attention to this.

"You mean I should soak for a while longer?"

Wen Qingci nodded slowly: "Yes. Soak it for a longer time so that the ingredients can be dissolved."

"I understand, I understand," the doctor nodded quickly, and finally said a little embarrassedly, "It seems that the medicine I sent this time is still not quite up to your requirements. You can take a look tomorrow!"

In fact, the medicine he prepared was already very good, but Wen Qingci's vision was too sharp.

However, seeing that he was looking forward to tomorrow's prescription, Wen Qingci also smiled and said, "Okay."

The two of them had been through hardships together in Lianhe, and after discussing this prescription, the imperial physician couldn't help but ask carefully, "How long do you plan to stay in Yongdu this time?"

After he finished speaking, he seemed to remember something and said, "Hey... Look at this, why am I asking you this? This matter is not something you can control. It depends on when His Majesty is willing to let you go."

Obviously he still firmly believed that Wen Qingci was the substitute that Xie Bufeng had found.

"Ah..." The doctor sighed again and said, "But this is just right!"

"Why is it just right?" Wen Qingci asked curiously.

"Not only me, but many of my colleagues are interested in your medical skills. In the future, if His Majesty... ahem, gets tired of you, or doesn't watch over you so strictly, you can come and talk to us and teach us."

Wen Qingci's fingers couldn't help but move.

Ignore the words "look after".

Wen Qingci found that he seemed to be actually interested in what the other party said.

Childhood memories are nightmares that accompany Wen Qingci throughout his life.

He didn't want there to be another Shan Yujian in the world.

If you want to achieve this goal, you can't do it alone.

Although Wen Qingci only studied until his sophomore year in his previous life before traveling here, he still benefited from the times and possessed a more advanced way of thinking.

It would be such a pity to let it disappear along with my death.

It would be a good thing if this way of thinking could be passed on.

The Imperial Medical Bureau has the best doctors of this era.

It would be great if we could communicate with them.

But that also meant that he would have to stay here for a while... and stay by Xie Bufeng's side.

When Wen Qingci thought of this question, his heartbeat suddenly quickened.

Seeing him hesitate, the young doctor naturally put his hand on Wen Qingci's shoulder and said, "What do you think? Think about it carefully."

Wen Qingci is a bit of a germaphobe and doesn't like close contact with people.

He subconsciously tried to dodge the other person's hand.

But before Wen Qingci could move, a familiar voice sounded behind them.

Xie Bufeng, wearing a black brocade robe, walked over from the side hall.

"—your majesty?"

"Uh, long live the emperor! Long live the emperor!"

I'm done for. I just discussed his scandal in front of His Majesty!

The young doctor's vision went dark immediately.

Xie Bufeng didn't even look at the other person. He ignored the pale-faced imperial physician and gently embraced Wen Qingci in his arms, then murmured: "... Bored?"

The current emperor spoke extremely slowly, as if he was chewing on these two words carefully.

At the end, Xie Bufeng actually said to Wen Qingci in front of the imperial physician: "I will never get tired of you. I... I'm just afraid that one day you will get tired of me."

Xie Bufeng's tone was full of anxiety.

As he spoke, he slowly tightened his arms and held Wen Qingci tighter in his arms.

Every movement revealed his uneasiness.

The young doctor kneeling on the ground was stunned for a moment, then his eyes widened immediately.

Your Majesty, are you bored

Who is he kidding

Xie Bufeng suddenly lowered his voice, put his lips against Wen Qingci's lips, and asked in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Will it?"

"What, what?" At this time, half of Wen Qingci's body was weak and numb.

He stood there forcibly, his mind going blank.

Wen Qingci heard Xie Bufeng whisper, "Will you get tired of me?"

Wen Qingci used to be afraid of Xie Bufeng and avoided him, but now he realized that he had never hated him.

In an instant, the scalpel in his hand seemed to go deeper.

Wen Qingci was clearly aware that he had never been tired of Xie Bufeng.


Wen Qingci slowly raised his eyes, looked into those light amber eyes and said.

His tone was incredibly sincere.

The next moment, Xie Bufeng finally couldn't control himself and hugged Wen Qingci's waist with one hand, gently lifted the veil with the other hand, and placed a kiss on his eyes without any passion.

Wen Qingci didn't know how important his answer was to Xie Bufeng.

And how much Xie Bufeng, as the emperor, was afraid of hearing the word "bored" come out of his mouth.

In the side hall of the Imperial Medical Bureau, at Wen Qingci's strong request, Xie Bufeng finally lit up all the lights.

There were no acquaintances around, so Wen Qingci no longer wore a veil.

"Although your Majesty's pulse is still disordered, fortunately your physique is good. Although the poison gas is corroding you, it has not damaged your internal organs." After taking the pulse, Wen Qingci took his hand off Xie Bufeng's wrist.

His tone was slightly envious.

I have to say, Xie Bufeng's physique is really abnormal.

Even if he was poisoned, his physical condition was much better than mine.

Xie Bufeng lowered his eyes and shook his head gently: "That's because I once drank Qingci's blood."

Seeing Wen Qingci was about to get up, Xie Bufeng suddenly and gently took his left hand.

"Does it still hurt?" he asked softly.

Xie Bufeng's eyes were full of guilt and pity.

At that time, Wen Qingci's bleeding could not be stopped and he could only rely on silver needles to seal the acupoints.

Xie Bufeng saw with his own eyes the half-palm-long, cold silver needle piercing Wen Qingci's arm, as if it wanted to pierce him.

As he spoke, Xie Bufeng rolled up Wen Qingci's sleeves.

His left arm was covered with scars.

In addition to the scars from the snake bite, one can also see the wounds left by the silver needle piercing the flesh that day on the pale skin.

"It doesn't hurt anymore," Wen Qingci held down Xie Bufeng's restless hand. He didn't want to show the scar on his arm. "I have a scar on my hand, it's ugly."

"Not ugly," Xie Bufeng shook his head stubbornly. He looked into Wen Qingci's eyes and said, "Qingci has never had anything to do with the word 'ugly'."

His tone was extremely serious, without any hint of frivolity or teasing.

But it was precisely this tone that caught Wen Qingci off guard.

Especially the two words "Qingci", like a feather, casually passing through Wen Qingci's heart.

I don't know since when Xie Bufeng actually started calling me like this...

Wen Qingci exerted a little force and pulled his hand out: "Your Majesty, there is a difference between the emperor and his subjects. You should call me..." Doctor Wen.

However, Xie Bufeng's speed was faster than Wen Qingci's.

As soon as he said the words "The ruler and his subjects are different", Xie Bufeng very naturally followed it up with two more words: "My dear minister."

His voice was not loud, and it sounded like a whisper in Wen Qingci's ears.

My dear

This is the usual way for the monarch to address his subjects, and there is nothing strange about it.

But when it came out of Xie Bufeng's mouth this time, there was a certain indescribable charm in it.

In an instant, Wen Qingci was back to the day when Xie Bufeng said to him, "My dear, please don't be polite."

Wen Qingci: “…”

It would be fine if the tone was a little more casual, but Xie Bufeng's expression was extremely serious, even solemn.

When the two collide, the lethality increases instead of decreases.

The air around seemed to be hot at this moment.

Wen Qingci instinctively wanted to escape from him.

But he had just stood up from the stool in front of the couch and had not had time to pick up the medicine box and leave when he heard footsteps suddenly coming from outside the hall.

"Your Majesty, the Northern Di King Chiye and King Ahe request an audience—"

Although Xie Bufeng was still recuperating, court affairs could not be delayed.

In addition to attending court and reviewing memorials, he also had to meet the people he was supposed to meet.

"Xuan." Xie Bufeng said lightly.

Seeing this, Wen Qingci immediately picked up the medicine box and prepared to leave the side hall.

Unexpectedly, the next moment, Xie Bufeng slowly raised his hand to stop him: "My dear, you don't have to avoid it."

Before Wen Qingci could react, Xie Bufeng gently put his arm around his waist and pulled him onto the couch.

And at the moment when the feeling of weightlessness came over him, she gently rubbed Wen Qingci's lips with her fingertips, blocking the exclamation that he almost made.

Although the side hall was converted from the Imperial Medical Bureau, the furniture and furnishings inside the hall are of high quality.

The priceless rosewood couch glows brilliantly under the light.

The five-clawed coiled dragon on the couch constantly reminds the owner of his identity—the current emperor.

This is a dragon couch, which theoretically only the emperor can use.

The footsteps outside the hall were getting heavier and heavier. Led by the eunuchs, the two kings of Beidi walked to the side hall.

Wen Qingci was startled by his action and lowered his voice and said, "Your Majesty, please let me go. This is too presumptuous."

If Xie Bufeng hadn't had his hand on Wen Qingci's waist, he would have probably escaped from here long ago.

"Everyone in the Wei Dynasty knows that the imperial physician Wen Qingci is my descendant," Xie Bufeng also whispered in his ear, following Wen Qingci's lead, "My dear minister, how can you be so presumptuous as to sit here?"

Wen Qingci still wanted to struggle.

But Xie Bufeng's power was not something he could resist.

The beaded curtain studded with gems crackled with Wen Qingci's movements, completely disturbing his mind.

At this time, King Chiye and King Ahe of Beidi had already entered the palace.

They are representatives of the surrendered nobles of Northern Di, and this time they are on a routine visit to the capital to report to the emperor.

As a subject, you are not allowed to look up and face the emperor without permission.

The two kings who had already surrendered to the Wei Dynasty only heard the "crackling" sound in their ears and did not look up to see the two people sitting on the dragon couch.

They bent down and placed their hands on their chests to salute Xie Bufeng.

Seeing King Chiye and King Ahe coming, Wen Qingci immediately stopped struggling, and even held his breath involuntarily, sitting stiffly in his place, fearing that he would be discovered.

"Your Majesty, long live the emperor—"

The Northern Di nobles, who had recently surrendered to the Wei Dynasty, were able to greet Xie Bufeng in Mandarin.

"No need to be polite."

The black-robed emperor's hand slowly brushed across Wen Qingci's waist.

He brought Wen Qingci, who kept dodging and almost falling off the couch, closer.

And whispered in his ear: "My dear, come closer, be careful not to fall."

Then he raised his eyes and asked calmly: "In which counties in Beidi, are the grass and water lush this summer?" His tone became particularly official at this moment, as if the person who was whispering in Wen Qingci's ear the previous second was not him.

Xie Bufeng went straight to the point. King Chiye and King Ahe did not dare to delay and immediately said what they had prepared.

Although the two men had heavy accents, Wen Qingci, who was forced to stay here, soon understood what they meant. He also learned for the first time how Xie Bufeng controlled Beidi.

In the past, the Northern Di tribes lived by following water and grass, wandering aimlessly across the entire territory.

After Xie Bufeng conquered Beidi, he broke it up into hundreds of counties and districts.

Each district is allocated a fixed population and is not allowed to leave at will.

If a certain area suffered a disaster or loss, the court would be responsible for transporting pasture from other counties and districts. This is the so-called "the grass moves, but the people do not move."

If this continues, the activities and exchanges between the various counties and regions in Beidi will gradually weaken, and they will no longer be able to form a unified and powerful force as they did thousands of years ago.

The purpose of King Chiye and King Ahe's visit to Yongdu this time was to report on the water and grass conditions in various places this summer and wait for the court's deployment.

After all, it was the land that we conquered.

Xie Bufeng knew every tree and blade of grass in Beidi.

Without even looking at the map, he accurately planned the route for transporting the hay.

The deep voice echoed in the side hall.

Neither hurried nor slow, yet possessing an imperial majesty.

Through the swaying pearl curtain, Wen Qingci saw that even King Chiye and King Ahe looked at Xie Bufeng with a bit of unconcealable admiration.

At the same time, when Xie Bufeng paused in his words, he felt a little afraid.

It has to be admitted that although Xie Bufeng was willful in private, he was extremely qualified as a monarch.

He is a powerful emperor who rules the world.

It's just... these two kings probably didn't expect that the monarch of the Wei Dynasty was not as serious as they imagined.

King Chiye continued, "This summer's vegetables have been shipped from Changyuan and are expected to arrive in Moro County in seven days."

The moment the word "Changyuan" appeared in his mouth, Xie Bufeng involuntarily tightened the hand that was holding Wen Qingci's waist.

The skin on Wen Qingci's waist was sensitive to begin with, and his body trembled reflexively following Xie Bufeng's movements.

His elbow hit the bead curtain involuntarily, and a crackling sound was heard in the side hall again.

The two people standing at the bottom of the long steps couldn't help but look up and forward.

See you next...

Behind the bead curtain decorated with gems and corals, there were two blurry figures.


The two couldn't help but look at each other, and both saw shock and ambiguity in each other's eyes.

—If I am not mistaken, the person sitting next to the emperor should be a man.

Even though they were far away in Beidi, they had already heard the rumors that the Emperor of Wei Dynasty was a "homosexual".

Legend has it that his beloved had passed away long ago.

Could it be that the one above is his male lover

While his companions were talking, King Ach couldn't help but raise his eyes and glance upwards secretly.

The bead curtain gradually became still, and King Ah He clearly saw a pale and thin figure sitting next to Xie Bufeng and sharing the dragon bed with him.

His eyebrows and eyes were cold, and there was a little cinnabar on his forehead, which made him somewhat similar to the statues on the murals and shrines of the Wei Dynasty.

Although he had been defeated by Xie Bufeng long ago and was convinced, he truly regarded the other party as his king.

This does not mean that he is willing to bow to a male concubine.

King Aheh thought with disdain: "How could a male favorite sit in that place? And he even accepted my greeting. When Your Majesty gets tired of playing with him, I will ask for him and bring him back to Beidi!"

Xie Bufeng suddenly narrowed his eyes.


A porcelain bowl suddenly flew out from behind the bead curtain.

The thin porcelain wall turned into a sharp blade and cut through the bead curtain.

In an instant, the gems shattered to the ground, making a loud and chaotic sound and flying everywhere.

At this moment, the bowl hit King Ahe's forehead hard and broke into pieces.


The edge of the porcelain cut the blood vessels on his forehead, and the next moment King Ah's face was covered in blood.

"My queen, can you see whatever you want with your eyes?" Xie Bufeng said this in the Beidi language.

Emperor, Queen

King Ah was stunned for a moment, and without caring about the blood on his forehead, he immediately kowtowed.

At this time, his two hands lying on the ground were shaking.

There was still a hint of smile in Xie Bufeng's words, but King Ah, who had once been his opponent, knew that the more careless the emperor's tone was and the more he smiled, the more dangerous it was.

King Ah was afraid that Xie Bufeng's next words would be to dig out his eyes.

After just a few seconds, a pool of blood appeared on the ground.

"What is he doing?" King Ah's actions startled Wen Qingci.

"Nothing." Xie Bufeng didn't want Wen Qingci to know what the other party was thinking.

At this time, King Chiye had completed the report, and Xie Bufeng had also made arrangements.

Seeing the pool of blood on the ground, he finally said in the Northern Di language with a little disgust: "Back off, my queen doesn't like this smell."

"Yes Yes!"

King Ahe immediately stood up and retreated with King Chiye. He even wiped the blood on the ground with his sleeves when leaving.

Incense was burning in the side hall, and after a while the smell of blood disappeared.

Wen Qingci finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally left.

He was about to get up and leave.

But Xie Bufeng leaned over and whispered in his ear: "The summer in the north is different from Yongdu. Even at noon it is a little chilly. When it rains well in summer, the grass can grow as high as a person's waist. The streams melted from the snow-capped mountains pass through the grasslands... How about I take you to the north to have a look next year?"

After he finished speaking, Xie Bufeng finally couldn't help himself and gently bit Wen Qingci's earlobe. His breathing suddenly became disordered: "We can still go back to Changyuan, back to the City Lord's Mansion."

Changyuan, the city lord’s mansion.

What happened there is still clearly engraved in Wen Qingci's mind.

After that confession, Xie Bufeng no longer concealed his despicable thoughts about Wen Qingci.

Everything was reminding Wen Qingci that he could no longer treat Xie Bufeng as a child.

He no longer needs anyone's pity.

He is an adult, a dangerous adult with emotions and delusions.

Xie Bufeng, who had been on the battlefield, knew best how to capture cities and territories.

Although he didn't know what Wen Qingci was thinking when he returned to Yongdu, everything he did was to stimulate Wen Qingci to recognize his own heart, and even to test his bottom line.

Nagahara's memories came rushing back once again.

And Xie Bufeng, who was beside him, also reluctantly let go of his earlobe.

Wen Qingci stood up suddenly and took half a step back.

He turned aside and said coldly: "How could Your Majesty do such a thing in such a place?"

Wen Qingci had obviously tried to sound serious, but after he said that, there was a sense of weakness in his words.

Her cheeks also flushed lightly.

Realizing that something was wrong with his condition, Wen Qingci immediately turned around and walked out of the hall carrying the medicine box.

Xie Bufeng clearly understood what he meant, but he deliberately misinterpreted it and said, "My dear, do you think this place is not formal enough?"

As he spoke, Xie Bufeng still had a stern face, and his voice was as low and calm as before.

It seemed as if he was discussing serious matters with Wen Qingci.

Wen Qingci, who had already walked out of the hall, couldn't help but pause.

He subconsciously followed Xie Bufeng's words and thought: Where is formal

After realizing what mess he had been thinking about, Wen Qingci's cheeks suddenly felt hot.

(End of this chapter)