Blazing Armour

Chapter 114


Chen Xiaofei divided the nine squadrons into four combat sections. The first combat section was composed of Phoenix Squadron, Mulexiangkou Squadron, and Sanning Squadron, which mainly attacked Building B to intercept the fire and rescue the masses.

At this time, Wang Meng, the captain of the Luoxiangkou Squadron, was leading the soldiers to rescue the trapped high-level people by raising the platform vehicle. The mission of Phoenix Squadron and Sanning Squadron is to stop the fire in Building A from spreading to Building B through the corridor, and to search for trapped persons on the 7th floor and below.

The second combat segment is also composed of three squadrons, responsible for transferring combustibles to the C building under construction, and opening isolation zones when necessary to prevent the fire from spreading.

A squadron was sent out in the third combat stage, and two water cannons were set up to set up a water defense line between Wenhui Shopping Center and Mudan Shopping Center to prevent the Peony Shopping Mall from being affected.

A squadron was dispatched from the four combat stages to fully guarantee the water supply to the fire scene.

In addition, prepare a mobile squadron, ready to dispatch reinforcements at any time according to emergencies.

Among them, the most dangerous and the heaviest tasks are naturally the first battle stage. Among the two forces in the first battle stage, Phoenix Squadron and Sanning Squadron are the most important, because they will face the fire head-on.

Building A has formed a three-dimensional burning, and there is no cure. The most serious situation now is building B, which has a seven-story corridor with building A. The fire in building B is barely controllable, but it may detonate at any time. The high ground that must be won in the battle, if the fire in Building B can be controlled, it will prevent the further expansion of the fire.

What's more, there are still a large number of trapped people in Building B.

Ren Yi discussed tactics with He Xun, the captain of Sanning Squadron.

He Xun said: "According to the security guard, the fire started on the stack of goods near the corridor on the first floor of Building A. Since there were many small stalls around, the fire spread quickly. Climbing up the stairs, the entire Building A It fell within dozens of minutes. The fire spread along the corridor to Building B at the same time. At that time, some people ran down, and some people ran up, and they were trapped."

Ren Yi looked at Building A, which was burned into a burning building in the distance, and Building B, which was already seriously over-fired. At least half of the buildings below the seventh floor were overfired, and all the eighth to thirteenth floors above were also overfired. However, Chen Xiaofei had already deployed a water cannon to pour water from top to bottom, and the fire in Building B would not spread upwards for the time being. Now the main target of the battle is the first to seventh floors of Building B, which is connected to Building A with a corridor bridge.

Ren Yi looked at the design drawing: "I think another mobile water cannon should be produced to spray the corridor from the outside to prevent the fire from building A from spreading to building B through the corridor, and then we enter building B from the south window on the seventh floor , Observe the situation inside the building first, and then search and rescue and put out the fire."

He Xun shook his head: "Before you came, the chief of staff already wanted to add another water cannon between buildings A and B, but there was not enough water, so only one was installed."

"Is the water supply poor?"

"Very pessimistic." He Xun gestured at the firefighting map, "There are 4 fire hydrants around the mall, and 4 municipal fire hydrants nearby. One can be used, but the pipe diameter is 300mm, and the distance is lossy, so the water supply cannot keep up. Now the water supply is mainly relying on the water truck relay. Captain Chen transferred 12 sprinkler trucks from the municipal government, and now he can barely supply three water cannons. And a couple of water guns."

"What about the fire hydrants in the mall?"

He Xun smiled bitterly: "Wang Meng said that some can be used and others can't, it depends on luck."

Ren Yi frowned, his face full of clouds. In winter in the north, water supply to the fire site has always been a big problem. Beijing is not very cold, but after winter, each squadron has to conduct antifreeze maintenance on every fire hydrant in the area under its jurisdiction, and will also notify key firefighting units to maintain their own fire hydrants, but they cannot supervise every door and every household , so often encounter this kind of situation when the fire hydrant freezes into ice lumps when the fire is to be extinguished.

Ren Yi pressed the intercom unwillingly: "Captain Chen, how is the water supply situation now? We need a water cannon to suppress the corridor fire."

Chen Xiaofei replied quickly: "The wind is heading north now, and the Peony Mall is very dangerous. The two water cannons cannot be withdrawn. I am waiting for the municipal sprinklers. When they arrive, I will add another water cannon for you."

"how much longer?"

"They will arrive one after another within ten to thirty minutes."

Looking at the raging fire, Ren Yi sighed and discussed with He Xun: "If the fire in the corridor is not blocked, we will extinguish it in Building B." It's useless to try harder, we may not be able to wait that long."

He Xun nodded: "But without water cannons, it's impossible for us to extinguish the corridor fire layer by layer."

Ren Yi stared at the fire and pondered: "Turn down that antiaircraft gun, first help us to suppress the fire in the corridor, let Wang Meng send three water guns from the 15th floor to temporarily replace the antiaircraft artillery to suppress the high-level fire, ten minutes will be enough."

"You can try."

Just as Ren Yi was about to discuss this plan with Chen Xiaofei, he watched the water jet of the water cannon drop from the sky like withered flowers—there was no water.

"Fuck." He Xun scratched his hair irritably, "There's no water."

They listened to Chen Xiaofei's roar coming from the temporary command post on the side.

Soon, Chen Xiaofei ordered the mobile squadron to quickly enter the Peony Mall, fired four water cannons from the windows of the Peony Mall to stop the fire, and then transferred one of the water cannons to spray the upper floors between Buildings A and B.

Ren Yi couldn't ask for water cannons anymore, and now it seems that the supply of two is very reluctant, and the water supply situation is obviously more serious than he imagined. He gritted his teeth: "We have to get the fire under control before the sprinkler comes." He looked at the fire map repeatedly, and finally found some useful information, "Look, He Xun, is this a fire shutter door?"

He Xun glanced at it: "Yes, it turns out that there are fire partitions near the corridors A and B, why didn't they work?"

"The fire shutter door is either in disrepair for a long time, or it is not linked with the fire alarm. If the fire shutter door of Building B can be manually lowered, the fire can be blocked for a period of time."

"Then we must first determine what is wrong with the fire shutter door."

"Go and contact the person in charge, we..."

"Ren Yi!"

Suddenly there was a call from behind.

When Ren Yi turned his head, it was Yan Jue.

"Why are you here?!" Ren Yi was surprised.

"The team transferred our platform truck over here."

"Does your team have a 100-meter platform car?" Ren Yi was a little envious.

The super-high platform car is determined according to whether there are many high-rise buildings in the squadron's jurisdiction. There are only a few buildings, because this kind of car is extremely expensive. The area where the Phoenix Squadron belongs is the old city, and there are no high-level buildings. However, the Western Suburb Squadron led by Yan Jue has many large factories, so it is equipped with a lot of advanced equipment.

"Yeah, we rarely sell this car." Yan Jue looked solemnly at the building engulfed by the raging fire, "How is it now?"

Ren Yi quickly said: "The biggest problem is the lack of water supply. We want to attack the corridor, but there is no water cannon cover. Now we are trying to find a way to lower the fire shutter door."

"I'll cover you." Yan Jue's eyes were piercing, very bright in the dark, "Our car has a capacity of 40 tons, and we can give you two high-pressure water guns."

"Great." Ren Yi punched Yan Jue's chest, "You wait for my deployment. He Xun, how many people do you have on hand, let's divide into groups."

Due to the traffic control near Wenhui Shopping Mall, Gong Yingxian parked his car a long way away and walked over, relying on his police ID to pass through the isolation zone and enter the scene.

As soon as he arrived at the scene, what he saw was that Ren Yi and Yan Jue were having a serious conversation, forming an aura that outsiders should not enter between the two.

According to Gong Yingxian's knowledge, Yan Jue's jurisdiction is far away from here, he didn't expect to see this person he didn't want to see here. But this is not the time to eat, he trotted over: "Ren Yi, how is the situation?"

Ren Yi was stunned when he saw Gong Yingxian: "Ying Xian, stay away from the building, it's not safe here."

Yan Jue frowned: "This police officer, this is not the place for you."

Gong Yingxian didn't even look Yan Jue straight in the eye: "I suspect there is arson here."

"Now it's a firefighting scene, not a crime scene. Please leave and don't disturb our work." Yan Jue walked over, "Xiao Wang, take this policeman out."

Gong Yingxian slowly turned her head, stood in front of Yan Jue, looked at him coldly, and said with a frozen face: "This scene is very likely to be a crime scene, and I won't leave even a single step. How dare you bear the burden of letting him go?" The consequences of the police missing the first scene?"

"Do you dare to bear the consequences of delaying our fire fighting?"

"What's the matter with you two, don't make trouble!" Ren Yi said anxiously, "Yan Jue, hurry up and get the water gun ready, Ying Xian, you must ensure your safety when you are here, and don't hinder the rescuers .”

Both Yan Jue and Gong Yingxian were a little unconvinced, but seeing Ren Yi's expression was cold and firm, different from his usual laughing and joking appearance, they swallowed their words back.

Gao Ge was grouping, Ren Yi trotted over, he saw Li Sa at the end of the line, he beckoned: "Come here."

Li Sa walked up to Ren Yi in a few steps.

Ren Yi grabbed her thin shoulders, stared into her eyes and said: "I originally hoped that the first time you entered the fire scene, it would be a relatively safe one, but you caught up with a fire that occurs only once in five years. Then For the next action, you must fully obey the order, not just my order, everyone present is more experienced and qualified than you, so they can order you, understand?"

Li Sa shouted: "Yes!"

Li Sa returned to the end of the team, and Sun Defined said in a low voice: "Don't worry, Team Ren, we will watch her and let her feel it from the outside."

Ren Yi nodded, seeing He Xun coming back with a few people from a distance, he hurriedly greeted them.

"Sihuo, this person is Wenhui's security captain, he knows the situation of the rolling door."

The security captain said: "Leader, the rolling shutter door in Building B should not be damaged. The reason why it is not put down is that the battery of the sensor has not been replaced for several years.

He Xun said angrily: "In such a big shopping mall, you still use such backward fireproof partitions? Isn't this just a decoration?!"

If the fire shutter door could be lowered in time to stop the fire, Building B would never be so seriously overfired in such a short period of time.

The security captain smiled wryly: "Anyway, my job must be finished, so let me tell you the truth. A few years ago, the fire department asked for rectification, and asked to replace it with the smart one, which is linked to the fire detector, but the change will take a lot of money. The boss was not willing to spend a lot of money, so he changed one or two things to pay for the fire inspection.”

During his career as a firefighter, Ren Yi is very clear about one thing, that is, no unit in the world has fully qualified fire protection measures. Close the door, see too much, Ren Yi faced all kinds of irresponsible behaviors on the scene, from the initial anger to now, he is almost numb.

It is natural to be held accountable when something goes wrong, but right now it is not important to hold anyone accountable, the important thing is to save lives and reduce losses.

Ren Yi took a deep breath: "Soldiers of Phoenix Squadron and Sanning Squadron, Captain He and I will lead you into the 1st to 7th floors of Building B, which is the most dangerous place on the scene at present, and manually lower the fire shutter doors to temporarily stop the fire from spreading. You see, the water supply is difficult this season, we do not have water cannon support, this will be a difficult and dangerous battle, I ask everyone to obey orders and complete the task under the premise of ensuring their own safety."

The soldiers shouted in unison: "Yes!"