Blazing Armour

Chapter 115


Several cadres including Ren Yi and He Xun put on bulky fire-resistant clothing. It can be foreseen that manually closing the fire-resistant shutter door must be close to the fire, and conventional flame-retardant clothing is far from enough.

"Gao Ge, Sun Define, after entering Building B, take someone to find an available fire hydrant."


"There is a lot of smoke inside and the terrain is complicated. Everyone must make sure that there are comrades around at all times. They are not allowed to act alone. If they find that they are alone, they should press the alarm immediately."


Ren Yi led the team to Building B, while observing whether Yan Jue's high-pressure water gun was in place.

When passing a fire truck, he found that Gong Yingxian was standing aside, looking at him motionless, the calm mask deliberately disguised on his face was betrayed by anxious eyes.

Ren Yi didn't stop walking, but he took off his thick gloves and gave a thumbs up to Gong Yingxian.

Gong Yingxian's head was overwhelmed and his heart clenched tightly.

He didn't want to see Ren Yi walk into the fire, and he didn't want to see the person he loved approaching his life's nightmare again and again, and he spent the next minutes in extreme torment. But it seems that he will never be able to get rid of the fear and despair that the fire gave him in this life. The fire took away his family and destroyed his childhood. Nothing can stop it.

If he can, he is willing to use all means to keep Ren Yi away from fire and danger, but he knows he can't do it.

He can't stop a man from fighting for what he believes in.

After Ren Yi took a deep look at Gong Yingxian, he forced himself to turn his face away. He knew that Gong Yingxian was worried about him, and he knew what it was like. When he was a child, his father called the police, and he and his mother were also in trouble. Ann, tossing and turning.

He once asked his father why he had to do such a dangerous job.

His dad replied, "Someone has to do it."

Someone has to do it. Why can't it be me.

Yan Jue's voice confirming that the water gun is in place came from the intercom, and Ren Yi took a deep breath: "Let's go."

He led the soldiers into Building B through the south gate security exit.

There is a gap of 7 meters in the middle of the lobby on the first floor. Since the smoke and fire are going up, although it is the closest to the fire, the fire environment is slightly better than they imagined.

"Gaoge, take a few people to find water, and find the report."


Ren Yi tied the rescue rope to himself, and threw the other end of the rope to He Xun: "Sun Yiyi, follow me to explore the road ahead, He Xun, you and them stay where you are, and communicate with them at any time."


The two tied the rope and walked into the thick smoke.

"The fire shutter door of the corridor is at North 1 Gate. Do you remember the map?"

"Remember." Sun defined.

"Let's walk along the wall and use the pillars as a reference." There was thick smoke at the scene, and the visibility decreased as we went north. It was almost impossible to have a sense of direction in this environment. They could only rely on the topographic map and the scene pattern. The approximate position of the judgment.

"Fireman, is anyone there?"

As they walked, the two continued to shout.

The further they go, the higher the body temperature, and they know that this direction is right.

Passing through the layers of smoke, the crimson fire continued to magnify in the pupils.

Suddenly, there was a burst of explosions not far away, and the two pounced on the ground in a well-trained manner, but the explosions did not stop, like a firecracker, one after another, and they slammed like ghosts hitting a wall With a slap, the two of them were so frightened that they stuck to the ground and dared not get up.

"How are you?" He Xun asked.

"I don't know what kind of shit exploded."

With a bang, a brittle object landed next to Ren Yi, and he turned his head to see that it was a blown-out aluminum can, which seemed to be something like hairspray.

When the explosion stopped, the two struggled to get up from the ground.

Sun Definition complained: "Of all the equipment, I hate this one the most."

"I think it's cool, like an astronaut."

"Human astronauts can float, and we are like being filled with lead."

"Then you take it off."

"Tsk tsk, do you hear what you are talking about?"

"Speak less and save some air." Ren Yi took Sun Yifei to avoid the surrounding flames, and kept pushing forward, "There should be North 1 Gate in front, and the rolling door can't be seen here, so we have to get closer."

"There's too much fire ahead, we can't get through." Sun Defined shouted through the intercom, "Captain Gao, have you found any water?"

"Only one hydrant has water."

"You feel along the wall, we are near the third pillar."

"Captain Ren, we also found one." A soldier from the Sanning Squadron said.

He Xun gave the order: "Very good. You two and two, search around the flames for any injured people, and the others will follow me to North Gate 1."

A few minutes later, the two water guns joined Ren Yi.

"North 1 Gate is in front. Let's push it closer to see how to install the rolling shutter door. Give me the water gun, and the one without the fireproof suit stands behind." Ren Yi and Sun Defined were holding a water gun, He Xun and him The soldiers holding the other one, they boiled water together, and walked forward against the fire.

The combination of water and fire produced a large amount of water vapor, and the scene was as hot as hell. Ren Yi could feel the sweat on his body like a small river.

Ren Yi shouted: "Yan Jue, aim the water gun at the first floor, the north gate on the first floor of building B, we are going to the north gate."

"it is good."

Yan Jue's two high-pressure water guns hit the fire in the corridor on the first floor from the outside, temporarily suppressing the fire.

Seeing the right time, they rushed forward with water guns in their arms, splitting a path between the arrogant flames.

When the gate of the corridor was already faintly visible, Ren Yi said: "He Xun, you stay here, leave a water gun and half of the people to hold the position, I will try."

"it is good."

Fighting against fire is a process of fighting wits and courage. In such a place full of fireworks, if they all go deep into the position, they are likely to be shot back by the fire and cut off their backs. Therefore, at this time, someone must stay outside the position Hold their retreat.

A few years before Ren Yi joined the fire brigade, he made such a fatal mistake. He rushed into a dead end with a water gun in his eagerness to save people. As a result, the hose burned out, and the fire behind him became one again. If the rescue comrades were late In two minutes, he would be dead.

Ren Yi, Sun Yiyi and others continued to open the way with water guns, and finally came to North 1 Gate, and saw the rolling door on the door.

Ren Yi walked over carrying the high temperature approaching the limit of human body endurance. The glass cover outside the hand brake had already melted. He wanted to reach in and pull it, but found that the gloves were too thick to hold at all. He pulled out the crowbar from his waist, Insert it between the hand brake and the wall and press down firmly.

There was a creaking sound from above the head, the hinges of the rolling shutter door were released, and the entire door fell heavily with a loud bang.

Several cheers came from the earphones.

Ren Yi also breathed a sigh of relief, and reported: "The fire shutter door on the first floor has been lowered."

Fire shutter doors can usually block fires for 2-3 hours, which is a very effective means of isolating fires and preventing them from spreading, which is enough time to do more.

"A few people from the mobile unit were transferred to put out the fire on the first floor. We still have to go up, and there are still 6 doors to be opened."

The group retreated to the safe zone. After learning about the North 1 Gate, Ren Yi explained the location of the rolling shutter door and how to lower it, and then divided into three groups. He, He Xun, and Gao Ge each led a group. Each group is responsible for two rolling doors.

After grouping, they each set off with their equipment, and Ren Yi and Sun Definition went to the sixth floor.

Clothes are sold on the sixth floor, and the fire situation is more serious than the first floor. First, it is because of the crowded space and more combustibles. Second, there is no hollow structure on the first floor to release the pressure. All the fireworks are piled up below. They have just stepped upstairs. Feel the raging heat.

Sun Defined checked the fire hydrants in the corridor, and said happily, "Great, there is water in both ports."

Cui Yisheng put down the hose on his shoulders, connected it to the fire hydrant, and stretched the hose neatly and quickly.

"The terrain here is much more complicated than that on the first floor, but the structure remains the same. Walk against the wall and look for the pillars. Liu Hui, you take the three of them to search and rescue in another direction, and lead the way with water belts. No matter when, don't let go of the water." Take it, retreat immediately if there is danger."


Ren Yi thought for a while: "Li Sa, follow me."


Several people split up and acted.

Because there are shops all around, although they wanted to walk against the wall, they kept making deviations. There was thick smoke in front of them, and they couldn't even see a few meters through the perspective mirror.

Ren Yi and Sun Definition worked together to turn on the water gun, opening a way for them.

Cui Yisheng questioned: "Is it in this direction?"

"Anyway, it must be north." Sun Yifei looked down at the compass, and there was an LCD panel integrating various functions on their arms.

"Fireman, is anyone there?"

"Fireman, someone please answer."

Far away, they could hear the call of another group of comrades in arms.

After being so close for a few minutes, the fire in front of me became more and more intense, and it was impossible to pass through.

"The front must be North 1 Gate."

"This fire is too big, I can't pass it."

Suddenly there was a strange noise above his head, Ren Yi looked up and saw something dark shaking in the thick smoke.

"Get out of the way!" Ren Yi pushed Cui Yisheng who was closest to him aside, and they both fell to the ground.

A row of searchlights fell from overhead with a bang, and landed on the place where they had just stood. This was not over, and the ceiling material above the head began to fall in a mess.

Several people scrambled and retreated into the corner, waiting in fear for them to finish.

Ren Yi gasped: "Everyone is alright."

"No, nothing."

At this time, Liu Hui's eager voice suddenly sounded through the intercom: "Captain Ren, we just heard someone calling for help, but the person has not been found yet, and Ah Wen is gone!"