Blade of the Sword Master

Chapter 93: Dominate and maintain


At the critical moment, the purple light that appeared out of thin air successfully blocked Mu Yiyang's attack. Seeing this, Mu Yiyang frowned slightly, while the others did not dare to express their anger.

Just when Mu Yiyang frowned slightly, an illusory figure appeared out of thin air above Cang Xuan and others, wearing a thunder cloud robe. With the appearance of this figure, everyone present was completely uneasy.

Everyone was stunned in place, Lord Jiuxiao, the person who came was the incarnation of Lord Jiuxiao’s spiritual thoughts. Unexpectedly, even the Lord showed up. What is going on? Just because of a wedding, even the master showed up

Their eyes were dull as they stared at the Lord of the Nine Heavens standing proudly in the sky. After a while, Lin Xing and Zhao Wuyun were the first to react. They knelt down to the Lord of the Nine Heavens and shouted respectfully, "See the Lord of the Nine Heavens..."

"See the Lord of the Nine Heavens..." Lin Xing and the other two took the lead, and the others also came to their senses one after another. They knelt and supported the Lord directly on the ground, not daring to look at the Lord of the Nine Heavens. They bowed their heads deeply and shouted respectfully.

Facing everyone's salutes, the Lord of Nine Heavens ignored them, looked at Mu Yiyang calmly and said, "You can't kill them, go back..."

As the head of the Mu family, this status can be said to make the entire Tianchen Continent shake with every step of his feet. However, in front of the master, the identity of the head of the Mu family is nothing.

He also bowed his head respectfully and saluted. Although he did not kneel down, facing the Lord of Nine Heavens, Mu Yiyang did not dare to be disrespectful in the slightest.

Facing Mu Yiyang's salute, the Lord of the Nine Heavens said indifferently, "Let's go, go back to where you came from..."

He immediately started to attack people, but after hearing this, Mu Yiyang made no move. Dongjiange was just a force in the Dongyang Region. Although it was one of the five giants in the Dongyang Region, it was nothing in Mu Yiyang's eyes.

He could have easily destroyed Dongjian Pavilion, but the Lord of the Nine Heavens appeared. Now that he was allowed to go back in such a dejected state, Mu Yiyang felt a little dissatisfied.

Of course, the master cannot be disobeyed, but the head of the Mu family can be said to be one person below ten thousand people. If he just retreats like this, wouldn't it be a joke

Furthermore, it is impossible for the Lord of the Nine Heavens to deny him even this little face for a small Dongjian Pavilion. After all, he has to look at the face of the Buddha as well as the monk. His ancestor of the Mu family is also one of the seven masters.

With this thought in his mind, Mu Yiyang bit the bullet and said to the Lord of the Nine Heavens, "The Lord of the Nine Heavens, this East Sword Pavilion... ... ... ... ...."

The tone was very respectful, but before Mu Yiyang could finish his words, the Lord of the Nine Heavens snorted and interrupted. Then he pointed out, and from the sky, a Nine Heavens Divine Thunder struck down directly. After that, everyone just listened to the thunder light raging, After the divine thunder dissipated, Mu Yiyang was already seriously injured.

"I have already told you to go back to where you came from. Have you turned a deaf ear to my words?"

Mu Yiyang was seriously injured in one blow, and the gap between the two sides was clear at a glance. At the same time, this move of Jiuxiao Master also made Mu Yiyang never think that he just wanted to destroy Dongjian Pavilion, but Jiuxiao Master did not spare any effort. Seriously hurt yourself with your hand, this...

He spat out a mouthful of blood and slowly stood up. At the same time, the Lord of the Nine Heavens continued, "If you don't get out of here in three breaths, I will kill you directly..."

His attitude was very forceful. I don’t know what happened to the Lord of Jiuxiao to be so strong and his face was ugly. However, Mu Yiyang was obviously not stupid enough to disrespect a Lord. And just when Mu Yiyang was about to leave, Tianji once again An incarnation of divine thought appeared. Seeing this incarnation of divine thought, Mu Yiyang's face lit up, and he immediately saluted respectfully and shouted, "See you, ancestor..."

Another master came, and this person was the ancestor of the Mu family, the master of Mu Tian.

Two masters appeared here, and everyone present went completely crazy. What is going on

Lord Mu Tian appeared, his eyes fell directly on Lord Jiuxiao, and he said in a calm voice, with no trace of sadness or joy, "Jiuxiao, you don't take our Mu family seriously enough. For the sake of Dongjian Pavilion, you actually did it in front of everyone." You injured the head of the Mu family, should you give me an explanation for this matter?"

The Lord of the Nine Heavens directly attacked and seriously injured Mu Yiyang. This approach obviously made the Mu family lose face. As the current head of the Mu family, Mu Yiyang can be said to represent the Mu family. He was so humiliated by the Lord of the Nine Heavens. It is no wonder that the Lord of the Mu Tian Will show up in person.

Wanting to raise an army to investigate the crime, after hearing the words of Master Mu Tian, Master Jiuxiao said quietly, "Explain? I need to give you an explanation for what I did? I have already given him a chance, but unfortunately he didn't want it, so naturally I can only give him a lesson, so that He remembers it for a long time.”

"Oh, good, very good, Yi Yang, I am here, you don't need to worry too much, take action to destroy Dongjian Pavilion, I want to see how Jiuxiao can stop you..." Faced with the answer of the master of Jiuxiao, Mu Tian The ruler laughed angrily, and then ordered Mu Yiyang.

The cause of the matter was that Mu Yiyang wanted to destroy Dongjian Pavilion, and Lord Jiuxiao intervened to stop it. In this case, Lord Mutian would destroy Dongjian Pavilion in front of Jiuxiao to see what he could do.

Although he had been seriously injured by the Lord of Nine Heavens before, with Mu Yiyang's strength, it was still not difficult to destroy Dongjian Pavilion. After hearing his ancestor's words, Mu Yiyang immediately responded respectfully.

With the ancestor present, Mu Yiyang's heart was obviously at peace, and he no longer had so much fear towards the Lord of the Nine Heavens. After all, it was impossible for either of the two Lords to kill the other.

He was immediately ready to take action, and Lord Mu Tian also blocked him directly in front of Lord Nine Heavens, preventing him from interfering. And just when Mu Yiyang was about to take action, Lord Nine Heavens finally spoke.

"If you dare to touch a finger of anyone in Dongjiang Pavilion today, our Jiuxiao Palace will declare war on the Mu family until death."

… … … ….”

The tone was indifferent and did not mean the slightest threat, but after hearing this, Mu Yiyang was stunned. This... For the sake of Dongjian Pavilion, the Lord of the Nine Heavens did not hesitate to declare war on the Mu family.

Not only Mu Yiyang was stunned, but Master Mu Tian was also confused. For a Dongjian Pavilion, could Master Jiuxiao do this

"Jiuxiao, do you want to go to war with my Mu family for the sake of a small Dongjiange Pavilion?"

Once a war breaks out between the masters, it will not be like the five giants of Dongyang Domain. The war will definitely involve the entire Tianchen Continent, and the impact will be extremely far-reaching.

After hearing what Master Mu Tian said, Master Jiuxiao said calmly, "Little East Sword Pavilion? Haha, Mu Tian, your Mu family is going to destroy the sword peak of my Jiuxiao Palace. Do you think I can stand by and watch?"

"Sword Peak? What did you say? East Sword Pavilion is the Sword Peak among the nine peaks of your Jiuxiao Palace?" After hearing what the Lord of the Nine Heavens said, the Lord of Mutian asked in confusion.

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(End of chapter)