Blazing Armour

Chapter 103


After the meeting, a large group of people walked to the night snack street next door and went straight to a barbecue restaurant. Because it is close to the headquarters, many firefighters often come and go on this street, and there are discounts for all firefighters who come to eat.

They put together two big tables, seated more than a dozen squadron leaders, and frightened the waiters silly when ordering.

Ren Yi smiled and said, "Too many?"

The waiter nodded: "Too many."

"We are all thieves can eat, let's go."

A group of people chatted while eating, drinking, and the whole barbecue restaurant was filled with their hearty laughter, and the atmosphere was very lively.

Ren Yi took the wine and sat beside Yan Jue: "Captain Yan, here's a toast to you."

Yan Jue smiled and touched the bottle with him: "Seeing that you ate a lot today, you should be cured."

"Don't mention it, I only ate porridge in those days, and the main reason I lost weight was because I didn't eat well, hahaha."

"Hey, what happened that day? How could the body be found in such a hidden place?"

"The police caught a few prisoners before, and there are clues."

"Is it related to the series of arson cases in Hongwu District some time ago? We've all heard about it, saying that there is some kind of arsonist organization."

Ren Yi nodded: "It's not convenient for me to disclose too many, anyway, they are a group of very vicious perverts, and they have professional arsonists and bomb-making talents. You should also be careful when you go out to the police in the future. They tend to target firefighters. Looking at the cases in the past few years, maybe some of the cases we thought were accidents were related to them."

Yan Jue frowned: "It's so rampant, I've seen many arsonists before, but I haven't seen this kind of organized one, it's rare in the world, anyway, I haven't read any related cases .”

Ren Yi shook his head: "It is indeed rare, but they are of the X religion nature, which is easy to understand."

Yan Jue made a clear expression: "Fire has been closely related to religion since ancient times."

"We are now doing our best to assist the police and hope to catch their leader as soon as possible."

"Then you are also very dangerous? I heard that almost all of those cases were called by you."

Ren Yi smiled bitterly: "Almost all of them have contact with me, so I am now prohibited from acting alone."

Yan Jue patted Ren Yi on the shoulder: "We only have water guns, not real guns, so be careful in everything."

"Don't worry." Ren Yi touched the beer bottle with him and chatted, "Your team is relatively close to the industrial area, so you don't usually call the police much?"

Yan Jue nodded: "Yes, there are few houses around, mostly factories and warehouses. Although there are not many police officers, it is basically not easy to go out every time."

"It's also a headache in a densely populated area. I'll come to you for all the messy things, such as unlocking locks, unblocking toilets, and climbing windows. We have to go to a lot of jobs on 58 in the same city, and it's free."

The two are not too different in age, background and work, so naturally they have a lot to talk about, and they hit it off after a meal.

Just as he was enjoying his drink, Ren Yi's phone rang. Seeing that it was Gong Yingxian calling, he immediately sobered up a bit from the wine, and hurriedly walked aside with the phone: "Hello?"

"Still coughing?" Gong Yingxian asked straight to the point.

"Throat is a little itchy, it's okay, it's getting better soon." Thinking that Gong Yingxian called to care for him on purpose, Ren Yi felt happy.

Listening to the noisy background sound and the strangeness of Ren Yi's voice, Gong Yingxian frowned and said, "You're not in the squadron? Have you been drinking?"

"I came to the headquarter for a meeting today, the group meeting of the squadron leader, a lot of acquaintances." Ren Yi smiled, "I didn't drink much, and I wasn't drunk."

"Who will take you back?"

"Uh..." When he came, the soldiers in the driver's class drove him in a patrol car. Usually, he took a taxi and went back, but he remembered that Gong Yingxian didn't let him act alone. The effect of alcohol made his brain react I was a little slow, and didn't know how to reply for a moment.

Just half a beat later, Gong Yingxian understood: "The fire brigade is at Wanshou Road. I'm working a few kilometers away from there. Wait for me to take you back."

"Don't bother, I'm here..."

"Send me the address." Gong Yingxian's tone was undeniable.

"… Ok."

Ren Yi returned to his seat, Yan Jue opened another bottle of beer and handed it to him, he waved his hand: "I don't want to drink anymore, it's almost done, a friend will come to pick me up later."

"I'm going to take a taxi later. I'll just drop you off on the way. Anyway, I have to pass through your area when I go back to the squadron."

"Don't bother, you still have to detour."

Yan Jue smiled and said, "It's not far away, so why not be polite."

"Thanks, my friend will be over in a while."

"Okay, next time you come to my squadron, I'll take you to eat a very delicious boiled mutton."

A few people continued to eat, drink and chat. Half an hour later, Gong Yingxian stepped into the barbecue restaurant.

There was no smoke on his body, he was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, and his leather shoes were shiny. His demeanor was incompatible with this kind of street food stall, and he didn't look like someone who would appear here at all.

Coupled with that extraordinary appearance, when he appeared, everyone looked at him.

Yan Jue raised his eyebrows, and said in a contemptuous tone: "It turns out that the friend you mentioned is him, is he going to a wedding wearing this?"

The people next to them all laughed.

Ren Yi walked over: "Ying Xian, this place is not clean, there is a lot of oily smoke, wait for me in the car for a while, I will pay the bill and leave."

Gong Yingxian looked at the two large tables inside, they were filled with squadron leaders who wore the same flame blue uniform as Ren Yi, and there were leftovers, cigarette butts, and beer bottles on and off the table, and then looked at Ren Yi. Yi, with a flushed face and a radiant look, although obviously drunk, but also obviously happy.

He suddenly felt a strong sense of rejection, it wasn't just that he rejected the seemingly unsanitary environment and food, but Ren Yi's life was rejecting him.

Eating out, drinking, and chatting with colleagues, this is Ren Yi’s life, and it is also the normal life of most people. What is abnormal is himself. He can’t accompany Ren Yi to eat in delicious restaurants, nor can he accompany Ren Yi Ren Yi talked happily over wine, he actually couldn't get into Ren Yi's life, his life... There is no one who can live such a deformed life as him.

No wonder Ren Yi doesn't like him, in fact, no one would like him, even if he is attracted by his appearance at first, he will be scared away soon. For so many years, Ren Yi is the only one who is willing to be friends with him.

"Ying Xian?" Ren Yi rubbed his somewhat blurred drunken eyes, "What's wrong?"

Gong Yingxian shook her head: "I'll wait for you here."

"Are you sure? The environment here..."

"I'll wait for you here." Gong Yingxian repeated.

"...Okay." Ren Yi returned to the table, "Brothers, keep drinking, I'll withdraw first, be careful when you go back."

"Do not worry."

Ren Yi patted Yan Jue on the shoulder and said with a smile, "I will definitely go to you next time, and I will give you a chance to invite me to dinner."

Yan Jue stretched out his hand and shook Ren Yi's hand: "Contact often."

Gong Yingxian looked at the two of them from afar, and snorted coldly.

Ren Yi went to the counter to pay the bill, but was immediately surrounded by several squadron leaders: "Hey, what are you doing, how dare you rush to pay the bill when you come to our district?"

Ren Yi smiled and said, "I agreed to organize it today, so don't rob me."

"That won't work. Next time I go to Hongwu District, I promise to let you spend money."

Several people gave way immediately.

At this time, a man wearing a peaked cap came out from the back room, and the waiter who served food said, "Sir, the toilet is over there, and you are not allowed to enter the kitchen."

The man said "hmm" twice, and hurried out.

The barbecue shop was so full of voices that almost no one heard the conversation.

But Gong Yingxian who was standing at the door noticed the man. The professionalism and sensitivity of the police made him feel that this person was unusual.

The first is that this person walks very fast. The floor of the barbecue shop is a bit slippery due to the long-term oily smoke, and most people pay attention to their feet. Shrugging his shoulders, these expressions and body language all betrayed his nervousness at the moment.

It's as if he's not leaving a barbecue restaurant, but a tiger's den.

Gong Yingxian stepped in front of the man, took out his ID and said, "Police, please show your ID."

The man was stunned for a moment, then suddenly slammed Gong Yingxian away hard, and ran out.

At first, Gong Ying thought the man was suspicious. There were a lot of petty thefts in this kind of night market, but as long as there was no crime, the police would usually cooperate when they saw the police. , then we really have to go in.

So when he ran, it was confirmed that there was a ghost, and what happened during this period, Gong Yingxian quickly thought of something, he yelled at Ren Yi: "Evacuate first!" After speaking, he ran after him.

Everyone in the barbecue restaurant was dumbfounded.

It took Ren Yi several seconds to come back to his senses. He shook his head vigorously. Fortunately, he didn't drink alcohol for the last half an hour. He was afraid that Gong Yingxian would be unhappy, so he kept drinking hangover drinks. Now he is sober Quite a few, he shouted: "Everyone go out first, all out!"

Yan Jue ran over and said nervously, "What happened?"

Wang Meng also said: "Ren Yi, what's the matter?" He wanted to stand up, but he drank too much and almost tripped over the wine bottle under his feet.

"Don't ask, help the drunk out quickly if you can move, hurry!" Ren Yi didn't know what happened, and he guessed that Gong Yingxian didn't know either, because everything happened so suddenly.

Although the clerks and customers also looked dazed, since the firefighters said it, they didn't dare to delay, they got up and left the store one after another, and the store was a little chaotic for a while.

Ren Yi quickly recalled what happened just now, he didn't see any cause and effect, he only caught sight of Gong Yingxian stopping someone from the corner of his eye, and then that person ran away, Gong Yingxian went after him.

So the key is that person.

Ren Yi called out, "Who was that person wearing the black peaked cap just now? Which table is the guest?"

A waiter whispered, "I don't know. I just saw him too. He came out of the kitchen, probably looking for the toilet."


Ren Yi and Yan Jue looked at each other.

Yan Jue shouted: "Hurry up and evacuate, call 119, and disperse all the people in the surrounding shops, hurry up!"

Ren Yi ran to the kitchen.

The kitchen staff didn't know that something happened in the front hall, but they still worked as usual, Ren Yi shouted: "Everyone stop, all turn off the fire, all stop."

Everyone was stunned.

Ren Yi looked around and found that the most dangerous thing in the kitchen was the gas pipe. Household gas pipes are relatively simple and concealed, while restaurant kitchens need to be divided into many stoves and have many pipes. Sometimes because of the high transfer rate of shops, this one makes Japanese food, and the next one makes Sichuan cuisine. The kitchen is often changed, and if the changes are not standardized, the pipes will be exposed.

Ren Yi ran over and started to check along the complicated pipeline, first checking a few valves.

Yan Jue also ran into the back kitchen: "How is it?"

"The valve is not leaking." It seemed that there was nothing unusual, but just to be on the safe side, Ren Yi still closed the valve.

"Ren Yi!" Yan Jue growled, his voice trembling.

"What?" Ren Yi ran over to take a look, feeling cold all over his body.

There are several metal pipes that are being corroded by unknown chemical liquids!