Blazing Armour

Chapter 104


That thing looked very much like mercury—silver-white, viscous liquid metal. Ren Yi didn't know why he poured mercury on the gas pipes. It must have ulterior motives and sinister intentions. While grabbing the rag from the desk, he shouted: "Check to see if all the gas valves are closed and all open flames are extinguished. Call 119, hurry up!"

They could already smell the faint smell of gas in the air. They didn't know whether it was the smell from the back kitchen or it had leaked out. In short, everyone's nerves were tense. Even if the valve is closed, there is still a lot of gas remaining in the pipeline, and there is a risk of explosion in the event of an open flame.

Several chefs acted separately.

Yan Jue put on the chef's gloves, and carefully wiped off a piece of mercury. Seeing that the color of the pipe wall was obviously different from that of the surrounding area, and there were cracks, he said in a deep voice, "It should be corroded. Fortunately, it was discovered early."

The two of them felt cold all over their bodies, and the great fear was like an invisible hand, grasping everyone's heart in an instant. If Gong Yingxian hadn't come, if the suspicious man hadn't been found, if the gas leaked here, there were several open flames burning in the kitchen all the time, if...

Without these ifs, they would be terrified to even think about the consequences.

Ren Yi wiped off the cold sweat from his forehead, gritted his teeth and said, "There must be more than these places, check them all quickly."

A few more squadron leaders rushed into the kitchen. Ren Yi briefly explained the situation and asked them to check the gas pipes one by one.

In the end, it was found that four places had been poured with mercury, and two or three places were poured too hastily and fell to the ground. The pipes in two places were already cracked, and Yan Jue didn't even dare to touch them with his hands, so he carefully wrapped the pipes layer by layer with a rag. If the rag is not enough, wrap it with moistened toilet paper several times.

Several squadron leaders checked the entire kitchen carefully.

It didn't take long before the sound of sirens and ambulances outside.

Confirming that there is no danger in the kitchen for the time being, Ren Yi and Yan Jue glanced at each other, still feeling lingering fear.

Yan Jue sullenly wiped the sweat from his forehead: "This can't be...that X cultist you mentioned did it."

"From the perspective of tactics and targeting, it is likely to be."

Yan Jue let out a "fuck": "If it really exploded just now, I'll fuck it..."

Out of confidentiality, Ren Yi could not tell Yan Jue about the concert, because he had experienced the concert, so he was not surprised by the madness of these people, he was just afraid. What scares him even more is that this group of people has the ability, intention, and purpose to do even more terrifying things.

And they are still at large, and no one can sleep well if they are not arrested for a day.

"I now know why you can't act alone." Yan Jue said in a deep voice, "The matter is much more serious than I imagined."

"I shouldn't have come to the dinner party, I almost hurt everyone." Ren Yi wiped his face, his face was covered with ashes, and his eyes were dim.

Although he knew that he might become Ziyan's target, it was just a guess based on Ziyan's threat. Although they tried their best to prevent it, his life didn't change much. But this is the first time, the first time, this threat has become a fact, he is really Zi Yan's target.

The cognition of "someone wants to kill me and has already put it into action" is a huge shock to anyone, and the psychological pressure is also overloaded. What's more, Ren Yi is originally engaged in a high-risk industry, which undoubtedly gave the gangster Lots of opportunities.

Yan Jue said seriously: "You are not allowed to have such thoughts. This is the gangster's fault, not yours. If you hadn't been assisting the police all the time, they might not have targeted you. You are just doing what a firefighter should do .”

Ren Yi forced a smile: "Trust the police, they will be caught sooner or later, and I won't be intimidated."

Yan Jue patted Ren Yi on the shoulder: "I don't know if the policeman has caught anyone, let's go and have a look."

"It must have been caught."

"You have so much confidence in him." Yan Jue raised his eyebrows, "So, he came here to protect you?"

"Well, I was the one who called the police in the accident related to the case at the beginning. He came to investigate and cooperated many times. Later, I fully assisted them in solving the case."

People on the whole street were attracted by the strange movement of the barbecue restaurant and the police cars and ambulances outside. Passers-by asked each other what happened, but no one could answer.

The two walked to the street and saw private cars blocking the entire street, and the police cars and ambulances emitted red lights that made people nervous in the night. Ren Yi suddenly became worried, and ran over following the police car.

From afar, he saw Gong Yingxian, who was eye-catching in the crowd, and found that it was intact, so he was relieved.

Gong Yingxian also saw Ren Yi, he walked over quickly, looked Ren Yi up and down: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay." Ren Yi asked, "Did someone catch it?"

Gong Yingxian's eyes were red, and he gritted his teeth and said, "He ran to the road, was hit by a car, and died on the spot."

Ren Yi took a breath.

"What's going on at the BBQ? Is it dynamite again?"

Ren Yi said, "Let's take a look."

Gong Yingxian took a few policemen back to the store to collect evidence, and he went to the back kitchen with Ren Yi and Yan Jue.

After seeing the traces on the gas pipe and the metal liquid wiped on the rag, Gong Yingxian's expression became more and more gloomy.

"Can mercury corrode metal?"

"This is not mercury." Gong Yingxian said, "Mercury can corrode metals with low hardness such as aluminum, copper, and gold, but it has little effect on steel. This is liquid gallium, which looks very similar to mercury."


"Gallium can alloy metal." Gong Yingxian reached out and pressed the corroded pipe wall, and the hard steel was crushed like tofu!

Everyone looked terrified.

Gong Yingxian turned her head to look at Ren Yi, with a hint of fear in her eyes: "Is your dinner together today a temporary decision?"


"That means someone has been following you for how long you have been eating."

Yan Jue looked at his watch: "Nearly three hours."

"There is not enough time, and the preparations are a bit hasty. It is probably the first time for the person sent to do such a thing, and I saw the flaw at a glance. This is very inconsistent with Zi Yan and Bai Yan's behavior. They will do it at the concert. They have made very good preparations and even conducted in-depth research on the design of the venue, which proves that they are careful, planned and patient criminals, but this time the crime is very rough, and the first step into the kitchen will arouse suspicion. If you can’t check in advance, even if you fish in troubled waters and successfully pour gallium on the gas pipe, because people are sneaky, they may be discovered. All this proves that they jumped the wall in a hurry.”

"Because you discovered the identity of the playground and Bai Yan?"

"More than that, before I came here, we froze Bai Yan's funds, issued a wanted warrant, found his residence, and found him on multiple occasions. He was in the city, and because we monitored traffic With the blockade, it is almost impossible for him to escape from the city, and it is only a matter of time before he is arrested."

"That's great!" Yan Jue said.

Gong Yingxian said worriedly: "I'm worried that Bai Yan will retaliate more violently after realizing that he can't escape. This incident is an example. This person is too dangerous." He looked at Ren Yi, "I I'm going to apply for a writ of habeas corpus for you."

"This..." Ren Yi hesitated, "Okay."

Gong Yingxian explained a few words to the colleagues around him: "Let's go, I'll take you back."

"I need to explain to the fire department."

Yan Jue said: "You go, I will handle it."

Gong Yingxian didn't even look at Yan Jue, and pulled Ren Yi: "Let's go."

Ren Yi waved his hand at Yan Jue: "Thank you for your hard work."

Gong Yingxian quickly dragged Ren Yi away.

Back in the car, the two were silent for a long time.

Gong Yingxian was lying on the steering wheel wearily, his jaw was tense, and his slender fingers were grasping the steering wheel vigorously.

Ren Yi touched Gong Yingxian's head, and said softly, "I know you are very unwilling, but you have already saved many people tonight."

"He ran into the crowd of cars on purpose." Gong Yingxian said hoarsely, "What kind of brainwashing magic can make people do these things."

"You will know when you catch Zi Yan."

Gong Yingxian turned his head and looked at Ren Yi without blinking in the dim light, his voice trembling: "They want to kill you, if I'm not here today, maybe they have succeeded."

Ren Yi was also flustered in his heart, but he still pretended to be calm and appease Gong Yingxian: "So God sent you here, and we all survived well. Whether it's the concert or this time, it proves that evil can outshine good." .”

"I don't believe in these things."

"Then believe in yourself." Ren Yi said solemnly, "I also always believe in you, I believe that you will bring them to justice before they cause more harm, and you will save everyone, including yourself. "

Gong Yingxian was stunned.

Ren Yi paused and said, "You will get out of that fire."

Gong Yingxian suddenly leaned over and hugged Ren Yi fiercely, his tall body trembling like a child.

Ren Yi's nose was sore, and he hugged him back forcefully, stroking his back.

This is a hug full of infinite warmth. They exchanged care and comfort for each other through their clinging hearts.

It took a long time for Gong Yingxian to calm down. He let go of Ren Yi with some embarrassment, and said in a low voice, "You should be scared today, too."

Ren Yi touched his nose: "I'm afraid, if I'm the only one, forget it. There were so many squadron leaders in that store at that time. If it really blows up, it will be international news."

"If the Honglin Stadium is blown up, it will be international news."

Ren Yi smiled wryly: "Yes."

"In the future, the police will protect you 24 hours a day and patrol around your squadron. During this time, don't leave the squadron. I will try my best to catch Bai Yan as soon as possible."

"We need to call the police."

Gong Yingxian said angrily, "What else do you want to call the police at this time?"

"Aren't you also calling the police?"

Gong Yingxian was speechless.

"I'm also worried about you. In fact, Bai Yan should hate you the most right now. It's just that you are too vigilant and you have a gun, so it's hard to strike." Ren Yi looked at Gong Yingxian, "I also hope that you will stay with me." In your multi-layered security castle, don't come out, but you certainly don't. Me too, I can't hide alone and let my brother take risks."

Gong Yingxian glared at Ren Yi: "Can't you be obedient?"

Ren Yi smiled and said, "I can listen to other things, but not this one, this is my duty."

Gong Yingxian's chest heaved vigorously.

"Let's go, take me back to the squadron."

Gong Yingxian didn't move, obviously angry.

Ren Yi suddenly fell limply on Gong Yingxian's shoulder, and said coquettishly, "With the protection of the handsome and mighty Gong police officer, I feel full of security now."

Gong Yingxian couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing.