Blade of the Sword Master

Chapter 113: female?


After successfully condensing the blood elixir, Xiao Chen has to wait for Chen Ling to condense the blood elixir and also for Xiao Qing to come out of seclusion. Calculating, it will take at least half a month, especially for Xiao Qing.

Dragon Transformation Liquid is extremely important to Xiao Qing, so there can be no mistakes in this retreat. While waiting for Xiao Qing to come out of retreat, Xiao Chen also plans to make another breakthrough in his own cultivation.

Originally, according to normal circumstances, he had just broken through to the Xuanyuan Realm. At this time, it would be difficult for Xiao Chen to break through again. However, because of the concentration of blood pills, Xiao Chen's cultivation has been improved, and he has broken through to the Xuanyuan Realm. The possibility of small perfection.

Preparing for a breakthrough, at the same time, three days later, Chen Ling successfully condensed the blood pills. After seeing Xiao Chen break through in seclusion, Chen Ling also planned to break through his own cultivation.

The two brothers were practicing while waiting for Xiao Qing to come out of seclusion. Ten days passed in a blink of an eye. On this day, Xiao Chen and Chen Ling both broke through to the Small Perfection of Xuanyuan Realm. This breakthrough, the Blood Pill gave them extremely powerful Big help.

After a successful breakthrough in cultivation, after waiting for another five days, Xiaoqing also successfully refined the dragon-transforming liquid, and the power of his bloodline was stimulated. Only the second-level monster was able to speak human words.

Excited to find Xiao Chen and Chen Ling. After half a month of seclusion, Xiao Qing's appearance has undergone tremendous changes. The former snake body has completely faded away. Two small dragon horns stand on her forehead. At the same time, her abdomen has also grown. It has four dragon claws, each with five fingers.

As we all know, a real dragon has five fingers, while a dragon has only four. From this, it can be seen that Xiao Qing's bloodline is indeed a real dragon. Seeing Xiao Qing's changes, Xiao Chen and Chen Ling were very happy. After all, the Dragon Transformation Liquid was not in vain. And Xiao Qing's bloodline power has indeed been initially activated.

They were happy in their hearts, but when they heard Xiao Qing speak, Xiao Chen and Chen Ling were both stunned. Looking at Xiao Qing, Xiao Chen said in shock, "You... you are a woman?"

I had never cared about Xiao Qing's gender before, until Xiao Qing spoke now, and the pleasant female voice stunned Xiao Chen and Chen Ling.

Xiao Qing was actually a woman. For a moment, Xiao Chen and the two of them found it difficult to accept it.

Faced with the horror of the two of them, Xiao Qing said with an unhappy face, "What's wrong with the woman? Why, you two look down on me as a woman?"

"No, no, no, that's not what we meant. We have always regarded you as a brother, and suddenly we have to accept that you are a woman. We..." Faced with Xiao Qing's dissatisfaction, Chen Ling explained.

Originally, the three of them were planning to sworn brothers, but now Xiao Qing... Xiao Chen and Xiao Chen were confused for a while.

"What's wrong with women? Women can't be brothers with you? Or do you no longer want to be brothers with me?" Xiao Qingjiao shouted.

There was no intention of not wanting to be sworn brothers with Xiao Qing, but it was just difficult to adapt to it for a while. As time went by, Xiao Chen and Chen Ling gradually accepted Xiao Qing's identity. At the same time, Xiao Qing also gave herself He chose a name for himself, Long Qing.

The dragon clan all have dragon as their surname, so there is nothing wrong with this name. After accepting Xiaoqing's identity as a girl, the three of them will naturally not regret their sworn vows, but then they encounter another problem, that is, the three of them ranking issues.

When three people become sworn brothers, there is naturally a ranking, and there are differences among the three as to who should be the eldest brother.

According to Chen Ling's intention, since they wanted to become sworn brothers, they would naturally be ranked based on their age. In this way, Chen Ling, who had been born in two lifetimes, would undoubtedly become the eldest brother.

Regarding Chen Ling as his eldest brother, Xiao Chen couldn't resist him and finally chose to agree. However, during the subsequent fight between the second brother and the second sister, Xiao Chen was completely speechless.

Long Qing, the little girl, wanted to be the second sister no matter what, and Xiao Chen became the third brother, the youngest among the three. Xiao Chen was naturally dissatisfied with this and said angrily.

"I have no problem with ranking according to age, and I have no problem with Chen Ling being the eldest brother, but you are obviously just a newborn, why do you want to be the second sister?"

Long Qing was born in Bailing Cemetery, so she is indeed younger than Xiao Chen, but this is Xiao Chen's reason. According to Long Qing, although she was just born, if she is considered broken When she emerged from her shell, she would be much older than Xiao Chen.

When Chen Ling got Long Qing, Long Qing was just a dragon egg that hadn't hatched yet. However, Long Qing insisted on counting her age from here. In this way, she was indeed older than Xiao. There's a lot of dust.

Without giving in, Xiao Chen was defeated as expected. Facts have proved that it is almost impossible to reason with a woman, even if the woman is a dragon.

The rankings were confirmed. Among the three brothers and sisters, Chen Ling was the eldest, Long Qing was the second, and Xiao Chen became the third, the youngest among the three.

Looking at Chen Ling and Chen Ling who had evil smiles on their faces, Xiao Chen said unhappily, "According to your calculation, you two guys are already old monsters who have lived for who knows how many years. Even the three big beasts I’m afraid the emperor and the seven masters are not as old as you, right?”

Inexplicably becoming the youngest among the three, Xiao Chen's mood can be imagined.

Facing Xiao Chen's dissatisfaction, Chen Ling and the two didn't care at all.

The ranking was determined, and the next step was to sworn sworn friends. According to Long Qing's intention, the sworn vows of the three people should not be too casual. Therefore, Long Qing also asked the three beast emperors for help, hoping that they could help the three beast kings. The person presided over the sworn worship hall, and under the witness of all the monsters in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range, the three of them became sworn brothers and sisters.

The three beast kings served as witnesses, which was definitely a luxurious treatment. Faced with Long Qing's request, the three beast kings did not refuse. After all, this was a trivial matter.

The date of the sworn sworn ceremony was set for three days. Under the orders of the Beast Emperor, the monsters in the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range began to take action.

In fact, there is no need to prepare anything. The place of sworn worship was chosen on the highest peak in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range, called Jinding. It is said that this is not only the highest peak in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range, but also the highest peak in the entire Tianchen Continent. At the same time, it is also known as the place closest to the sun, so it is called the Golden Summit.

The place of sworn vows was directly chosen on the Golden Summit. Of course, with the current strength of Xiao Chen and the others, they would not be able to climb onto the Golden Summit. When the day of sworn sworn ceremony was held, the three beast kings would personally take the three of them to climb up. Golden Dome.

The Jinding sworn sworn brother made Xiao Chen and the other three people full of expectations. Needless to say, the feelings between the three of them have grown along the way. Now, they are about to become brothers and sisters of the opposite sex. In the hearts of the three of them, they have already known each other. The other party is regarded as a relative.

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(End of chapter)