Blade of the Sword Master

Chapter 156: One person is enough


The sudden Lord of Heaven's Order made everyone in Jiuxiao Palace feel in a daze. This was an order personally issued by the Lord of Nine Heavens. It has been many years since there was a Heaven's Order of Lord in Jiuxiao Palace.

All Jiuxiao Palace disciples, deacons, elders, and even the peak masters were looking towards the sky. At first, everyone was shocked by the Lord's order, but soon everyone came back to their senses and turned their eyes to the Heavenly Sword one after another. peak.

"The proud king of the Mu family appeared in the capital of the Bibo Empire and captured and detained the ten disciples of the Saintess' Peak."

"Not only that, among these ten people, there is also my peerless talent from Saintess Peak, Senior Sister Xu Ling."

"What? You said that Senior Sister Xu Ling was also captured by Na Muhe and detained in the capital of Bibo Empire?"

Many disciples started talking one after another. Soon, the news about the Bibo Empire spread among the Nine Peaks at an extremely fast speed. When they learned that even Xu Ling was detained by Mu He in the Bibo Empire, everyone was shocked, but they heard that Muhe actually asked the powerful men from Jiuxiao Palace to go to the Bibo Empire in person to apologize and admit their mistakes before letting him go. Many disciples became completely angry again.

This is simply too much bullying. Asking the powerful men from Jiuxiao Palace to apologize to him and admit his mistakes, what does this mean? Does it mean that Jiuxiao Palace is not as good as Mu Family? Or is it that Jiuxiao Palace does not dare to offend the Mu family

As the events in the Bibo Empire spread rapidly, the angry curses from Jiufeng disciples also came one after another.

"What an arrogant Mu family. Do you really think that there is no one in my Jiuxiao Palace?"

"That's right, do you really think that the Mu family is the only one with Prince Jiao sitting in charge, and my Jiuxiao Palace doesn't have one?"

"The master is wise. His Mu family has a arrogant king. I also have a arrogant king in Jiuxiao Palace. Let Senior Brother Xiao Chen take action and defeat Mu He in one fell swoop. Let me see if the Mu family is still crazy."

Mu He's arrogance completely angered many disciples of Jiuxiao Palace. At this moment, the Jiufeng disciples who usually fought openly and secretly united in a rare way. While denouncing Mu He, they also continued to cheer for Xiao Chen, and even Many people spontaneously gathered at Tianjian Peak. They wanted to see Xiao Chen off and witness with their own eyes how the proud king of Jiuxiao Palace came to the Bibo Empire and fought three hundred battles with Na Muhe.

Disciples continued to gather towards Tianjian Peak. At the same time, the disciples from Tianjian Peak immediately gathered outside Wuchen Residence. At this moment, Xiao Chen undoubtedly became the master of Jiuxiao Palace. The object of the disciple's gaze.

In Wuchen's residence, Xiao Chen looked at the domineering order that fell from the sky in his hand, and Xiao Chen had no choice but to smile, while Qin Shuirou on the side said with some worry, "Ms., Na Muhe is also one of the ten proud kings, will you?" Isn't there any danger?"

After learning that the Lord of Jiuxiao personally ordered Xiao Chen to go to the Bibo Empire, Qin Shuirou became worried unconsciously. This was not because he had no confidence in Xiao Chen, but because Xiao Chen's opponent this time was different from the past. One of the top ten proud kings in China, he is far from comparable to Xiao Chen's previous opponents.

Faced with Qin Shuirou's worries, Xiao Chen smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, it'll be fine."

He signaled to Qin Shuirou not to worry, and then gave her a few words to wait for her return at Tianjian Peak. After that, Xiao Chen left Wuchenju alone.

As soon as he opened the door of Wuchen Residence, Xiao Chen saw many disciples from Tianjian Peak gathered here. Seeing Xiao Chen coming out, everyone shouted, "Senior Brother Xiao Chen, you must make Mu He pay the price."

"He is so arrogant. Brother Xiao Chen, please fix him properly."

Everyone was full of expectations for Xiao Chen's dispatch and the upcoming battle between the proud kings. Faced with everyone's cheers and cheers, Xiao Chen smiled slightly, and then with the help of Qin Heng, Qi Yan, Mo Jie and other friends, he Walking towards the Tianjian Peak Hall.

The whole journey was packed with people, especially when they arrived at the Tianjian Peak Hall, it was even more crowded. In the end, Cang Xuan came forward and stabilized the situation, allowing Xiao Chen to escape from the crowd.

Entering the main hall, at this time in the main hall of Tianjian Peak, Cang Xuan, Cang Long and Cangyun, as well as Lu Yu and Su Zhen had already arrived. Looking at Xiao Chen, who was dressed in white like snow, slowly walking into the hall, Lu Yu His eyes were full of curiosity, and he wanted to see what was so special about Xiao Chen, who was ranked among the top ten proud kings along with that terrifying wooden contract.

He didn't dare to look at Xiao Chen openly and could only peek in secret. Xiao Chen obviously didn't notice Lu Yu. Although Lu Yu was the prince of a country, in Xiao Chen's eyes, the prince of this country was no different from a joke.

He bowed directly to the four Cangxuan people present and said, "See you, Master, my two uncles, Master Su Zhen."

"Chen'er, when you go to the Bibo Empire this time, you must not lose sight of the majesty of my Jiuxiao Palace. You must bring those ten disciples back safely." Sitting in the main seat, Cang Xuan said seriously, his voice full of usual emotions. A rare majesty.

Obviously, Cang Xuan also attaches great importance to this matter. This is not only for the majesty of Jiuxiao Palace, but more importantly, this battle is related to Tianjian Peak's status among the Nine Peaks. If Xiao Chen can successfully lead this battle With those ten disciples back, Tianjian Peak's status among the Nine Peaks will be greatly improved.

Facing Cang Xuan's expectations, Xiao Chen said in a neither humble nor arrogant manner, "This disciple will do his best to live up to the trust entrusted by Master and Master."

"Okay, then you and His Highness Lu Yu can set off." Cang Xuan said after receiving Xiao Chen's answer.

The Golden Winged Dapeng Eagle had been prepared for a long time. Then, Xiao Chen and Lu Yu walked out of the hall. Under the witness of countless disciples, Xiao Chen stepped on the Golden Winged Dapeng Eagle. It is worth mentioning that when he stepped on the Golden Winged Dapeng Eagle, Before Peng Diao, Lu Yu hesitated again and again, but finally plucked up the courage to say to Xiao Chen, "Senior Brother Xiao Chen, are you and I going?"

Seeing that Xiao Chen seemed unprepared, Lu Yu asked. The implication was to remind Xiao Chen whether he needed to bring some disciples from Jiuxiao Palace with him. However, in the face of Lu Yu's worry, Xiao Chen just replied lightly. , "It's just Muhe, I am enough."

As soon as he finished speaking, under the gaze of many disciples, Xiao Chen stood on the golden-winged roc eagle and disappeared into the sky amidst the cry of an eagle.

He was also standing on the golden-winged roc eagle, but he was behind Xiao Chen. Looking at Xiao Chen's back, Lu Yu's ears kept echoing Xiao Chen's words just now, "It's just a piece of wood, I am enough." , Lu Yu seemed to know why Xiao Chen was able to match that terrifying Muhe and be ranked among the top ten proud kings.

Lu Yu had some understanding, but at the same time, he also found helplessly that compared with Xiao Chen, Mu He and others, he was simply too weak, and there was no comparison at all.

Xiao Chen set off, heading towards the Bibo Empire with the order from the Lord of the Nine Heavens. On the other side, in the palace of the Bibo Empire's imperial capital, in a beautiful garden, a young man wearing a blood-red robe stood proudly in the garden. , behind him, Mu Feng stood respectfully, and asked cautiously.

"Cousin, if you asked Lu Yu to send the news back, will Jiuxiao Palace really send someone here? Knowing that my cousin is here, who among the younger generation of Jiuxiao Palace would dare to come here?"

Hearing Mu Feng's words, the blood-robed young man smiled slightly and said, "You are wrong, there is one person who dares to come, and I am still here just to wait for him, the proud king of Jiuxiao Palace, Demon Sword Xiao Chen."

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(End of chapter)