Blazing Armour

Chapter 10


As Ren Yi said, there was a traffic jam on the road, and they began to move at a slow pace.

After Ren Yi finished his meal, he had nothing to do, the car was so quiet that he could hear the other party's breathing, and the atmosphere was extremely awkward—at least Ren Yi thought so.

He is not the kind of person who can stand the silence, he coughed lightly and said, "Listen to some songs?"

Gong Yingxian pressed the play button.

A piece of thick and deep classical music came from the stereo.

"..." Ren Yi said, "Why don't you close it."

Gong Yingxian gave him a slanted look, his eyes seemed to say "There's a lot of shit", so he reached out and turned it off.

After a moment of silence, Ren Yi said again: "Have you collected the testimonies of the other suspects? Didn't the bar owner say that someone wanted to take revenge on him?"

"Well, it used to be his boss, and now they are competitors, but that person has an alibi. He was working in his own bar when the fire broke out, and there are many witnesses."

"Why is the rescue passage in the bar locked?"

"To prevent fare evasion, according to the staff, it has been locked for more than a year."

"The current evidence does not seem like arson."

Gong Yingxian nodded: "But it can't be ruled out yet. The suspect once threatened to burn down his bar in public. There is also the possibility of hiring arson."

Ren Yi thought for a while: "That Cai Wan looks more suspicious."

"Let's wait for her urine test results to come out. In the next few days, I have to find all the employees and customers I can find to record statements, and there are still a lot of surveillance to watch." After Gong Yingxian finished speaking, she rubbed the center of her eyebrows subconsciously. very big.

"Why did you become a police officer?" Ren Yi blurted out. After he finished speaking, he regretted it. Although he had been curious for a long time, it was none of his business. It's all because Gong Yingxian is so strange and mysterious, people are curious.

Sure enough, Gong Yingxian fell silent, and Ren Yi felt annoyed and wanted to punch himself.

At this moment, Gong Yingxian's phone rang, and Ren Yi was rescued in time.

"Hello." Gong Yingxian connected the phone, "I won't go back to eat tonight, um, no need, um, I know, okay, okay."

Ren Yi sneaked a glance at Gong Yingxian. Gong Yingxian's tone was not the usual indifference when facing him, it was the tone used when talking to family members.

After hanging up the phone, Gong Yingxian said, "The front is your squadron."


Gong Yingxian parked the car on the side of the road.

Ren Yi said: "I'll let you know if there's news from the Huodiao laboratory. If you find anything, you can communicate with us at any time."

Gong Yingxian nodded.

Ren Yi got out of the car and originally wanted to say goodbye, but he didn't want to appear too enthusiastic. After all, Gong Yingxian had always been cold to him, so he curled his lips and left without looking back.


Back in the squadron, just in time for other people to go out and come back with the police, and there were two groups of people.

Ren Yi asked, "What's the matter, why are you calling the police?"

Gao Ge said: "A brat got his head stuck in the anti-theft net. When we went, he even sang for us. It's so funny."

Liu Hui smiled and said: "Yes, his parents are very enthusiastic, and gave us a jar of dried radishes, and we will not let them go." He hugged the big glass jar, "I have pickles for dinner."

"Okay, let's have a change." Ren Yi asked Sun Yifei again, "How about you?"

Sun Definition sneered: "The trash can is on fire."

"and then?"

"Fortunately, we went fast, we went slowly, the fire was all extinguished."

"Ha ha ha ha-"

Qu Yangbo yelled upstairs: "Are you all back? Come up for a meeting."

After everyone sat in the meeting room, Qu Yangbo said: "There is something to announce today, we will welcome new comrades in arms soon, three."

Someone clapped the table, someone applauded, Liu Hui said excitedly: "I heard that there are women, is it true?"

"Really! Girl?!" A group of people became excited.

Ren Yi coughed heavily.

Qu Yangbo said: "That's right, we are about to usher in the first female warrior of the Phoenix Special Service Squadron."

There were bursts of cheers from inside the house.

"What are you excited about?" Ren Yi said in a deep voice, "Have a meeting, pay attention to discipline."

Ren Yi was usually approachable and approachable, and he called them brothers and sisters, but once he became serious, no one dared to make a mistake, because everyone knew that Ren Yi would not allow a little sloppy in business.

Qu Yangbo took a look at Ren Yi, and continued: "This female fighter and harmony soldier served in the fire brigade when she was a harmonious soldier. After retiring from the army, she went to university. She graduated from the fire command major of Wuhe Police University. It is you The junior sister of the Ren team, in short, she is a professional fire fighter."

Ren Yi took over the conversation: "Female fire fighters are very rare in the whole country. Her arrival will definitely have some impact on our squadron. Today's meeting is mainly to remind you of a few points. First, I don't It is allowed, anyone who has any frivolous or disrespectful words or actions towards this lesbian, if I find out, I will definitely punish him severely."

Everyone listened quietly.

"Second, in our work and life, we try our best to treat people equally, but gender differences are objective facts after all. We should give her convenience and understanding as much as possible. We don't care for girls, but we also need to have a manly gentleman's demeanor. .”

"Third, when you come to our squadron, you are a family. Help her adapt and integrate into the environment as soon as possible. Do you understand?"

Everyone shouted in unison: "Understood."

"Any questions?"

Sun Definition raised his hand.


"Captain Ren, you don't really intend to let her..." Sun Defined smiled, "Go to the front line?"

"Yes, Team Ren." Cui Yisheng said, "Lesbians are warmly welcome, but don't let her meddle in some men's affairs."

Ren Yi said: "You don't need to worry about these, just do what you should do."



The next morning, three full-time firefighters came to report.

Qu Yangbo held a small welcome ceremony for them in the study room, and a group of young war warriors secretly looked at the new female firefighter—Li Sa.

She is tall and thin, with a tall and straight figure, with neat short hair, straight eyebrows and eyes, full of heroism, even without makeup, and wearing training clothes that do not reflect femininity at all, she is still a beautiful girl.

Ren Yi introduced their squadron to the three newcomers: "Our Phoenix Squadron has a long history of 32 years, number 37, belongs to the Hongwu District Fire Brigade, and is the first batch of fire squadrons to receive the title of Special Service. And major events, there are detailed records in the team history museum, you should familiarize yourself with them as soon as possible.”

The three said in unison: "Yes."

"Our squadron currently has a total of 42 people, including 45 of you. You have met me and Instructor Qu. This is the deputy captain, Gao Ge, and the platoon leader, Sun Yifei. There are five squads in our squadron. This is Wang Xuan, the squad leader of the special duty squad. This is Mao Xiaoli, the leader of the driver's squad, Liu Hui, the leader of the first battle squad, Cui Yisheng, the leader of the second battle squad, Ding Qing, the leader of the third battle squad, and other comrades, you should get familiar with them as soon as possible and integrate into the group as soon as possible."


Ren Yi put the two men into the first combat squad and the second combat squad respectively, and then looked at Li Sa.

Li Sa's waist was straightened, and there was a trace of expectation in his eyes.

"Li Sa, from today onwards you will be assigned to the special class."

Li Sa was stunned for a moment, with obvious disappointment on his face.

"Sun Definition, take your new comrades to familiarize yourself with the environment, learn some discipline, and disband on the spot."

Ren Yi returned to his office and began to write the police report during this period, especially the fire from the fourth perspective. Each squadron has a special clerk who is responsible for recording in detail every dispatch and police situation. This document needs to be reviewed and signed by him. At the same time, he also needs to issue a report from the perspective of the commander. The more complicated the accident, the more complicated the content of the text. Ren Yi hates writing reports, just like students who don't like homework, but have to write.

As I was writing, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Come in."

Ren Yi looked up and saw that the person who came in was their new female warrior—Li Sa.

"Captain." Li Sa saluted.


Li Sa sat in the chair.

"Is there a problem."

"Yes." Li Sa pursed her lips, "I want to ask Team Ren why he only assigned me to the special class."

Ren Yi blinked and stared at Li Sa quietly.

"Because I'm a woman?" Li Sa looked directly at Ren Yi without flinching, and said neither humble nor overbearing, "So I can only do logistics work?"

"Do you know why you can come to my squadron?" Ren Yi asked.

“… I was hired.”

"You have been hired, and your resume meets the recruitment requirements, but like many squadrons across the country, I am not willing to recruit female warriors." Ren Yi said frankly, "You were hired because the instructor based on the political considerations."

Li Sa made a swallowing movement, but the expression on his face remained unchanged.

"There are many lesbians in the firefighting system, but most of them are engaged in clerical work and logistics. We don't want to use lesbians. It's not discrimination or prejudice. It's because this job involves physical fitness, strength, and psychological pressure. You should think about it clearly. Yet?"

Li Sa said without hesitation: "Think clearly. I have been a soldier, served in the fire brigade, and studied fire command. No one knows better than me. I am determined to become a fire fighter. I don't think that physical strength is the only criterion to measure my competence. I have a wealth of professional knowledge, I have good resilience and psychological pressure ability. My physical strength is not as good as that of gay men, but I also have advantages that gay men do not have. , such as entering a narrow area, such as when I need to be suspended, I am lighter than them, such as comforting the victims, I believe that through our cooperation, we can learn from each other's strengths."

Ren Yi raised his eyebrows, this girl has an eye-catching spirit, if she is not his subordinate, he would be happy to admire her, but this job is about real personal safety, he He cannot be hasty in giving his back to someone he cannot trust. He said, "Li Sa, why do you have to be a firefighter?"

Li Sa paused: "I have my reasons."

"You're right, you have your advantages, and this job does require coordinated operations, but neither I nor the other war warriors have ever worked with women. I'm not alone in this concern. If I put Putting an uncertain factor into the combat squad rashly will have a bad impact on other people. I cannot allow one person in the combat squad that is charging forward to be not trusted by others. So whether you are convinced or not, you can only Go to the special duty class first." Ren Yi stared at Li Sa with sharp eyes, "If you are really a qualified fire fighter, prove yourself."

Li Sa took a deep breath: "I will prove myself, thank you Captain."

"carry on."

After Li Sa left, Ren Yi sighed weakly, put his long legs on the table, and played with his phone.

He has neither the time nor the mood to pay attention to the news from Fourth Angle these two days, or subconsciously, he doesn't want to look back on what happened that night in this way again.

Now he finally recovered a bit and opened some popular press releases and comments from the media.

Most of the public opinion content focused on the cause of the fire and the person responsible, and a small part accused them of not being able to put out the fire, such as spraying water on the side, not going in to rescue people in time, etc. There were fierce quarrels in the comments.

They are used to the bad orientation of the media or the incomprehension of laymen. This time it is not serious, but they still inevitably feel uncomfortable and angry every time they read those words.

When he was younger, he was still full of blood, would quarrel with passers-by who scolded them, clashed with unruly reporters, and even almost called the police and the police. He had been punished and learned a lesson, but after he became After becoming the captain, he knew that his words and deeds affected the entire squadron, and he has never been impulsive since then.

So seeing these remarks, Ren Yi just smiled mockingly. He changed into a comfortable position, ready to turn himself into a goddess, and play board games to decompress.

At this moment, the phone rang suddenly, it was Gong Yingxian calling.

Ren Yi immediately answered the phone, and then immediately regretted answering so quickly, he could only deceive himself and say "Hello" in a loose tone, with a long tail.

"Cai Wan's urine test result came out, and it's positive." Gong Yingxian said straightforwardly.

"What does she use?"

"Methamphetamine, oxyimine hydrochloride, and buprofen. I asked my colleagues in the anti-drug brigade. Recently, there is a new type of drug on the market called 'Fairy Water', which is a mixture of these three things."

"What? What's in the middle?" Amphetamine and Bu He Luo Xie Fen Ren Yi knew, but the one in the middle was beyond his scope of knowledge.

"Hydroxyimine hydrochloride, the material for making K harmony powder."

"Oh, even if she smokes harmony drugs, how can it be proved that she caused the fire?"

"This kind of 'fairy water' needs a special way of inhalation, which is heating. First, atomization is convenient for inhalation. Second, when the temperature reaches 210°C, chemical changes will occur and the effect will be more violent. Therefore, this heating tool is best. It can continuously provide a stable heat source, is easy to obtain, and is easy to carry, so they like to use it... "

"...alcohol lamp?!"

"That's right." Gong Yingxian said, "The results of the Huodun laboratory haven't come out yet, right? I guess that piece of glass belongs to the alcohol lamp."

Ren Yi said in a deep voice: "So, they got high, knocked over the alcohol lamp, and ignited the sofa? Alcohol is a volatile substance, no wonder there is no trace of combustion accelerant, but there is residue on the bottle of the alcohol lamp. "

"So far, this is the most reasonable judgment."

"Okay, I'll let you know when the lab has the results. Once the evidence is solid, the case can be closed."

After hanging up the phone, Ren Yi heaved a sigh of relief. Finding and punishing the criminal is the only relief for the victim's family.